Help with a Final Decision on a Beach Rod

I am in the market for a new beach rod for the occasional session as I mostly fish from the dinghy so my budget is around $200.

I am after something that will catch tailor, mulloway and do some balloon fishing but also lob out a blob for some herring too so my three options are now down to:


I am leaning toward the 10-15kg and the 13' would be easier to travel with being a 3 piece as well as giving me a little bit of extra casting distance.

13’    10-15kg (3 piece) Prevail

12’    10-15kg (2 piece) Prevail

12’    8-12kg (2 piece) Prevail

11'6  8-15kg (2 piece) FWA


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Daryn's picture

Posts: 167

Date Joined: 01/05/12

I have the 13'

Wed, 2015-03-11 12:31

I have the 13' Prevail.

Awesome rod for bigger fishing, but pulling in a herring with it would be rather joyless. 

I use a lighter rod for normal beach use, and the Prevail is used to lob out bigger baits waiting for some monster to come and snaffle it.



Posts: 908

Date Joined: 06/05/12

I would go the 2 piece 12' 8

Wed, 2015-03-11 13:12

I would go the 2 piece 12' 8 to 12kg . The extra length just gives more leverage to the fish. I used to fish 15' rods in the surf but once I changed to 10'rods and overheads I found it much more enjoyable. The 8 to 12kg ord should be heavy enough for any fish you are likely to encounter unless Sharks and Sambos are your thing. Theres no one answer, go with what suits you.

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

 Cheers guys, ended up going

Thu, 2015-03-12 13:01

 Cheers guys, ended up going the 12' 8-12kg based on the main target species (tailor and salmon) and ability to chuck out plugs and slices


Officially off the Pies bandwagon