GPS help required

Hi all, 

i have a lowrance Lcx 112c that I use as a gps. Well I used to. It died 3 days before our comp up here which was less than ideal. Luckily (ish) I backed up the spots 2 years or so ago, but there are a number of spots on it that I would love to get back.

Lowrance have said they can repair it, but more than likely the spots will be gone.

So, does anyone out there know of an electronics repairer that might be able to weave some magic and get the old girl and her secrets back. 

In return you can have all of the spots that are on it - @ 600 spots between Samson and Exmouth. 28 years worth. And a block of export. 

Thanks guys and gals.


Posts: 112

Date Joined: 14/05/13

Might be able to help

Thu, 2015-08-20 18:00

Hey Daisy

i have helped Rockpom and Little Johnny recover marks from dead Navmans - have never succeeded in getting the units back to usable life but i am quite skilled in getting the units to talk via NMEA 0183 to my computer. If your unit has NMEA0183 output ( and i can get it to fire up) i am confident that i could get your marks back. I am downloading a manual now so will have a look into it tonight to see if i think i can do it.

Another drama is i am in Mandurah, and you're miles up there - let me read up on what the LCX does and how it talks and i'll flick you a PM soon.



Lastchance's picture

Posts: 1273

Date Joined: 02/02/09

You're a legend Moose, I've

Fri, 2015-08-21 17:53

You're a legend Moose, I've got a few mates in mandurah that do fifo out of here so drop off and pick up is no probs.

im off to bali tomorrow, but will be back in 2 weeks and hopefully it can be done!

Thanks mate
