Govt Fishing paper
Submitted by Colin Hay on Fri, 2008-03-28 09:05
This link will take you to a paper released today on new recreational fishing position paper. Click on the pdf file "Recommended Changes to Recreational Fishing of Vulnerable Iconic Fish (Ministerial Position Paper)" I am still awaiting the Minister's full announcement.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Basic changes.
Five fish named as fish of concern
Pink Snapper, Red Snapper, Djufish, Breaksea Cod and Baldchin Groper to have catch numbers cut in half.
Also tow closed seasons.
Still haven't seen the report but apparantly the losed seasons will be October until end of December and Feb/March.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
The recommended changes
Bag limits (Recommendation 1 & 2)
To reduce the overall number of vulnerable iconic fish (also known by fishers as demersal scalefish), that a person can catch and keep on a single trip, the preferred option is to reduce the current mixed bag limit for Category 1 “high risk” Fish from 7 to 4 in the West Coast Bioregion (between north of Kalbarri and east of Augusta). This measure will help reduce catches in the Midwest and Southwest zone sections of the West Coast Bioregion. In the case of the Metropolitan Zone, it will help protect the “savings” gained from the removal of commercial fishing effort. This measure will be most effective for smaller boats where there are only 1-2 fishers on board.
Pink snapper appear to have a greater ability to survive after being caught and released in deep water so bag limits are an effective way to reduce the mortality of this species. Therefore, the preferred option is to reduce the daily bag limit of this species in the West Coast Bioregion from 4 to 2 to assist in reducing the overall catch of pink snapper.
The new daily bag limit of 4 for Category 1 “high risk” Fish species still represents a good catch that should meet the expectations of the majority of recreational fishers.
Recommendation 1
That the individual mixed daily bag limit for Category 1 “high risk” Fish be reduced from 7 to 4 fish in the West Coast Bioregion (between north of Kalbarri and east of Augusta)
Recommendation 2
That the daily bag limit for pink snapper is reduced from 4 to 2 in the West Coast Bioregion (between north of Kalbarri and east of Augusta).
Size limits (Recommendation 3)
Recent research undertaken by the Department of Fisheries indicates pink snapper reach breeding maturity at approximately 50cm on the lower West Coast. This compares to around 41cm in the Gascoyne region (north of West Coast Bioregion) and the Kalbarri area (which was the basis for the current size limit). Due to this larger size at maturity further south, and pink snapper’s greater ability to survive after being caught in deep water, the preferred option is to increase the minimum legal size limit for pink snapper from 41cm to 50cm from an area south of Kalbarri to east of Augusta (the West Coast Bioregion, excluding the Kalbarri area).
Recommendation 3
That the size limit for pink snapper be increased from 41cm to 50cm from an area south of Kalbarri to east of Augusta
Limit of fish on boats (Recommendation 4)
To reduce the targeting and capture of unsustainable quantities of vulnerable fish the preferred option is to introduce a limit of fish on boats (boat limit) for these species such as dhufish in the West Coast Bioregion. The boat limit is designed to be effective in limiting catches in the Midwest and Southwest zones of the West Coast Bioregion, however, it will have less impact in the Metropolitan area where total catches per boat are lower. The boat limit, when used in conjunction with a seasonal restriction, would become the primary tool for reducing recreational catches to sustainable levels. The boat limit will be particularly effective for larger recreational vessels where 3 or more fishers are onboard.
Recommendation 4
That a boat limit of two daily bag limits for Category 1 “high risk” Fish be introduced (i.e. 8 Category 1 “high risk” Fish) for the West Coast Bioregion. Charter boats will be allowed to have a bag limit of 2 Category 1 “high risk” Fish per customer in the West Coast Bioregion.
Note: In the medium to longer term, separate and specific management arrangements will be developed for the charter sector to recognise the specific needs and management issues associated with this industry.
Seasonal restrictions for 5 vulnerable species –
dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper
Recommendation 5)
The proposed new bag, boat and size limits will not achieve the required 50% reduction in recreational catches that are currently necessary to protect dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper. Therefore other additional measures, such as the use of seasonal restrictions that prohibits the catch of these five vulnerable species, is required.
There was general support in the submissions received on Fisheries Management Paper 225 for the use of seasonal restrictions to assist in managing the recreational catch. This contrasted with alternate options such as tags or limiting fishing by issuing a restricted number of licences.
Given that species such as the five vulnerable fish species (dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper) are part of a multi-species fishery, the optimum timing of a seasonal restriction to reduce recreational catches may vary from species to species. For example, the spawning season for dhufish runs from December to March, which coincides with the peak recreational fishing season. Pink snapper and baldchin groper as well as some other demersal species also spawn over spring/summer.
Determining the optimum timing and duration of a seasonal restriction, while limiting the impact of that restriction on the enjoyment of recreational fishing experience, is a challenging balance to achieve. To that end, the preferred option is for a general seasonal restriction prohibiting the catch of five vulnerable species – dhufish, pink
snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper – during the spring-early autumn period, as well as late summer. A relief from the proposed restriction would apply during the peak holiday season (December 26 to January 31) so families can enjoy fishing for these popular fish during this period.
It should be noted that under any seasonal restriction scenario, it is proposed to maintain the current seasonal restriction to protect spawning pink snapper in Cockburn Sound, which runs from 1 October to 31 January every year.
Recommendation 5
That a seasonal restriction that prohibits the take of the five vulnerable fish species (dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper) applies from 15 October – 25 December and then from 1 February - 31 March in the West Coast Bioregion each year. This reduces the amount of fish caught over any year and offers some spawning protection. It also enables the opportunity to catch these five species during much of the summer holiday season.
It is important to note that the proposed seasonal restriction will only apply to the take of these vulnerable fish species as listed above. It will not affect beach fishing or boat fishing for species such as squid, whiting, herring, skippy or fishing for “pelagic” such as Spanish mackerel and tuna. This will allow recreational fishers to still catch a wide range of species.
Gear restrictions (Recommendations 6A & 6B)
To help protect vulnerable species such as dhufish, it is proposed that spear fishing on compressed air should be prohibited for “high risk” fish, and that the use of power assisted reels that enable fishers to operate in very deep water be prohibited.
Recommendation 6A
The take of Category 1 “high risk” Fish by spear fishing on compressed air (SCUBA and surface supply) be prohibited in the West Coast Bioregion.
Recommendation 6B
The use of power assisted fishing reels (e.g. electric fishing reels etc) by recreational fishers be prohibited in the West Coast Bioregion (exemptions for disabled fishers etc can be provided).
Fishing Competitions (Recommendation 7)
Large-scale fishing competitions, including those that offer prize money, have the potential to impact on fish populations by increasing the level of targeting of certain species and raising the risk of localised depletion of our vulnerable iconic species.
Recommendation 7
Initiate discussion with fishing clubs to discourage public fishing competitions in the West Coast Bioregion from targeting high risk species such as dhufish, pink snapper and baldchin groper in prize categories.
Abrolhos Islands (Recommendation 8)
In recognition of the high conservation value of the Abrolhos Islands, this area should be managed as a “low-takeaway” fishing area. In the longer term the preferred option is to start discussions with relevant stakeholders to evaluate the appropriateness of managing the Abrolhos Islands as a pilot “no takeaway” or Wilderness Fishing Area.
Recommendation 8
That the finfish possession limit at the Abrolhos Islands and within the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection Area be reduced to 10kg of fillets or 1 days bag limit of whole fish per person – this possession limit can be transported back to the mainland.
Note: Under this proposal the current interim prohibition to the take of baldchin groper at the Abrolhos Islands would be lifted. However, the annual spawning closure (1 November to 31 January) will remain.
Voluntary Logbooks (Recommendation 9)
Logbooks are an essential component of the future research management strategy and will provide more accurate and cost effective information on recreational participation and effort. Logbooks will be distributed in a number of ways including with boat registration, at tackle and retail stores or online forms. The Department of Fisheries has established a voluntary Recreational Angler Logbook program which is capable of providing trend information on recreational catches. This program will be expanded to provide valuable catch and effort information from anglers targeting vulnerable species, particularly dhufish, pink snapper, baldchin groper, breaksea cod and red snapper.
Recommendation 9
That the existing voluntary Recreational Angler Logbook program be enhanced to provide additional catch and effort information for vulnerable species in the West Coast Bioregion.
Recreational Fishing Trust Fund (Recommendation 10)
In the interests of empowering the recreational fishing sector in a meaningful way a Recreational Fishing Trust Fund will be established. Revenue for the $2.1 million fund (recurrent), which is currently collected from the existing recreational fishing licenses (e.g. rock lobster and abalone etc) will reside in the Trust Fund. The Fund is to be overseen by a committee consisting of key stakeholders within in the recreational fishing sector, with the function of providing advice on recreational fishing funding priorities.
As an example, the Recreational Fishing Trust Fund could be used for the following;
• Peak body funding (RecfishWest)
• Targeted research studies into areas of interest to the recreational sector
• Participation in commercial buy-back schemes
• Funding community education programs
Recommendation 10
That a Recreational Fishing Trust Fund be established with business rules to enable the recreational sector to have meaningful input into determining expenditure priorities.
Fish Reserves (Recommendation 11)
Fish reserves or conservation areas are another possible tool to reduce catches and protect breeding fish. Future research is required to identify if there are key areas which are important for spawning, which is particularly critical for dhufish. If such areas can be identified a fish reserve may be considered as an appropriate tool.
Recommendation 11
That further research be undertaken to investigate the appropriateness of introducing large scale fish reserves or closed areas to provide protection for large numbers of fish or over an area, which is particularly important to spawning.
Making a Submission
To ensure your submission is as effective as possible, please:
• Make it clear and concise.
• List your points according to the topic sections and page numbers in this paper.
• Describe briefly each topic or issue you wish to discuss.
• State whether you agree or disagree with any or all of the information within each topic, or just what is of specific interest to you. Clearly state your reasons, particularly if you disagree, and give sources of information where possible.
• Suggest alternatives to address any issues that you disagree with.
Please note that your submission can refer to the recommendations listed in this Ministerial Position Paper (Recommendations 1-11), and your submission can also include references to additional proposals detailed in the Fisheries Management Paper 228, which can be found online at
Your written comments must be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday, 30 April 2008, and should be addressed as follows:
Minister for Fisheries
C/- Department of Fisheries
3rd Floor, The Atrium
168 St George’s Terrace
Alternatively you can enter your submission online by visiting the Department of Fisheries’ website address at
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Posts: 437
Date Joined: 24/03/07
what a load of crap bend
what a load of crap bend over boys get the vas we are going to cop it again
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
You have a month to respond
If you agree with Bill (and I) then you need to respond. Or does Fishwrecked respond as one voice?
Happy to help edit a response of that is the people want to go.
I don't know if it is related - but I see Bluejuice is up for sale.
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Rob allen spear gun good for
Rob allen spear gun good for shooting nothing anymore due to reg changes will swap for 22 rifle
Posts: 437
Date Joined: 24/03/07
swap deep water saltiga rod
swap deep water saltiga rod and reel for herring/gardie combo
swap 16oz sinkers for burley cages and split shots
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Doesnt look like it affects
Doesnt look like it affects me much anyway as i dont get out on a boat much and i am a c&R usually fisherman .
Feel sorry for the boaties, for the cost and effort in getting out on the water, its allways good to get a good feed of decent fish
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geez they dont muck around do they! suppose something had to be done but thats pretty steep! thank god i enjoy my whiting fishing! I can definately feel some prodding on my rear end bill!
tailor marc
Posts: 2979
Date Joined: 27/09/06
Seems like its going to
Seems like its going to bring more tention between rec boaties and the pro's
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not up here
not up here marc, well kalbarri anyhow, everyone knows everyone there, i just showed my boss the thread and he is stoked about the changes, hes been fishing for 30years and said its about time that something was done. He was all for the licences being taken fm the crayfishermen as he got his taken from him in the end. I suppose the wog boy pros down in perth way are a bit fiestier than up here!
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what a total f@#$%@@ joke are we still allowed to go to the beach and swim we might stand on something endangered . like sea water .u pay good money for a skippers ticket for what coz now u cant actually take fish u just need a ticket to go cruising around!!!! bollocks
Posts: 404
Date Joined: 31/03/07
There's no fuel rebate
I could'nt find anything about a fuel rebate in there that will be the only thing in my log book!
Participation in comercial buy back-back schemes haven't we payed for that now ??? from great fishery management
Funding community education programs??? should read ministery education programs
I think every body should help out a bit more for research and dump a months worth of carcasses on his front lawn.
Andy Mac
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Date Joined: 03/02/06
Don't like the closed season, but everything else is expected basically.
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
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lawn bowls
took up lawn bowls this morning ... look on the bright side its cheaper than petrol and $2 pintes the beer will keep me sane
cheers brenz
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
Make a submission
Making a Submission
To ensure your submission is as effective as possible, please:
• Make it clear and concise.
• List your points according to the topic sections and page numbers in the paper.
• Describe briefly each topic or issue you wish to discuss.
• State whether you agree or disagree with any or all of the information within each topic, or just what is of specific interest to you. Clearly state your reasons, particularly if you disagree, and give sources of information where possible.
• Suggest alternatives to address any issues that you disagree with.
Please note that your submission can refer to the recommendations listed in this Ministerial Position Paper (Recommendations 1-11), and your submission can also include references to additional proposals detailed in the Fisheries Management Paper 228, which can be found online at
Your written comments must be submitted by 5pm, Wednesday, 30 April 2008, and should be addressed as follows:
Minister for Fisheries
C/- Department of Fisheries
3rd Floor, The Atrium
168 St George’s Terrace
Alternatively you can enter your submission online by visiting the Department of Fisheries’ website address at
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
tailor marc
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Date Joined: 27/09/06
Wonder if now that means
Wonder if now that means people will target other species. This will then put pressure on them???
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it will for sure mark there is already talk on herring min size 25cm and bag limit of 6..... maybe we can target blowies
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
There will be fallout all over the place
Tackle shops, boat shops,charter operators, dive shops, holiday towns, the list goes on.
And as Marc suggests, what is going to happen to the non "vulnerable" species.
And does it mean there will be more boat fisherment heading north in the restricted periods - putting more pressure on those areas.
As Andy points out - it will affect fishing competitions - once again putting pressure on non "vulnerable" species.
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Pete D
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Agree with all except closed
Agree with all except closed season and spearing (very small % of population!!!!).
Time to move to Exmouth.....or back to Darwin!
You right about small towns Colin. I'll be cancelling 2 weeks in Port Denison for next November. January will be ballot system now for accomodation in the West coast region.....more pressure on Steep and Exmouth too.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
Charter boats
I can almost hear the charter operators screaming! I dont think many people will be paying around $200 and only be allowed 2 fish!
I think a few charter boats may be going up for sale.
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
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NT looks good
Get out of wester australia
Born to fish forced to work
Assassin landbase fishing club
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Cutting bag limits dosen't
Cutting bag limits dosen't work peolple will just up size at the end of the day, I think the closed seasons is a good idea but spread out over the year would be better, Maybe the first week of every month is closed etc which would add up to around a 3 month closure for the year?, 2 to 3 months is a long time between fishing if your like me and mainly fish deep sea. Tackle and boating stores will suffer as most the big dollars are spent by offshore fishers.
Banning commercial wetline fishing between Mandurah and Lancelin is a bit of a smoke screen as most fish North and south of the Metro any way so It didn't impact on many commercials.
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
I think whilst they continue to allow the pros in cockburn sound to rape and pillage the snapper at the end of the closed season the snapper dont stand much of a chance even if they put a complete ban on recreationals taking snapper.
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Posts: 236
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January is the windiest
January is the windiest month of the year and sometimes you are lucky to get out fishing at all if you have only weekends to fish, this could be no fishing from October to March, 6 months! can't justify having a large boat sitting there for that lenght of time, might have to sell it If I can?
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Don't be depressed, Herring
Don't be depressed, Herring is not only good bait it's good to eat?
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Changes to Rec Fishing Rules - the details
The links to the references:-
The Minister for Fisheries' media statement and summary
The detailed recommended changes paper from
The latest Fisheries Management Paper 228 - "A Strategy for Managing the Recreational Catch of Demersal Scalefish in the West Coast Bioregion" (March 2008) To be read in conjunction with the Minister's proposals.
The earlier Fisheries Management Paper 225 - "Managing The Recreational Catch Of Demersal Scalefish On The West Coast - Future Management Scenarios for Community Consideration" September 2007 is the precursor to FMP228
Recfishwest media statement
Beavering away in the background......
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New Fishing Rules
After reading the crap some of you guys have writen about these new rules that are being put forward by the minister for fishies, I would like to say that when the rule changes were made and implemented in the Exmouth, Pilbara region a few years back, the same crap was said and writen as you guys are going on about now, and some of you have mentioned buying property in the very same area. Since these rules where implemented the fishing has never been better in the Exmouth area, bigger fish, less distances to travel and less time on the water to catch the fish. The last few years are the best in 15 years or so, that has to say something for stricter rule and better management.
mako magic
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with the price of fuel
with the price of fuel insurance, and for me storage, whats the point having a boat and going fishing on it, might as well not worry and take up knitting or something
Craig J
Posts: 103
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Reducing bag limits ok But a
Reducing bag limits ok But a closure period how the hell are they going to police that ?????? I fish for KG and have caught dhuies baldchin on my KG rig. Some times they are buggered by the time i get them in, is waisting dead fish a good idea? how does this help ? Once again it is the vocal minority winning over the majority. What about something constructive like starting a breeding program from aquaculture.Then we can just argue about funding some way. Hopefully enough people will say somethink to stop the madness.
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what part of exmouth are you talking about black betty? as i have fished it for years now and people i know have fished for longer and they all still say it is nothing like it used to be
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the ministers have had decades to do something about fishing stocks but they did f@#@ all .the only time they do anything is when it hurts their profits. get rid of the sounder and install a plasma screen so u can show the kiddies what a cockburn snapper used to look like after the ministers give the go ahead to build a shipping terminal in the breeding ground. while they do nothing about loopholes and shit like a terminal in the sound just proves they dont give acrap except for their back pocket get real jon
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Thank you for your respose, I do not go any further than the top of the north Murion Island. On our last trip, my fishing partner and I only fished on the change of the tide within an hour of dropping the first bait we would have our 14 fish, consisting of Coral Trout,Spangled Emperor, Blue-lined Emperor, Rankin Cod, Bluespot Tuskfish and Robinson Seabream.
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i pray the wetliners get a fishing restriction as well because if not while i cant go fishing up north of kalbarri for pinkies they will be out there cleaning them up and i know for a fact that there are a couple of them that fish in close and on the lumps at nite at dont leave anything behind. If they impliment this if has got to be for everyone involved in fishing not just recreational. And for a thought We go off the cliffs for fish so what do you do when you pull up a pinky off the stones? Geez adam are fisheries gona police all this ??? There isnt enough officers out on the water now let alone when all this comes in.
Colin Hay
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a vital point
When you raised the issue of release weights. What is going to happen with all the "banned" fish that are caught as a by product of fishing for the approved fish. You have got to think s lot of those aren't going to survive of perople are forced to fish for smaller fish - so what do we have - a sea of floating dead fish that could have made a good meal for someone. If they don't police the pros to the same extent - it is just a waste of time.
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fishy fingers
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I wonder
if recfish west have put any of these things to the minister, listening to frank prokop on the radio this morning he seemed to be saying they have worked closely with the minister on this one!!
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
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i know we all like a beatup
But you think labour have some kind of pro-conservation agenda over the libs? You have to be kidding me. Just go look at Oakajee.
If you expect to get anywhere with the problem, don't bother factionalising it. Just fight the problem, not the party.
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
more fish
I have noticed over the years, there are a lot off boats that fish the same ground each week, with only a handful of fish getting caught. Now let this ground have a three months rest and bingo the boats that caught one or two fish a trip, will now have some well rested ground witch should produce some good fish for some weeks. I think the closer will not decrease numbers caught as most will have no trouble getting there limit once allowed to fish again
I am all for the reduction of limits as this has been coming for a long time
I enjoy taking people fishing on my boat and I say split the cost and all fish are split evenly, every one goes home with a feed. With the new rules I think it will make it hard to share this experience, as splitting your catch between there or four people leaves everyone with not a lot to take home.
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
There's going to be some
There's going to be some cheap boats around ,as i have heard of four people who are thinking of selling there boats if the season closers come in .
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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Government fishing paper
You don't need to wonder. Recfishwest's position is clear and public. Read Recfishwest media statement "New West Coast fishing proposals a 'mixed bag'" and
Recfishwest submission on Fisheries Management Paper No. 225 "Managing the Recreational Catch of Demersal Scalefish on the West Coast - Future Management Scenarios for Community Consideration"
Note this thread is headed "Government fishing paper"
The choice is stark:- cut the catch now or there won't be enough of some species around in a few years for it to be worth going fishing.
It'll be "Granpa What's a dhufish??" just like it is "Granpa What's a blue groper??" in the metro area now.
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I went to a meeting the
I went to a meeting the fisheries held down in Mandurah last year to discuss changes that had to be made to the current rec fish catch, I surprised at the bag limit cuts as they seemed to agree that bag limits have very limited effect as released fish don't release to well in deeper water especially Dhuies and peolple upsizing there catch, with closed areas this isn't an issue as the fish are not being caught. I would rather leave the bag limits as is and have closed areas through out the year more spread out or some sort of boat rego roster system as to when you can fish as like two weeks in the month etc? I know that most spawning is around the summer months but only having one month in summer to fish sucks!
Posts: 489
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Commercial fishing during the Rec Closed season.
That's a VERY good question which REALLY DOES need to be explained. Here's my take which shows some holes:-
First remember the commercial fishermen are asking "Why is it that the Recs will still be able to fish the Metro Zone at times and the commercials cant?"
FMP 228 Section 4 is headed "How will the commercial fishery be managed?" Says
FMP 224 is the Outcomes of the Wetline Review - The Minister for Fisheries' decisions in relation to the future management of the West Coast and Gascoyne commercial 'wetline' fisheries has all the details. Summary:-
For those commercial fishermen who do get access, catch is "managed" by input controls (mainly gear and day limits) which are set by the total allowable commercial catch TACC set year by year, and not by a quota on actual catch weight or number of fish.
If the fish are there to be caught, then this management plan allows the licenced commercials to catch them provided they stay within their days and gear limits, etc.
The Dept of Fisheries sets the TACC. These input controls and TACC can be adjusted to cut future years' catches but that would only happen after the fish have been caught in any one year.
It would be very good if the management plan said explicitly "if too much is caught in one year then the next year's TACC MUST recover that overcatch by reducing the TACC by the amount of the overcatch."
That's why my preference was for quotas by weight and/or number. See "3. All commercial fisheries must have total allowable catch quotas" and "4. Daily catch limits." in
These would prevent the commercials from harvesting more than the TACC if/when recreationals can't catch some species.
Beavering away in the background.......
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I'm mistaken, who in their right mind would not be happy with 8 catorgory 1 fish in a day? The only thing that comes to mind is the same issue with the cray fisherman having to throw away dead or injured fish that are caught in their pots and see them floating away which doesn't help( as mentioned before)And really most boats only fish 2 - 3 people anyways right? The only major sufferers are the chater boat operators
fishy fingers
Posts: 1719
Date Joined: 28/04/07
Have I missed it or do we know when the new regs come into affect?
To all the virgins..............Thanks for nothing!
Posts: 1959
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my submission
the closure will really hurt a lot of industries,especially down south as really wot else do we get apart from dhuefish,snapper and breaksea cod,
i,m all for the new bag limits,deffinately,100% but the closure means there will be no point in fishing for 16 weeks of the yr,what annoys me is i work hard pay taxes etc and i enjoy catching a pink snapper or dhu for a family feed,that is my right,well wot next? as we r slowly losing all our rights..why don,t they lower the bags to 1 dhu per angler or 2 max per boat,over the year this would have a lot more effect,also banning spawning areas for fish,but stopping pple from catching fish is ludicrous,i mean atm look the bag limits for dhuefish are bad,2 per person is not good,imagine how many boats r coming home with 4-6 or even 8 ,looks like we,ll be eating sweep for xmas.
ps.. anyone have any good recipes for shit fish, sweep,blowy,sargent bakers etc
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I hear that you will not be allowed to fish "known wrecks" if thats the go no more Gemini or sambo's off Rotto , Derwents out too , luck the Navy went out and marked all the wrecks in the graveyard so they are all known now too .
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Submissions ,
WE and I mean EVERYONE needs to put in a submission on this , and don't rant and rave as they will just put you in the nut case pile and take no notice , please read each proposal and reply with something sucsinct , just saying this is crap and this is bulldust just wont cut it .
MAV/ Brendan.
EX Recfishwest member 291
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Colin Hay
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Date Joined: 23/10/07
Exactly Maverick
I know how these guys work. If you are clear and succinct in getting your point across and make workable suggestions, there is a chance you will be listened to. You lose your bottle with them and they will just ignore you.
You have to remember that there are little voices (professional lobbyists) on the other side of the argument that are telling them how good they are and what they should do.
The one thing that a lot of the recreational boat fishermen on this site have as an advantage is a lot of experience and hands on knowledge. That should be stressed in any input anyone makes.
Moderator. Proud member of the Fishwrecked "Old Farts". Make sure your subscribed to Fishwrecked Reeltime
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
i thought the limit on
i thought the limit on dhufish was down to one per person but in this mornings paper it says two per person , and a limit of four fish per angler .If this is correct then for fish per angler is still a good feed in my books. As i would still realese half of them anyways.. can someone correct me if im wrong..
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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yes ur wrong
2 per person 4 per boat, it really needs to be 1 per person and 2 per boat, wots gonna happen to all those 10-20kg dhu,s that get caught in the closure,?????? hmmmmmmm
** Seaduced - AS-120 ***
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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Does that mean that upsizing
Does that mean that upsizing is the main agender now !!
some people can bag out on floating fish!!!
this is insane!!
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Collecting Fish heads as we
Collecting Fish heads as we write!!!
Ha Ha !!!
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Dhufish bag and boat limits
Gosh guys before you jump in with your submissions based on the rubbish some people post Read the Minister's paper and FMP228
And the daily individual bag limit for dhufish will not change from 2. I can't give a link/quote which says that because that is NOT in the recommendations and is not discussed - compared to the change of daily individual bag limit for pink snapper which WILL change.
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Terry - There would be many people on here who would like to write a submission but really dont know where to start. Do you know if there is an example anywhere that you could link to that may help them get started.
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **
big john
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Theres an online proforma here Tim.
I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,
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No Good
Thats not much good John - but thanks for the effort. Basically it just says put your name and address in and then another box for your submission.
There must be a good example somewhere of how to structure your submission rather than an empty box.
How many will try and give up? Not all of us are fluent with all this political stuff.
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **
Posts: 64
Date Joined: 08/09/07
good point
my2cent worth as has been noted not all are blessed with the political bs to write a submission that may be read but still have a strong interest i myself do agree with bag limits but i ask i get to go out when work and weather match how will they monitor people who get out 3\4 day a week and many do so the answer is i get out 1may be 2day a month and other? how does that help not fair to all not fair at all
big john
Posts: 8763
Date Joined: 20/07/06
It gives you the basic proforma there Tim, and how to structure it.
Just write what you feel clearly and articulately, without ranting. Your not supposed to come across as a BS artist (politician), rather a genuinely concerned angler.
Individual submissions, however they are written will (hopefully) carry much more weight, and be more likely to be read than those that are all based on the same proforma. IMO that would look like to much of a beat up.
I head a little FURTHER NORTH each year,
Leave the cities behind, out of sight of mind,
WA based manufacturer and supplier of premium leadhead jigs, fligs, bucktail jigs, 'bulletproof' soft plastic jig heads and XOS bullet jig heads.
Jigs available online in my web store!
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Thanks John. Just read the "whole" page again and it does outline how to structure it. I had scrolled it off the screen while looking at the actual submission form
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **
Paul G
Posts: 5215
Date Joined: 12/12/07
Well if im allowed to still
Well if im allowed to still catch two dhuies for me and Jess thats gives us four dhuies and four other fish in the bag per day.then thats fine by me, more than enough fish for any one trip . i think its still to much, not sure about the closers yet .will keep an eye on further developments in the future weeks..
Active Gyp-Rok solutions ,Residential and commercial ceilings and walls
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talking about current rules
talking bout current rules 2 per angler etc,i,m glad to see 2 per boat max,1 per angler or 2 per boat thats perfect .. i totally agree with this,but stopping pple bottom bouncing has serious knobs on it..this rule i seriously think will NOT GO THRU, cutting the limits is more beneficial thanstopping pple returning to the ramp with a fish,like dhu,snap,cod etc.. 99.9% pple think this is ridiculous,i,m 110% fish for the future thats why i believe cutting limits on all these fish r needed.but stopping pple fishing damm?? wtf is that about
*** Seaduced - AS-120 ***
:::: Bass Hunter ::::
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freezers Sun,
Sun, 2008-03-30 09:30new
closures will be the rebirth of freezer fillers if your limited to time on the water people will take all there aloud as many times in that period they can get out.
may end up you only allowed your bag limited even at home eg you have 2 dhufish in the freezer no more until they have gone
Possession limits to include place of residence.
"Recfishwest strongly supports this provided that a court order or search warrant ensures that frivolous or speculative searches are not undertaken. Where gross abuses of possession limits are detected, Recfishwest fully and strongly supports every penalty applying as a deterrent. We would like to see any penalties returned to the Recreational Fishing Fund to be able to benefit recreational fisheries and its management.
This proposal has caused considerable concern and comment from our members. While not disagreeing with the comments above, many felt that filleting a large dhufish (landed under the daily bag limit controls component of possession limits could mean that a well intentioned fisher could inadvertently be in holding more than the possession limit. While understanding that there would be caveats and controls on the enforcement of this measure, it was strongly felt that a law abiding citizen should not be able to inadvertently be in breach of a regulation of this type. Another issue raised was the retention of frames to use as rock lobster baits by recreational fishers.
It is therefore extremely important that the details be carefully considered so as to allow recreational fishers to comply with the regulation while providing some capacity for control of those who clearly intend to ignore the limits
Now to really get of side with many ,all i see is Recfish blowing smoke,gives the gov a nice warm fuzzy feeling we have consulted the recfishos yer right!! and before you bash me with them use boats for sale really think about it .Rec fish has achieved a lot thats for sure !!is what i would be thinking to my self if i was in government .this is my own thoughts does not need any response at all keep the thread civil Rec fish how about concentrating on the fishos rights to go fishing and not being ass licker's to the gov show some balls and represent the real thinking of the fishos .
.Adam if this post is to controversial delete it 0r edit
Cheers all
loose lines all for you wont be able to keep any soon
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
Home possession limits for fish
Good idea. You could start by editing your post to cut out the abuse.
Yep everyone has the right to go fishing, and Recfishwest defends that.
But no one has the right to take more than is sustainable, coz that's stealing from others and future generations.
Who decides what's sustainable? That's what these proposals are all about
I do wish people would read the Minister's paper AND Fisheries Management Paper 228 before jumping in with posts.
Sigh. Confusion reigns.
Explanation. "Possession limits for fish to include place of residence" WAS included in FMP225 September 2007 which was for public comments, and Recfishwest did comment on that as in that quoted part.
"Possession limits for fish to include place of residence" was listed as an INTERIM measure in the Minister's announcement September 2007, to apply ONLY until the fianl management was decided - and that's what these latest proposals are about.
As far as I am aware was never formally introduced as legislation so it never happened. Yes I have read and searched the Act and the Regulations and all the Gov't Gazettes since that announcement.
Possession limits for fish to include place of residence IS NOT INCLUDED in the Minister's current proposals out for discussion (March 2008).
So you can guess that the idea has been dropped.
Yes there are existing possession limits for abalone in your place of residence, but the home possession limit of 80 Roes abalone is 4 times the daily possession limit of 20 Roes abalone. Some might see that as a precedent for any finfish home possession limit (but not proposed now).
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Govt Fishing paper submissions
Did you comment on FMP225? Is your name in that list on page 23 of FMP228
Done deal? This is the second round of public submissions, so things have firmed up. If you think the final outcomes will be much different see below.
Boat limit (for two or more people fishing) is 2 daily cat 1 bag limits.
That means 2 x 4 Cat 1 fish = 8 cat 1 fish. That also means 2 x 2 Dhufish, so only allows 4 dhufish counted as part of that 8 cat 1 fish.
In defence of Fisheries, I think the statement is clear enough because it covers every case. Maybe some examples would help, but those could also cause confusion.
If you were asking about billfish eg marlin, it would mean 2 x 1 = 2 marlin as the boat limit.
If you were asking about salmon, it would mean 2 x 4 = 8 salmon as the boat limit - and not allow anything else because that 8 salmon would use up the total cat 1 boat limit
In the submission, you must remember that these restrictions are driven by and are about sustainability for the fish.
If you think you will be able to prove that the catch reductions aren't necessary and you can get public support for fishing unsustainably, then good luck coz you'll need it.
If you think that the restrictions will cut the catch too much, then you may be able to get some small changes made.
When it comes to sustainability, some medicine must be taken no matter how much it hurts. Because the alternative is much nastier medicine a bit later without any options for chosing the medicine.
The recreational catch MUST be reduced and that's not negotiable with the Fisheries Minister, the Opposition or the Government.
IMO you're just wasting your time saying to the Gov't "you mustn't do it" whatever reasons you have.
Whatever you want different MUST come up with the same reduction in recreational catch of these species and be practical or the Gov't will just ignore it.
In other words suggest a different medicine which might hurt in different ways and/or in different places.
So if you say "instead of doing package X, please do package Y which will have the same reduction in catch, but avoid some other penalty" then you have a chance of being considered.
IMO petitions and form submissions are a waste of time. Personal individual letters are much better. And keep a copy for your records.
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Public Comments on Rec fishing proposed changes
"Catch reductions" as I used means the total catch by everyone added up over the year, not just catch limits like daily bag limits.
"what would MY thoughts be on a generic submission form being written, and people just adding their name??" and I gave some of MY thoughts, not Recfishwest's.
Where did I say "sit on you a..., don't do anything?" Where did I say "the public don't have a right to speak"?
Did you notice the IMO = "in my opinion" in the comment about petitions and form submissions being a waste of time, and did you notice that I also said "Personal individual letters are much better"?
That's my personal opinion based on my experience with petitions and public submissions for lots of proposals for Fisheries Management, Marine Parks, the Rottnest fishing restrictions, Logue Brook Dam closures, etc.
That opinion includes what I see by reading the "Analysis of Public Submissions" summaries where the organisation lists how they deal with all the comments they receive, and reading Parliament Hansard where petitions are covered. Believe me (or read for yourself), bulk submissions sometimes get little notice taken. Sometimes lots of effort for little result.
That personal opinion includes what I get from reading some of the rubbish some people say who "can not be bothered reading such longwinded reports." Sorry, these are very complicated topics and cannot be reduced to a few simple lines.
But if you convince and help people to put in a personal submission, based on or using info you give them, then that's good and will give the best result for the effort, again in my personal opinion.
And then you go on to say
What "attitude"? Well if you bothered to read the Recfishwest media statement about this (I posted the link earlier,) you would see that RFW's "attitude" is:-
Recfishwest can't get much clearer than that IN SUPPORT OF the public saying what they think.
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Adam Gallash
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Date Joined: 29/11/05
Cmon fellas, no need to take it to extreme's and nit pick each other's points, because that won't benefit anyone. I know everyone's a little edgy and frustrated, but taking it out on each other won't get your point accross, just make you more angry.
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YOU don't have to worry about what I'm doing about all this , checking if someone's name is in the submissions is a bit low , how do YOU know what I have been doing !!!
EX Recfishwest member 291
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Public Comments on Rec fishing proposed changes
It is a Media Statement which has been sent to all the radio, print and TV media. There was some coverage on radio and TV on Friday and Saturday's West. As much as we would like to, RFW has no control over how the media use it.
It is also included in a RFW newsletter prepared on Friday which will go to all of Recfishwest's members with email - several hundred of them, and to quite a few other organisations.
That specific RFW web page has been accessed 108 times since Friday up to 10:30 this morning. The RFW web site had 450 hits on Friday and 478 hits over Sat/Sun, 73 today so far.
Fishing forums get to a lot of fishing people. Getting to all the public costs heaps of money. The Dept of Fisheries is funded and is responsible to do that. Did you find that little advertisment in the West? No it was NOT next to the fishing page which would have been a good place. is Recfishwest's submission on the earlier discussion FMP225 paper , not this latest FMP228. That RFW page specifically says:-
FMP 228 came out late Friday. Today is only Monday morning. The more time I spend answering questions on fishing forums, and then defending my answers and sometimes other unrelated points, the less time I have to do things like preparing some comments on the actual proposals.
Well RFW has experience with exactly that for the Rottnest closure proposals, and got a very disappointing response for lots of effort by me. Again I DO have some very relevant experience.
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Andy Mac
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Does Terry have experience with these things? - Absolutely!
Andy Mac (Fishwrecked Reeltime Editor & Forum Moderator)
Youngest member of the Fishwrecked Old Farts Club
Colin Hay
Posts: 10407
Date Joined: 23/10/07
That's the way to go
putting together a form and getting people to back it is a good idea.
Lots of angry voters will always make a politician think.
I don't know if you have this link, but it takes you to the submission form.
All the best, Colin
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for the record
Why not talk to a few tackle shop proprietors and see if they would like to help get the message out Terry. I am sure a few would, provided there was an easy way of doing it.
Andy, the tackle association have a member on the board of Recfishwest ,Doubt he or she would do anything , hell they dont even turn up to the meetings, dont expect anything from them, its not worth the disappointment, thats from experience.
Oh and to solve all ya problems, just get a cooker on board,. As my mates have said. Hook and Cook is the new slogan,Wal
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
just seems like we all going
just seems like we all going to get screwed big time, we say one thing they say another in all the political sence, everything can be taken 2 ways but the wy the fishos take it will be the wrong way, agree with you matt..... bring the bans in and watch the mandurah comp that will be funny, all these boats fishing for sand whiting and queenies , next they will say you guys cant dive for crayfish, that would be funny, anyway back to the boxing, round 2
Posts: 116
Date Joined: 13/09/06
no honestly
no honestly officer I was fishing for fox fish, gee sh&t man I must be the luckiest guy on earth this big blue pushed ten jewies out of the way to snaffle my bait. It aint going to work, well might save the mutton bird population they will be filled up on eye balls
It might be time to spend some time researching how to catch greyband and hapuka!
thats where banning of electric reels comes into it. I wouldn't fish in 200m without one.
Biggest sticking point was wheres the data, you guys are full of crap we have never been checked, we could of fixed this,Only if the peak body backed it, we may of had a better outcome.No more lies, real data to manage the fishery,
Oh and the next species thats going to cop it, my money is on the kg. legal current size 28cm actual spawning size for mature age fish 40cm+, don't have to be a rocket scientist to work that out
mako magic
Posts: 5785
Date Joined: 03/08/05
well they can ban electric
well they can ban electric reels i will just use my penn torque or vsx and head out deep, atleast you could get a decent cod or harpuka, besides if you get that buggered from fishing in that deep water you will have the next 4 months to recover during the BAN
Posts: 489
Date Joined: 11/08/05
Thanks for the comments Andy
Thanks for the comments Andy
Yep he did in March 2008, the most recent RFW Board meeting. Yep there have been lots of other meetings.
FMP 228 came out late Friday. Today is only Monday morning. The more time I spend answering questions on fishing forums, and then defending my answers and sometimes other unrelated points, the less time I have to do things like preparing some comments on the actual proposals.
I'll add to that. It's only the 4th day counting Friday as day 1. Organisations do have weekends off, but some people like me volunteer parts of their weekends for publicity and answering questions on fishing forums.
RFW has brought forward its Executive meeting (held last week) to discuss these proposals and what to do. It has also brought forward its April Board Meeting to this Wednesday 2 April to discuss these proposals and what to do.
I can't prempt what the decisions will be.
For FMP 225, Dept of Fisheries organised public meetings so that people could ask questions face to face with the Dept people.
I heven't found anything about Dept of Fisheries public meeting for these latest proposals which are even more important than FMP225 which was just the options.
Beavering and volunteering away in the background.......
Craig J
Posts: 103
Date Joined: 10/01/07
Im still don't get it as
Im still don't get it as previously stated correctly several times when you bring a fish up from 40 meters or over there is a high possibilty it could die!!!!
How does a closure or species ban stop this from happening??
The fish stocks are still going to be affected, there is no gain in this at all, am I missing something, can some one please explain??
To be effective do we need to ban fishing over 35 meters in these months ??
The new bag limits I personally find ok but I am dumb founded at a closures.
Posts: 437
Date Joined: 24/03/07
if it was about saving fish
if it was about saving fish stocks then the ban would be across the board.Like the crabs the closure has pushed prices up and the pros are cashing in still fishing outside the closed areas and doing well that's why they pushed for another year closed and next year if it opens they will be realy cashing in.Same will happen with the finfish look at the dates xmas and easter mmm suss.Like i have said before it is only and will always be about the dollar
Fillet and release
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that pink thing was
that pink thing was introduced to stop the glorified recreational taxi service stopping at the derwent and bagging out oh and they dont spawn until 500mm. actually I got told 530mm was the mean average for metro pinks.
As for the closures. its a tuff one because its the time Jewies spawn, how do you protect spawning jewies is the question, their answer to that is to shut it down. yeah well the com guys should as well, maybe thats a question for a RFW member ask Frank, drop him a email. remember you have to be a member
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WHY can't these monthly meetings be open to members so they can put their 2cents worth in then you would know what we are alll feeling on all this , just an AGM to vote for members seems a bit shallow on for me.
All I got from recfishwest is an email every now and then pointing me to things allready on the net, a couple of weeks before it was posted up on their site, oHHH and a sticker with my renewal .
It's allright no one needs to answer me as I know it's a PEAK body , that represents us , they don't have to listen to us.
EX Recfishwest member 291
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that represents us
that represents us ,
You sure about that Mav only if you have the same view as them, if not you get directed to the 100% pass mark thread
Posts: 1260
Date Joined: 06/06/06
I am now an EX recfishwest member , for that reason , I get enough info when Splash drops by for a beer than I do from any where else , I tell ya what , I'm comming over to your side , if you ever need a hand with anything give me a shout I'm getting sick of all this crap from fisheries and the govt being SHOVED down my throat .
If your going past my place any arvo call in for a beer your allways welcome and the beer fridge is allways full , I will have a beer with anyone and hear what they have to say.
ROCKPOM , I have been talking to my customers about the new rules and boy do they get ANGRY when talking about it , I mean in a rage , this Govt will tumble if they bring these rules in , EVERY single person I have talked to about this are outraged , they walk away from me angry as they know they can't take it out on me but they will at the ballot box thats for sure , and FISHERIES had better watch out for this as they will just try and make the next govt push it thru , lock it up and let it manage itself is NOT the answer , data talks , BULL$HIT walks and there is a herd of elephant leaving their $hit all over the place at fisheries if they think all this will fly with the public .
MAV. but then it's just my opinion .
PS if I am a member of recfishwest and recfishwest put in a submission for all it's members then havn't I done something by being a member ???
NEW Oatsfishwest member 291 .
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Electric reels
I would like to know how they will determine who can and can't use them , as just about every man over 40 has a bad back and could get a doctors note to suggest an electric reel is required for them to be able to fish , I can see a lot of people going to the doc for a form to let them go fishing
NEW Oatsfishwest member 291 .
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Date Joined: 23/04/07
Good on ya Mav stand ya
Good on ya Mav stand ya ground as will I !!
So many people I spoke to today dont even know whats going on
until I tried to educate them.
Also heard if this goes though another small tackle shop in Rocko will throw it in come june/july........
John ford your my hero!!!!!! NOT................
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I am having trouble can you help .
When these discussions go to 2 or more pages I have to scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to go to the next page , can we get a page counter or what ever put at the top of the pages next time you do an update .
PS buddy you rock for letting us have this site to talk , chat , argue , meet etc , thanks .
NEW Oatsfishwest member 291 .
OFW member 088
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Ive added a link at the top of the page to take you to the last page in the thread. Ill keep updating it to link to the last page as this thread grows. Not a permanent fix but it might make it a bit easier.
** Rockingham Offshore Fishing Club **