Good week off
Oh well back at work for another two weeks now. But made the most of the weather while I was on break. After flying home on Wednesday arvo and getting a well needed sleep in on Thursday went shopping and finally got the new light jigging combo I have been dreaming of for a while. The blue Gomoku Kaiten with a 5k Stradic FJ spooled up with some 20lb (PE 2.5) blue Nitilon braid.
Friday was an early start at my mates house then launched the 7.3m Surtees from Mangles Bay at 6:00 out to the 40s for some action, after copping it from the boys about the herring I was gona catch on my new combo, we sounded out some ground and got started. Was a slow day with the dirty baito's on board only getting a couple of Breaksea cod and a Skippy. The skipper remained dedicated to the artificials but wasn't rewarded with any prizes. I hooked a 65cm Sambo on a 7" Nuclear chicken jerk shad early on and proceded to show what my "herring rod" was capable of lol. After trying a couple of metal jigs with no interest I went back to the plastics and was rewarded with a 55cm Dhuie on a 6" Chartruce/Pearl paddle tail. The rest of the day was uneventfull despite searching a few more new & known spots.
Saturday the weather was even better so it was another early start launching my tinny from Bent St at 5:00 then out to one of my inshore spots to get the burly running for sunrise. On cue as the sun started to ease it's way over the horizon we got a couple of bumps on the plastics dangling in the rod holder but no hook ups, so I started casting a 7" jerk shad out into the trail and on the second cast got smashed on the drop and proceded to battle it out with a nice 75cm pinky on my 15lb plastics set up.
Was all quiet after that so called it a day and went to pull the anchor but it was stuck hard and regretfully had to be cut off after marking the exact spot on the GPS.the anchor was found and a few squid landed.
Once home again a call to a mate who is a mad keen diver I had organised to go back the next day for a search and rescue mission followed by a bit of squiding.
Bewdey Fellaz
Posts: 9507
Date Joined: 10/02/07
a few nice fish there
bet you can't wait till your next break
all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
Nearly the same combo, I
Nearly the same combo, I have the 4000 and 15lb braid still managed a 20kg cobia of it
. great week of for you nice fish