Go Pro Underwater Footage

I'm pretty keen to grab a 2nd hand Go Pro to drop down to see what's on the sea floor to get a better understanding of what I'm seeing on the sounder. I don't wanna spend a lot in case I get it snagged or a dirty big sambo comes and eats it so what's the thoughts on a Go Pro Hero 2 or is the technology getting too old now?


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Water wolf

Mon, 2016-10-03 09:18

 Check out the water wolf camera cheaper and more practical design than a square ggopro

I have both and have stopped using the gopro.


Jackfrost80's picture

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I looked at the Waterwolf as

Mon, 2016-10-03 10:01

I looked at the Waterwolf as BCF had them for $99 recently but I want something that has the ability to playback video so I can look at the footage whilst I have the image on the sounder.


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Not sure

Mon, 2016-10-03 10:09

 Not sure gopro can do that either?? With out retrieving it and plugging it in to a laptop?

I made a missile type drift mount for the gopro and dropped it on a heavy hand line

 could see it wasn't going to be long till we parted company so i canned that idea ha ha

did find some crays before stopping tho

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Oh, I thought it had a screen

Mon, 2016-10-03 10:18

Oh, I thought it had a screen on the back. Correction, I can view it using my iPod/iPad so I would need a model with WIFI.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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 You can get a screen that

Mon, 2016-10-03 12:57

 You can get a screen that goes on the back to look back at footage 

bleicester's picture

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Go Pro

Mon, 2016-10-03 09:19

Video quality will be fine for what you want it for. Just don't expect to see live video without spending more money on special adaptors that feed a line back to the surface. It will be more like press record, drop it down for minute, pull it back up and then review the footage on your phone/ipad. I'm looking at doing something similar also with an old GoPro I already have. I'm going to make a weighted base out of poly pipe and have an arm that sticks out in front of the camera with bait attached to attract local fish to the front of the camera.


Error 404

Fish not found

Jackfrost80's picture

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 Yeah mate that's exactly

Mon, 2016-10-03 09:41

 Yeah mate that's exactly what I am looking at doing i.e. drop it down then view the footage


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EKUL's picture

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live footage

Tue, 2016-10-04 12:44

you can view it live with the gopro app if you have an iphone, I take all my photos and videos with the app, stick the camera on a ledge or wall and then control it from phone.

bleicester's picture

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live footage

Tue, 2016-10-04 16:01

wifi won't work underwater though - hence record, drop cam down, pull back up then review via wifi and gopro app


Error 404

Fish not found

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Wed, 2016-10-05 08:12

touché, didn't incorporate the wifi into the mix.

disregard my comments :)

nackers's picture

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Sunday session

Mon, 2016-10-03 09:31

 Check out my post    Sunday session. 

Has some pics from play back of water wolf footage on my llaptop

because I just clip it onto my line the fish come in and bite the bait the camera is all over the show 

so have to go thru and pause the footage a lot to get a good look 

im guessing with out bait it would be a lot steadier but probley not capture as much 

fish life .

ps. Dhuies like to eat the camera !!

beau's picture

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im looking at upgrading to

Mon, 2016-10-03 09:57

im looking at upgrading to gopro5 soon and will be selling a gopro 2 and 3 black. Ive just flown back into perth so i'll send you a PM in next couple of days once ive sorted out both the cameras and make sure they both work still


Jackfrost80's picture

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Cheers mate, I'll wait to

Mon, 2016-10-03 10:01

Cheers mate, I'll wait to hear from ya


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Percula's picture

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check out

Mon, 2016-10-03 12:29

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 Can pick them up pretty

Mon, 2016-10-03 13:42

 Can pick them up pretty cheap. I sold off mine a few months ago through here. Had a fair few accessories. Heap of covers, wifi remote, extra batteries, high speed card. Even found a lcd screen for playback. Only went for $150. 


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Hutch's picture

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 Sj4000Very similar to go pro

Mon, 2016-10-03 16:00


Very similar to go pro and has a screen on the back already to review footage, can get them for around 100 new

streaker boy's picture

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 Ive got gopro hero 4 hooked

Mon, 2016-10-03 16:00

 Ive got gopro hero 4 hooked up to trollpro for my simrad evo 12 i can record, watch it live and charge battery all at same time but its not cheap set up 

little johnny's picture

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Intova half the price

Mon, 2016-10-03 16:35

 Same size , you don't have to buy extra stuff. Playback screen all in one. Had one for over 4 years . Intova been around long long time . Great picture quality 

Y_Knot's picture

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fully agree with little johnny

Mon, 2016-10-03 17:03

 much better value for money and quality kit!!! 

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I run the intovas too. That's

Mon, 2016-10-03 17:27

I run the intovas too. That's why I sold the gopros.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

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Go Pro Accessories

Mon, 2016-10-03 20:11

 If you do get a GoPro i have a some GoPro3 accessories going begging. My gopro3 died and now have no use for them

Jackfrost80's picture

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Beautiful thanks for all the

Mon, 2016-10-03 22:48

Beautiful thanks for all the advice lads. Will look into it further tomoz


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

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If you do a search for

Tue, 2016-10-04 07:18

If you do a search for "underwater fishing video cameras" you might find what you're looking for. Never used one but someone else might be able to comment on them.

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If you do a search for

Tue, 2016-10-04 07:18

*bloody double posts*

little johnny's picture

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I also have one

Tue, 2016-10-04 09:48

 Of them.45 m live feed to lap top. Looks like a yellow sub. Full hd colour can also connect recorder to flip screen and video it.certainly helps you understand ground as you are looking at screen you can watch sounder same time. 15 led lights on camera gives you exellent footage. You would be amazed what you see fish wise 

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Tue, 2016-10-04 10:51

hey little johnny, can you tell me what model you have and did you buy it off the net ? If so where ?




 My spots are so secret even the fish don't know about them !

little johnny's picture

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pretty much

Tue, 2016-10-04 17:58

 Same as one below . Different screen that's all 

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Underwater camera

Tue, 2016-10-04 15:35

 I have been using this one for a few years.  




Has a good clear picture, great battery life, i have only used it to around 15M's, so i am not sure how the light works at greater depths.


It also has a video out plug so there must be some way to record the footage.

sonofdarryl's picture

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Tue, 2016-10-04 20:31

I have this one from mytopia, think I got it a bit cheaper than that on eBay though.


Works great, crabs in the swan love it too. You can see them clear as day and decide when to pull your pot up haha.
This is a pic from it a few weeks ago. Was a school of dhus, a couple were interested in the camera but none had a crack at it. Interestingly they were more attracted to it when I would turn the LED's on. Great to investigate what your sounder is saying, really teaches you how to use it to your advantage and disregard the errors... I see a lot of people analysing sounders incorrectly on here aha. Good luck!


Few double headers this day. This was first drop before my sinker hit the bottom.

Stevo81's picture

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 Pics don't work for me...

Tue, 2016-10-04 20:42

 Pics don't work for me...


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

sonofdarryl's picture

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Tue, 2016-10-04 21:05

Yep rookied that, copy and paste def dont work. Tried the crash course on attaching an image but cant see the 'image assist' button. Hopefully these work.



Dhu on screen




Double header



sonofdarryl's picture

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Tue, 2016-10-04 21:13

double post. nice.

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 we use a  edge cam built by

Tue, 2016-10-04 21:24

 we use a  edge cam built by a guy in the south west.Great bit of gear used it in 80M just sit back watch the dhuies swim around on live tv not cheap tho.

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Just thought i might add for

Tue, 2016-10-04 21:34

Just thought i might add for anyone looking at the go pros. I bought a second hand gopro hero 2 pritty cheap, ive only  droped it down a few times but it was interesting to see what sounder was showing. I could see the bottom @ 30m on a murky over cast day, could only see a couple of meters though. If I bought another one I would get the hero3 or up for 2 reasons.

Wifi conection, getting it out of its case to plug it in with salt water around probly means its lifes gonna be shorter.

Secondly hero3 and up has a flat lense on the water proof case and gives mutch better focus under water  

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Wed, 2016-10-05 11:03



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