Reading the West today, the government wants the dollars ulocked by leasing flogging it off to the highest bidder-they don't make much from pastoral leases, but they are envisaging drooling over the thought of hundreds of millions in money from developers. Pr*cks. Last year might have been our last Ningaloo--all unallocated crown land from 1st july, unless the lessees get a reprieve. We could have some officious little pricks moving us on from where we have been camping for a long time, and I'll be f*cked if i want to go up the coast to suburbia, and join the queues at the exmouth launching ramps.
Yeah it's utter shite Tot. These pollies do not realise what they destroy letting these developers in. It's iconic land and should be bloody well left alone.
So where do you go if you want to camp remote and fish? The Bay? Not really the same, bit hard to sustain a boat at Steep Point. Inner gulfs are Ok for a short trip, just not the same as battling sails and big mackerel. Further up, Old Onslow/mouth of the Fortescue? Mackerel Islands are unavailable. Cleaverville? Too much tide to launch a boat. Mouth of the De Grey? Bloody sandfly central.Cape Keraudren? Cape Leveque? Getting a bit far, although we did it one school holidays with a 16ft tinny, had a good time. Or will I just stay at Kalbarri and catch the jewies i've been missing out on in winter?
Only 7 days to go until we are back at Warroora.
Get online and sign the petition that is going to be presented to the government. It will be a very sad day if this is taken away.
Pastoralists angry over Ningaloo land grab
Quobba Station.
When Bernice McLeod is feeling up to it, the 97-year-old loves nothing more than watching the humpbacks go by as she sits on her veranda overlooking the Ningaloo marine park.
Warroora Station has been her home for more than 20 years.
Guardianship of the fragile coast and surrounding waters is a labour of love for four generations of the family living on the property.
About 100km to the north, 90-year-old Billie Lefroy has spent her life living on Ningaloo Station.
In the twilight of a hard but wonderful life, she spends her time worrying about a State Government push to take control of the station and its coastline.
Billie Lefroy's daughter Jane and son-in-law Phil Kendrick face losing their entire pastoral lease within months because they refused to agree to a Government demand to give up almost half their land, including their house, all of their watering points, their shearing shed and quarters, their airstrip and camping areas.
Bernice McLeod and her family at Warroora Station face losing a 2km-wide strip stretching 50km along the coast that includes carefully managed camping spots and valuable grazing land for their merino sheep.
Gnaraloo Station owner Paul Richardson will also lose a big chunk cut from his lease in what he describes as a land grab under plans for tourism development on the Ningaloo coast.
Paul Richardson. File picture: Ben Crabtree/The West Australian
The Government is standing firm on a planning document prepared in 2004 that earmarks pastoral land along the coast for a string of "tourism nodes", including facilities with up to 500 beds.
Mr Richardson said one of the sites identified for a 100-bed eco-lodge at Gnaraloo - where he maintains a ban on beachside camping and use of motor vehicles - is right on top of WA's biggest mainland loggerhead turtle rookery.
The pastoralists from Ningaloo to Quobba - where the rough and ready Red Bluff surf camp is earmarked for a "200-bed equivalent minor tourism node" - argue they are far better custodians of the coast.
They have been fighting State and Federal authorities on the issue for more than decade.
In 2011, they sent a representative to Paris and convinced UNESCO to exclude their leases from Ningaloo world heritage listing. UNESCO took the world heritage boundary to 40m beyond the high-water mark and recognised that the management skill of the pastoralists was part of the reason the coast was in almost pristine condition.
In addition to their livestock businesses, the stations run camping and wilderness tourism ventures that rely on people power and local campsite rules to protect the coast.
People can stay at the various camping, fishing and surfing spots for as little as $35 a week but the pastoralists warn time is running out to save this unique slice of WA life.
All of WA's 507 pastoral leases covering more than 87 million hectares are due to expire on June 30.
The Department of Lands sent out lease renewals for signing late last year but the owners of Ningaloo, Warroora, Gnaraloo and Quobba missed out.
They are still in the dark about their future and just how much of their land the State Government will take as part of any lease renewals.
Bernice McLeod's daughter Leonie said the family agreed to a 2km-wide, 50km-long exclusion in 2004 after the Government "put a gun to our head".
The McLeods fought the exclusion all the way to the Supreme Court but were told they risked losing their entire lease unless they agreed.
Leonie McLeod is scathing of the Government and fears for the coast if it falls into the hands of the Department of Lands, the Department of Parks and Wildlife and tourism developers.
"If we don't sign off on these exclusions, all the pastoral lease holders along the world heritage area face having no lease at all come June 30," she said.
"We have four generations living here, including my seven-year-old grandson, who would love to run the place one day, two granddaughters, my son and his wife. We are passionate about the place."
The family have launched an online petition that states: "We (the pastoralists on the land 365 days of the year) have kept this priceless wilderness intact for over 20 years and now our government wants to carve up slices and sell it off to the highest bidder for tourist developments, all the while under the pretext of conservation."
Mr Kendrick said Ningaloo Station was the lifelong home of his wife and mother-in-law, but the Government seemed determined to take it away for tourism development.
"They want to do glamping development for ecotourism, which is just flavour of the month terminology for putting in $600-a-night tents to cater for the rich and famous," Mr Kendrick said.
"We are booked out until 2018 and our camping fees are only $35 a week.
"The point is the pensioners and other people who stay on the coast become the eyes and ears of society, they become involved in clean-up, they become involved in rehabilitation, in delineation of roads and camping sites.
"The people who live on the ground like us we are with fire and emergency services, volunteer sea rescue, involved in recovery of vehicles and medical evacuations and you just don't get that when you live 138km or two hours away in Exmouth."
Posts: 10
Date Joined: 30/05/14
Heading up end of april with
Heading up end of april with a few mates and a 5.5m plate ally. First trip
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
will be up there for 2 months
Between there and coral bay, may to july.
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
Posts: 2472
Date Joined: 21/04/08
I know
pumped much!
Posts: 408
Date Joined: 12/03/10
Will be there 17th
Will be there 17th April to 1st of May in Phuket for a month will be 2 weeks before time to get the boat ready yee ha can't wait
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
So whats the go for the future? WTF??
Government stepping in and taking over the first 2km of coast???
Is the land grab all the way up from Quobba?
Where does the 50km start and finish??
Pretty rude for those with leases to not know what the future holds IMO.
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 9
Date Joined: 27/01/12
Warrora Station
Warrora Station near coral bay is in the same situation, gov greenies want it locked away.
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Gov wants to flog it off
Reading the West today, the government wants the dollars ulocked by leasing flogging it off to the highest bidder-they don't make much from pastoral leases, but they are envisaging drooling over the thought of hundreds of millions in money from developers. Pr*cks. Last year might have been our last Ningaloo--all unallocated crown land from 1st july, unless the lessees get a reprieve. We could have some officious little pricks moving us on from where we have been camping for a long time, and I'll be f*cked if i want to go up the coast to suburbia, and join the queues at the exmouth launching ramps.
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yeah will be the end of an
Love the West!
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
Dont say that Andy!
Can only hope I guess that there may be a nook or cranny left for the regulars....pipe dreams?
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 15043
Date Joined: 30/11/09
Yeah it's utter shite Tot.
Yeah it's utter shite Tot. These pollies do not realise what they destroy letting these developers in. It's iconic land and should be bloody well left alone.
Love the West!
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
So where do you go if you
So where do you go if you want to camp remote and fish? The Bay? Not really the same, bit hard to sustain a boat at Steep Point. Inner gulfs are Ok for a short trip, just not the same as battling sails and big mackerel. Further up, Old Onslow/mouth of the Fortescue? Mackerel Islands are unavailable. Cleaverville? Too much tide to launch a boat. Mouth of the De Grey? Bloody sandfly central.Cape Keraudren? Cape Leveque? Getting a bit far, although we did it one school holidays with a 16ft tinny, had a good time. Or will I just stay at Kalbarri and catch the jewies i've been missing out on in winter?
Nauti Buoy
Posts: 595
Date Joined: 20/04/09
Mackerel Islands
The mackerel islands are available again.
Posts: 4586
Date Joined: 01/02/10
Degrey is closed to access.
Degrey is closed to access.
Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?
Posts: 412
Date Joined: 02/09/06
Only 7 days to go until we are back at Warroora.
Get online and sign the petition that is going to be presented to the government. It will be a very sad day if this is taken away.
Posts: 412
Date Joined: 02/09/06
Here is the petition details
Posts: 1162
Date Joined: 31/01/10
Reverse cycle a/c supply and install - Ducted and wall splits
Posts: 1521
Date Joined: 27/11/09
for anyone who hasn't read
for anyone who hasn't read about it
link below explains it in a nutshell
totally wrong imho , its almost bloody theft , another fcuked decision in the name of the almighty dollar
Pastoralists angry over Ningaloo 'land grab'
BRAD THOMPSON March 8, 2015,
Pastoralists angry over Ningaloo land grab
Quobba Station.
When Bernice McLeod is feeling up to it, the 97-year-old loves nothing more than watching the humpbacks go by as she sits on her veranda overlooking the Ningaloo marine park.
Warroora Station has been her home for more than 20 years.
Guardianship of the fragile coast and surrounding waters is a labour of love for four generations of the family living on the property.
About 100km to the north, 90-year-old Billie Lefroy has spent her life living on Ningaloo Station.
In the twilight of a hard but wonderful life, she spends her time worrying about a State Government push to take control of the station and its coastline.
Billie Lefroy's daughter Jane and son-in-law Phil Kendrick face losing their entire pastoral lease within months because they refused to agree to a Government demand to give up almost half their land, including their house, all of their watering points, their shearing shed and quarters, their airstrip and camping areas.
Bernice McLeod and her family at Warroora Station face losing a 2km-wide strip stretching 50km along the coast that includes carefully managed camping spots and valuable grazing land for their merino sheep.
Gnaraloo Station owner Paul Richardson will also lose a big chunk cut from his lease in what he describes as a land grab under plans for tourism development on the Ningaloo coast.
Paul Richardson. File picture: Ben Crabtree/The West Australian
The Government is standing firm on a planning document prepared in 2004 that earmarks pastoral land along the coast for a string of "tourism nodes", including facilities with up to 500 beds.
Mr Richardson said one of the sites identified for a 100-bed eco-lodge at Gnaraloo - where he maintains a ban on beachside camping and use of motor vehicles - is right on top of WA's biggest mainland loggerhead turtle rookery.
The pastoralists from Ningaloo to Quobba - where the rough and ready Red Bluff surf camp is earmarked for a "200-bed equivalent minor tourism node" - argue they are far better custodians of the coast.
They have been fighting State and Federal authorities on the issue for more than decade.
In 2011, they sent a representative to Paris and convinced UNESCO to exclude their leases from Ningaloo world heritage listing. UNESCO took the world heritage boundary to 40m beyond the high-water mark and recognised that the management skill of the pastoralists was part of the reason the coast was in almost pristine condition.
In addition to their livestock businesses, the stations run camping and wilderness tourism ventures that rely on people power and local campsite rules to protect the coast.
People can stay at the various camping, fishing and surfing spots for as little as $35 a week but the pastoralists warn time is running out to save this unique slice of WA life.
All of WA's 507 pastoral leases covering more than 87 million hectares are due to expire on June 30.
The Department of Lands sent out lease renewals for signing late last year but the owners of Ningaloo, Warroora, Gnaraloo and Quobba missed out.
They are still in the dark about their future and just how much of their land the State Government will take as part of any lease renewals.
Bernice McLeod's daughter Leonie said the family agreed to a 2km-wide, 50km-long exclusion in 2004 after the Government "put a gun to our head".
The McLeods fought the exclusion all the way to the Supreme Court but were told they risked losing their entire lease unless they agreed.
Leonie McLeod is scathing of the Government and fears for the coast if it falls into the hands of the Department of Lands, the Department of Parks and Wildlife and tourism developers.
"If we don't sign off on these exclusions, all the pastoral lease holders along the world heritage area face having no lease at all come June 30," she said.
"We have four generations living here, including my seven-year-old grandson, who would love to run the place one day, two granddaughters, my son and his wife. We are passionate about the place."
The family have launched an online petition that states: "We (the pastoralists on the land 365 days of the year) have kept this priceless wilderness intact for over 20 years and now our government wants to carve up slices and sell it off to the highest bidder for tourist developments, all the while under the pretext of conservation."
Mr Kendrick said Ningaloo Station was the lifelong home of his wife and mother-in-law, but the Government seemed determined to take it away for tourism development.
"They want to do glamping development for ecotourism, which is just flavour of the month terminology for putting in $600-a-night tents to cater for the rich and famous," Mr Kendrick said.
"We are booked out until 2018 and our camping fees are only $35 a week.
"The point is the pensioners and other people who stay on the coast become the eyes and ears of society, they become involved in clean-up, they become involved in rehabilitation, in delineation of roads and camping sites.
"The people who live on the ground like us we are with fire and emergency services, volunteer sea rescue, involved in recovery of vehicles and medical evacuations and you just don't get that when you live 138km or two hours away in Exmouth."
OFW 11
evil flourishes when good men do nothing
Posts: 4171
Date Joined: 15/06/09
Total crap
I disagree with the State Gov on this 100%.
If it wasn't for the lease holders this stretch of coast would've been trashed years ago.
Pure greed with no respect for those who've done everything they can to look after what is precious.
Very sad if it happens