Friday Funnys


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crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

 Saw - "He votes for

Fri, 2023-04-14 07:50

 Saw - "He votes for Trump!!!!"

And as for the ladder.

Call the nearest Emergency department telling them to get ready!


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2631

Date Joined: 03/03/09

The stepladder brought back memories

Fri, 2023-04-14 07:59
  • Of me during covid lockdown painting .......two level scaffold with my fully extended stepladder placed on top. Solid as ......the only thing shaking was my knees  
ricey's picture

Posts: 740

Date Joined: 24/12/09

first thing I thought

Fri, 2023-04-14 08:23



Wise man says - first take the plank out of your own eye before trying to take the speck out of somebody else's.

dmck's picture

Posts: 455

Date Joined: 07/03/19

Domestic Danger!!

Fri, 2023-04-14 09:25



Tea is more dangerous than beer. Please avoid drinking tea.

I discovered this last night, I had 14 beers till 3am at the pub

while my wife was just drinking tea at home.


You should have seen how violent and angry she was when I got home.


I was peaceful, silent and headed to bed as she shouted at me...

all night and even into the next morning.



dmck's picture

Posts: 455

Date Joined: 07/03/19


Fri, 2023-04-14 09:29


During a lady's medical examination, the doctor says:-"Your heart, lungs, pulse and blood pressure are all fine.
Now let me see the bit that gets you ladies into all kinds of trouble."
The lady starts taking off her underwear but is interrupted by the doctor.
"No! No! Don't remove your clothes... Just stick out your tongue!"



dmck's picture

Posts: 455

Date Joined: 07/03/19

?? !!

Fri, 2023-04-14 09:34


damned pix wont upload!!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Hot milf next door knocked

Fri, 2023-04-14 10:08

 Hot milf next door knocked on my door this arvo and asked if I fancied popping over tonight and filling in all her holes, I said nah I'm not a handyman. 


Love the West!

Posts: 199

Date Joined: 13/05/16


Sat, 2023-04-22 21:54

 You can laugh about the dickhead sawing the wood. i was doing a shutdown on the nickel smelter in Kal and a boiler maker did the same thing oxy cutting a beam, did well, fell about 15 foot and only broke an arm.

