Foundation Day Date

The plan was to take the Mrs and kids out of Hillarys and chase some hezza and whiting but the old lady fresh from holidays was keen to see the kids so a plan was hatched and the Mrs and I went out for our first boat ride without the kids after the previous attempt being ruined by a mulie bag on the intake followed by a huge front that came through.

She was keen to catch a snapper or a dhu after only catching bread and butter fish before so I decided to try a spot in 30m I sounded out last Sunday with my brother where we caught a nothing but Sgt Bakers after heading back in from a fruitless trip to the 40's. 

We pulled up and I really liked what I saw and better yet the wind was also playing nice so no use for the sea anchor so we set a drift and dropped a couple of jigs and got a couple of hits and I pulled up a monster skippy only to drop it pulling it into the boat. I loaded up my Catalina rod with a circle hook to have some bait in the water and pulled around for another drift and as soon as we passed the ground it bent over and I told the Mrs to grab it and the following conversation ensued:

"She's all yours, just don't high stick it, that's a $500 rod"

"You paid $500 for a rod?"

"No I got it on special and it's worth about one and a half haircuts. Don't worry about the rod, worry about the fish on it"

She battled it beautifully and landed an undersized snapper which was one of about 12 that we landed today. I managed to hook a nice Black Arse and an undersize Baldy in amongst them and we should have moved but the Mrs was having a ball.

I mentioned to the Mrs that along with the Mile High Club there's a thing called the 3 Mile Club but the look said it all and we headed back to the ramp at 30 knots.

Didn't load the esky like I'd hoped but a magic day all the same and happy to be pulling fish off my own spots.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Nice work frosty, solid BA.

Mon, 2017-06-05 19:46

 Nice work frosty, solid BA. How good were the conditions!

Posts: 16

Date Joined: 01/01/70

brilliant spot name!

Mon, 2017-06-05 19:57

 had a little chuckle

Posts: 755

Date Joined: 29/03/13

3 mile club

Mon, 2017-06-05 21:38



Down the Line


Catch the Experience