Found floating in Cockburn Sound

nearly ran it over......Plano opaque plastic tackle box with black locking clips.......tell me what it contains if it is yours and I will get it back to you is full so worth a fair bit 

Posts: 15

Date Joined: 23/09/16

 Thank god it wasnt snapper

Thu, 2016-09-29 21:12

 Thank god it wasnt snapper again

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

No and I caught a PB snapper

Thu, 2016-09-29 21:56

But would like to return the box to the rightful owner 

Posts: 163

Date Joined: 23/12/08

Nice work

Thu, 2016-09-29 23:09

 Nice work on both counts!

choc's picture

Posts: 670

Date Joined: 05/01/12

 It contains tackle, and it

Fri, 2016-09-30 05:37

 It contains tackle, and it was full, can I have it back?

Just jokes, well done on the PB

Posts: 6454

Date Joined: 08/08/11


Fri, 2016-09-30 06:40



Fish! HARD!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Fri, 2016-09-30 12:48

hi adam i lost my tackle box yesterday and am sure it is the one sunshine has post i'm not a member i have followed this site for years i wanted to see if you can give sunshine my phone number so i can contact him please 041xxxxxxxxx thanks simon


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

Tim's picture

Posts: 2497

Date Joined: 26/09/06


Fri, 2016-09-30 19:20

Would have been the perfect opportunity to join up after sitting on the sideline

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Rightful owner found !

Fri, 2016-09-30 17:24

And lives relatively close by .....will drop it back to him in the morning......websites and the Internet are truly amazing! 

Krusty's picture

Posts: 714

Date Joined: 27/11/15's great

Fri, 2016-09-30 17:28's great to know that there are still some good honest people around. good on ya sunshine 



My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Big believer in karma

Fri, 2016-09-30 17:50

Landed my pb snapper the same day thanks to help and guidance freely given by Little  Johnny from this if that isn't karma !!!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Fri, 2016-09-30 17:54

 Roger that!


Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

hezzy's picture

Posts: 1521

Date Joined: 27/11/09

nice result and top effort

Fri, 2016-09-30 19:09

nice result and top effort sunshine



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


mallesh's picture

Posts: 254

Date Joined: 18/11/10

Great work mate.

Fri, 2016-09-30 20:47

 Good on ya.

 Same thing happened to me. Some one left a tackle box next to me at E shed and put a post on FW and turned out to be Taylor Mark (FW Member)


 Good karma mate


Keep Fishing. Stay Relaxed.

todd davies's picture

Posts: 28

Date Joined: 14/03/16

Love ya work sunshine

Fri, 2016-09-30 21:26

 That's one coming back your way

little johnny's picture

Posts: 5362

Date Joined: 04/12/11

Top stuff

Sat, 2016-10-01 08:15

 :):).owner better dry out properly. Bet he was happy

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2630

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Remarkably dry.....says a lot for Plano quality

Sat, 2016-10-01 11:30

 i opened and dried everything in the sun......good as new.  Was probably lucky that it was full of squid jigs etc as it was nicely balanced which was why it was still afloat.  He was pretty happy to get it back this morning and only 10 minutes away and near to Bunnings which was where we were going anyway 

duncan61's picture

Posts: 376

Date Joined: 21/11/14

good outcome

Sat, 2016-10-01 22:19

 what a good story


just do it.

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3916

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 On ya Sunshine.  May any the

Sun, 2016-10-02 09:09

 On ya Sunshine. 


May any the Karma gods rain down on you

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13


Sun, 2016-10-02 09:42

 I think you meant "shine", not rain.  Don't need anymore rain this week!! Haha

Good on you. sunshine.  Most of us would've done the same



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Yeah for he restoreth the faith

Wed, 2016-10-12 23:19

Great going sunshine, you have restored my faith in man kind.
There are still honest and good people left in this world.