Fisshing Wilbinga tomorrow
after finally having our fishing times aligned and friend and I planned to head out on the boat this Sunday , but as luck would have it the conditions are not favourable.
not giving up we have decided that a beach fish is in order, and while we are at it lets make a journey out of it and head up to Wilbinga . but a few days of using the search function and I am starting to second guess myself.
is heading up at 4 am to 4wd on track that neither of us have been on before wise
will the beach be covered in weed after all storm front that is on us now.
will we be able o find a gutter to fish on at 5 in the morning.
I am starting to think that maybe the two rock mariner would be a better option early on and once it lightens up head up the beach.
with this option does anybody know if the track from two rocks is open or is it necessary to make the drive off Wanneroo rd.
any help or input would be much appreciated.
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Yep , second one
There are maze of tracks up there , some very challenging, and there are some good gutters but a lot of so so ones
so yep , you will really need to spend a whole day if you have it , in the daylight exploring and maybe making
yourself a basic mud map for next time you go.
If you have or can borrow a gps that leaves a breadcrumb trail , that will be handy too , or better still use google earth to really get a birds eye view.
be aware phone and internet coverage is scratchy up that way .
Posts: 388
Date Joined: 28/12/12
Kits open at the tricks end
Kits open at the tricks end mate just keep following the track north and the second set of dunes u come to there is a nice gutter that runs up the north side of a reef normally not to weeded out and u get a little bit of shelter there failing that u can get on the beach there just be warned if the swell been up the beach will be extreamly soft have fun mate
Pgfc member