Fish ID Coral Bay

Caught in 75m. Some form of tropical snapper or sea perch. Maybe Dark Tailed Snapper? Had Moses perch suggested but not sure on that! Cheers


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Yewiefish85's picture

Posts: 795

Date Joined: 02/01/11

 Yup, looks to me to be a

Mon, 2016-07-11 22:21

 Yup, looks to me to be a light coloured dark tail sea perch, hooter of a fish!

Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

For my money

Mon, 2016-07-11 22:33

Dark tailed sea perch, I must admit I have never seen one with such a light body colour as that.

shorething's picture

Posts: 244

Date Joined: 05/10/11

 When it first came out of

Tue, 2016-07-12 10:09

 When it first came out of the water and after this photo it was a lot more red. Probably not the best time for the photo!

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15049

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Yep a dark tailed sea perch.

Tue, 2016-07-12 11:58

 Yep a dark tailed snapper. We caught exactly the same at Gnaraloo just the other day. 


Love the West!

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Dark tail

Tue, 2016-07-12 19:52

 Yep. Dark tail sea perch


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