Filleting knives etc. advice

 So through a course I have been doing I've learnt how to fillet a range of fish and I'm at the stage now where I need a decent blade for my home use, as well as the appropriate sharpening tools. I'm amazed by a lot of the really expensive knives but I will never be able to afford one, so my search begins for an affordable knife (or maybe a small set) that is of high quality.

In the past I have used cheap tackle shop fillet knives and boning knives as well - and they're not bad if kept ultra sharp but I find they dull easily and are never the same. Is there a lot to the shape of the blade making harder or easier or is it more down to simply the sharpness? Cheers in advance for any thoughts. 


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 my favourite has always been

Sat, 2016-04-09 20:41

 my favourite has always been an F Dick , knife with a longish slightly curved blade, not pointy.
Good for filleting and skinning


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roddo's picture

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 Another vote for Fdick great

Sat, 2016-04-09 20:54

 Another vote for Fdick great value for money. 

Use the search function also as there are heaps of threads on filliting knifes.

Broome lad's picture

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Check out

Sat, 2016-04-09 21:02

 Zest fillet knives bloody awesome .

420casts's picture

Posts: 281

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Thanks fellas

Sat, 2016-04-09 21:10

 Will do, the Fdick Ergogrip is sorta what I have in mind. Will hunt around too. 


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tim-o's picture

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wnun5791 on eBay

Sat, 2016-04-09 21:12

Has some good sets, I might get this traumotina set...


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Nimbin 157's picture

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 I just bought a canvas knife

Sun, 2016-04-10 10:16

 I just bought a canvas knife wrap from this guy . Hes got a great range there.

Madmerv's picture

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Sat, 2016-04-09 21:21

 Check out Shore Catch's web site for your knife. (site sponsor)

The cost of a good knife has a lot to do with steel quality, carbon content and tempering. As a rule the beter the quality, the harder it is to sharpen (get an edge) but the longer the edge will stay sharp. Poor quality knives lose their edge fast because the steel is softer and bends easier.

Both cheap and expensive knives can be great filleting blades but the edge needs to be kept up and that is the key. 


 Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !

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It's better to have one good

Sat, 2016-04-09 22:07

It's better to have one good sharp knife that you can resharpen than a number of knives that don't hold much of an edge and are difficult to sharpen. The shape and stiffness of the blade are mostly personal depends on how you like to use the knife.  The composition of the steel and the heat treatment make a good blade.  Assuming you'll learn to sharpen (practice and practice some more...results will get better):

Carbon steel knives are usually much easier to sharpen and will take a better edge, but will rust if you leave them wet.  If you let them form a patina or if you force a patina it'll help a bit, but you still have to look after them. 

Most cheap stainless is quite bad.  It doesn't hold an edge and is difficult to sharpen--because of the steel and the heat treatment.  There are some decent options though.  In addition to to the other recommendations, Victorinox knives are one to consider--I think they are great balance of cost and performance if you're after a stainless knife. 

MARK79's picture

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 F-Dick on the steel and

Sun, 2016-04-10 05:49

 F-Dick on the steel and Victorinox on the knives, value for money and long lasting quality gear.

Posts: 218

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wüsthof classic 16cm filleting knife

Sun, 2016-04-10 07:45

One knife for life I reckon and for me, this is it.

If I was able to post a pic I would.

carnarvonite's picture

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3 Brands

Sun, 2016-04-10 08:38

For knives there are only 3 brands that stand out and you only have to look at what butchers and meatworkers use to see what is best.
Victrinox, Dexter Russell and Swibo are the ones they use and only one brand of steel, Dick is the way to go.

Dale's picture

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Sun, 2016-04-10 10:51

 I'll stay with my ceramics. Got a nice little Rankin Cod the other day and these knives sorted it out into beautiful fillets in no time at all.


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mrwinta's picture

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Sun, 2016-04-10 12:44

 I don't have much of an oppinion on the knives but I can tell you the best sharpener to buy: Ken Onion edition Work Sharp. If you are like me and get frustrated by not getting consistent results with a stone and steel then get one of those guys!



420casts's picture

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 Does the type/shape of knife

Sun, 2016-04-10 12:48

 Does the type/shape of knife require a specific type of sharpener ? I normally use a 2-sided whetstone with the smooth and course faces. Has anyone used Japanese waterstones ? The Victorinox ones are nice. 


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catchalittle's picture

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 Swibo and dexter knives love

Sun, 2016-04-10 13:17

 Swibo and dexter knives love these things go see the people at MBL in Canning Vale these have a huge range of knives and would have to be the cheapest by far in Perth



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have a german made

Sun, 2016-04-10 13:37

mesimeister as a skinning knife. Very nice. I haven,t seen their other knives but the steel is quality. A thin flexible blade is defo they way for filleting most fish. A thicker(in guage) and longer blade for bigger things. I find the stone/steel is the way to go and only use the stone when it needs a really good sharpen.(few times a year).Shorecatch Mick is the bloke to see and is a site sponsor for blades.



Oceanside Tackle's picture

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Hey mate we have an awesome

Sun, 2016-04-10 16:59

Hey mate we have an awesome range of SWIBO and Giesser blades perfect for filleting , remember after prolonged use all knives will blunt. We highly reccomend the CC120 knife sharpener to get your blades back to pristine condition. Feel free to send us a pm for more details. Cheers


Oceanside Team - Specializing in Jigging for demersal, Super Deep Fishing and Cockburn Sound Pink Snapper.

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Boydy's picture

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I own Swibo, Giesser, Dexter

Sun, 2016-04-10 20:35

I own Swibo, Giesser, Dexter and Martiini.
Dexter at the top of the list.

Mick C's picture

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Knife Choice

Sun, 2016-04-10 21:00


There is a lot of "personal preference" in knife choice (see  Our web site has the range we selected for "stock on hand".

Who you buy from for the best price is really based on where you live.  Travel time is money and there are a number of suppliers of your required products throughout WA.  Internet purchase is an option if you accept the associated "issues".

Figure out what types of knives and accessories you want and then get them from a reputable supplier at a reasonable price.



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420casts's picture

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Thanks to all

Sun, 2016-04-10 22:27

 I've got alot of good leads to run with and I value em all. I'm Freo based and don't really care where I end up going if it's for the right thing. The more I consider it, the more coin I'm willing to pay for after filleting a few bread and butteries with a shitty knife makes me wanna get something super good I can keep ultra lethal in a drawer until needed (and cleaned and promptly put back without people using it).

Cheers all once again. Tight lines, and sharp knives people ! 


My YouTube channel, Fishing Rigs & How To's and more:



Posts: 86

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 I have Swibo, wusthof, and

Mon, 2016-04-11 08:43

 I have Swibo, wusthof, and Martiini. Martiini comes out on top as it holds its edge for longer although do appreciate as above knives need to be sharpened regularly . I have from trouble keeping the edge on my Swibo and need to  sharpen with electronic  sharpener as I can't get it up with Steel and wet stone.

Good luck




Posts: 86

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 I have Swibo, wusthof, and

Mon, 2016-04-11 08:45

 I have Swibo, wusthof, and Martiini. Martiini comes out on top as it holds its edge for longer although do appreciate as above knives need to be sharpened regularly . I have from trouble keeping the edge on my Swibo and need to  sharpen with electronic  sharpener as I can't get it up with Steel and wet stone.

Good luck




Stockman's picture

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For off the shelf filleting

Mon, 2016-04-11 09:17

For off the shelf filleting knives, hard to go past Swibo, Victorinox or Dexter Russel knives. They all produce a good range to cover most requirements, reasonably high quality stainless steal that sharpen up quickly and good non slip handles.

I use a Spyderco Sharpmaker for maintaining a shaving sharp edge on all of my knives.

Had this custom knife built for me by a local Albany based bladesmith, David Brodziak. Not a cheep option, but always makes me feel good to support a local craft industry.