FAD Locations off Rotto
Chasing the Rotto/Perth FAD locations. Have trolled thru the web and found the 2 x recfish ones but from what I can gather there are 6 in total and it seems you have to become a member of PGFC to get them in readable format as the map on the website is not 100% legible (see pic attached). Also the map is entitled FAD Chart 11 08 01 which means the co-ords if readable could be from 2011???
Anyone shed any light on the co-ordinates and how they are fishing of late?
Yeh yeh for those that roll their eyes at the question I posted, I have used the search function and,
a) not seeing them on my gps
b) not found the co-ords using google - just lots of reference to PGFC (whom it appears want you to part with $25 for the map which hey I'm happy to do but can't see the map arriving before Friday which is when I'm intending to head out....
c) when I do find co-ords the post date is not that recent i.e usually 2012 (see below) etc.. perhaps they are in the same location but don't want to travel 50+k's to find they aren't
d) Have also found the 2011 co-ords which are diff to the 2012 co-ords - so that kind of debunks the they are always in the same location each yr posts/answers
e) 2012 locations
Club Marine 32° 03'.316 E 115° 19'.450 100m
Fremantle Sailing Club S 32° 05'.171 E 115° 11'.934 220m
Furuno S 31° 57'.50 E 115° 15'.82 140m
Hillarys Yacht Club S 31° 54'.665 E 115° 12'.911 170m
Perth Game Fishing Club S 32° 00'.122 E 115° 13'.578 190m
Yamaha Outboards S 32° 08'.793 E 115° 10'.434 180m
Thought I'd post the above points to save those that are inclined to criticize the trouble of doing so.
Considerate bastard aren't I?
There's 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those that can't.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
How much different...
...are the 2011 ones to the 2012 ones? The PGFC fads are gazetted on the charts...my guess is the co-ords are going to be pretty close, year-to-year.
Also, they can and do move/get shifted, so even the most up to date, bang-on position may not be the same the next day. I haven't been out there this year but I'd be verifying that they are still there (from others on this site) and heading out to the listed positions. Chances are, there will be other boats out there anyway.
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Date Joined: 21/04/08
they get put in the same position every year, so the cords from 2011, should have them in the same spot.
they do move sometimes, due to current, swell, storms, etc, and sometimes they go missing altogether.
download the navionics app on your phone, and they are on that. I'll try down load a photo so you know what to look for.
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Date Joined: 10/02/12
These are the coordinates
These are the coordinates from the PGFC November newsletter, right after they launched them:
Deployed positions are approximately:
Hillarys Yacht Club 31°54’ 115°11’ 173m
Furuno 31°57’ 115°15’ 141m
Perth Game Fishing Club 31°59’ 115°13’ 190m
Club Marine 32°03’ 115°19’ 105m
Fremantle Sailing Club 32°04’ 115°11’ 223m
All Marine Services 32°08’ 115°10’ 188m
As other have said they tend to move around a bit, so be prepared to search for them a bit or look for other boats on them.
The Recfishwest FADs are:
Surface: 32° 00.938S 115° 13.886E
Submerged 23m : 32° 03.108S 115° 13.315E
Posts: 140
Date Joined: 07/03/12
much appreciated
Thanks very much guys hopefully will have a worthy report to post of my first FAD adventure.
DTrain the co-ords for the recfishwest ones are a familiar format to me & my GPS as for the PGFC ones?
Just add 3 zero's after the '?
There's 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those that can't.
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
One degree of latitude...
...running due north/south, equals 60 nautical miles, so one minute of latitude is one sixtieth of that, or one nm. The last three digits are that one nm in hundreths...you can put three zeros, or you can put .500, which, in theory, puts you right in "the middle" of that nautical mile. From that position you should be able to see the fad, or any boats around it.
These measurements shouldn't be used for east/west, unless you're into offshore navigation or you are right on the equator!
Posts: 486
Date Joined: 10/02/12
As Auslobster has said those
As Auslobster has said those coordinates have been rounded to the nearest minute, so only accurate to about a nautical mile. For the exact up to date coordinates you need to be a PGFC member.
I haven't been out this year, but last year when I went I had to troll around for 15 minutes before I could find the fad. From a distance they look like the flags on a golf course, so aren't that easy to spot unless you have radar.
Posts: 140
Date Joined: 07/03/12
thanks again guys very much appreciated this end.
As Auslobster says I'll go with 500 and troll about, got a bloke joining me who's a seasoned pelagic fisher from Karrachi way so with yours and his help and a bit of luck thrown in fingers crossed will have some pics to share.
There's 3 kinds of people in this world, those who can count and those that can't.
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
The West Australian Undersea
The West Australian Undersea Club is extremely proud to present a new group of FAD’s off Perth to the WA Spearfishing and Fishing community.
FAD 1 32° 13.071′ S 115° 23.289′ E
FAD 2 32° 13.104′ S 115° 24.371′ E
Posts: 6265
Date Joined: 26/04/14
any reports of the new fads
any reports of the new fads notorious hope there working. will be mint if shallow water fads work
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Havent heard of anyone going
Havent heard of anyone going put there yet - but I agree, would be cool if they hold fish!
Posts: 579
Date Joined: 23/04/14
There are 6 PGFC FADs in total. They are gazetted on navigation charts, so they are dropped as close as possible to the marked positions each year.
The FAD's do move around due to currents, severe weather, ground gear breakage, collisions with larger vessels etc.
Unless they've dragged due some extreme circumstances they can usually be found within about half a nautical mile of their marked positions.
There have been some dollies around the FAD's this year - mostly smaller ones although there was a 12kg model caught a little while ago.
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
Anyone know if the WAUC FAD's
Anyone know if the WAUC FAD's are still at there location?