exmouth rent accomodation
Submitted by SamC on Sun, 2007-08-05 20:15
its along way away but maybe/hopefully next year i was hopeing to move up to exmouth for 6 months to work n fish! are working this year and saving money to hopefully do this nxt year!
just wondering if anyone knows what the rent is like up there? probably just looking to rent a unit? or can you rent the chalets at lighthouse caravan park? (i doubt it) looking around the $400ish p/w
just wondering if it's easy to find a place or not? also is it easy to find work up there? any where really!
adam hopefully you can help me with this?
any input would be good fellas
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
At the moment theres bugger all around town free in the rental market, apart from holiday houses which cost and arm and a leg. After summer things may be a little different. We have a fully furnished duplex house up here for $300 pw at the moment but our lease is up in 2 weeks and we move to a $280 pw fully furnished house that isn't duplex and has heaps of room for the boat and 3 cars. (we got very lucky to get it) I would start looking after Christmas for both work and accomodation as town is vacated pretty much then apart from the locals. Theres a few jobs going around the place, really depends on what you want to do and what you want to get paid.
There will be fisheries research jobs going for the pilbara next year if your interested in that, just that little bit further north and that little bit hotter. :)
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