
 Hi I am wondering if some of you could help with a few questions I have in regards to Mulla fishing. I am fishing tonight at Eshed and have been there before but not targeted Mulloway specifically so I want to know:

1) Can they be caught on a gang with mullies or would a single hook with different bait be better

2) I was thinking of using a tri swivel type setup with the sinker coming off one prong and the bait off the other or should it be something with a running sinker and roughly what size sinker to make it stay out there 

I read the forums all the time and just wanted to say thanks to all of you who offered advice to my previous question about fishing and fines :)




 Fishing is my "thing" 

falttymatty's picture

Posts: 163

Date Joined: 14/01/11

i myself use 80-100lb leader

Fri, 2012-05-18 10:36

i myself use 80-100lb leader with two snelled 7/0 gamagatskus with a running sinker usually a 4-5 in weight but i have found you dont always need a running sinker as sometimes in the current it does create tangles and especially with liveys they love to wrap around main line.

Alot of people will say you always need a running sinker for mulloway but the amount ive seen caught on fixed sinkers is un believable so its up to you if you want a fixed sinker but can run a little before it decides to swallow the bait use a shorter leader and run a swivel to another swivel of say 30cm with a swivel on that piece of line just threaded through with sinker coming of this so it can run first for a little feel no weight then it will grab you strike and on hopefully but also depends on the fish some play with the bait while others dont so hopefully the fish arnt to picky for you tonight.

tight lines mate keep us posted good luck

and get there early or you will have no chance of a spot.


to fish or not to fish is that even an option?

Sisterfish's picture

Posts: 25

Date Joined: 10/01/12

Thanks for the advice

Fri, 2012-05-18 11:04

Another trip to the tackle shop for me...planning on gettin down there in the arvo so hopefully I can beat the crowd.


 Fishing is my "thing" 

Posts: 317

Date Joined: 16/12/09

Good luck, hopefully your

Fri, 2012-05-18 17:41

Good luck, hopefully your next post is a report on your success!