Electric Reels WHICH ONE?
Submitted by CC106 on Thu, 2016-06-02 18:56
Starting to look into deep drop fishing and would love some help on selecting an electric reel to get started. Looking to fish up to 300mtrs chasing hapuka, blue eye etc.
Looking at the Daiwa Tanacom 1000 vs Daiwa Tanacom Bull 1000
Anyone have experience with these reels? Pros cons for both? Is there a better option out there for getting started?
Any help would be welcomed!
Posts: 226
Date Joined: 26/09/14
Hello mate
i started with a daiwa tanacom bull 1000 and it did the job over a couple of years. Landed some good fish until it died this year. I've replaced it with the shimano beast master 9000 which I'm really happy with.
However it depends how often you go and what you want to pay I guess .
Posts: 725
Date Joined: 12/12/10
Can anyone advise where i can
Can anyone advise where i can get a Miya Epoch reel in Perth or Oz? Dont seem to find much info on them locally.
Posts: 76
Date Joined: 29/04/14
Yeah mate they sell them on
Yeah mate they sell them on the Gold Coast the same guys that own Solas Propellors from memory. Decent reels I own one myself
Posts: 398
Date Joined: 16/11/11
beast master
cant go past them. You get what you pay for, especially when a 12 foot shark inhales the fish on the end of it and swims off towing the boat
Posts: 104
Date Joined: 12/07/13
One of my first jobs working
One of my first jobs working in a tackle store was spooling up a Tancom Bull 1000 and a shimano plays 9000. The Tancom bull kept overheating, and as a result, the shop I work in no longer stocks them. Dont get me wrong I love daiwa, but when it comes to electric reels I would advise against them. Do some reasearch into the shimano plays 9000, when I spooled that one it ran fine. I might be wrong, this was the only time i've touched an electric reel, but I figured you might find it useful information.
Posts: 59
Date Joined: 07/01/14
thanks for the replies and
thanks for the replies and opinions. Ive bought the Shimano Plays 9000 run out sale.
Posts: 59
Date Joined: 07/01/14
thanks for the replies and
thanks for the replies and opinions. Ive bought the Shimano Plays 9000 run out sale.
Belly Fish
Posts: 499
Date Joined: 09/03/12
The Tanacom Bull and Megatwin (I have one of each) will overheat and stop when initially spooling. To be fair, the instructions that come with it say as much. But it also says they won't overheat when in normal use, as the water on the line cools it. That's been my experience....both reels are fine at their price point