Dorre Island

 I have a 4.3 metre tinny with 25hp on the back. Will this be sufficient for a trip to Dorre Island in June?

Vinesh87's picture

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 How much fuel / water / gear

Mon, 2013-02-25 19:55

 How much fuel / water / gear can you carry ? 50kms there 50 back. I would personally say no way!

bodes's picture

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give it a miss

Mon, 2013-02-25 20:00

no fish over there anyway

Posts: 354

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if you want to risk your life

Mon, 2013-02-25 20:00

if you want to risk your life yes

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Mon, 2013-02-25 20:01

 Sounds like a death wish

Quobbarockhopper's picture

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 Read the Bernier post from a

Mon, 2013-02-25 20:09

 Read the Bernier post from a few days ago... Not worth the hassle

black gen's picture

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hahah yeh i rekn you could

Mon, 2013-02-25 21:01

hahah yeh i rekn you could get 30nautical mile in a tinny......bahaahaha nah man no way

the slightest hint of wind you will know all about it inside the islands....

carnarvonite's picture

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Mon, 2013-02-25 21:01

Definitely not a good idea in any weather, it can look real good in the morning on the trip over and by the time you get there the sea breeze will be in and the ride home will be either stupid or bloody dangerous requiring my blokes in sea rescue having to find then save your arse and we won't be happy chappies because mostly the boaties up here are pretty good and do the right thing.

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sorry to reply to such an old

Tue, 2016-05-24 21:35

sorry to reply to such an old post. what wouldf you say is a sufficient boat to fish the islands? hard q to answer... i guess I'm asking what the locals use.

carnarvonite's picture

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Wed, 2016-05-25 06:52

A lot depends on the weather, I regularly go over in my 5 metre ali plate boat but the conditions have to be spot on before I go. Most of the ones who head over have 6 metre plus boats that can cope with the 20-25knot SW winds that we cop most afternoons.

Many of those who fish Koks island on the northern tip will work their way down Bernier island to the gap between the 2 islands before heading back across so that you are running across the waves rather than copping them on the quarter all the way home

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Thanks. thats good info.I'm

Wed, 2016-05-25 21:47

Thanks. thats good info.

I'm moving to carnarvon next week. tassie lad been in kalgoorlie 8 years. havent done much fishing in WA. you'd be reluctant to go 50m offshore in a 5m boast in tassie!

carnarvonite's picture

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Join up

Thu, 2016-05-26 06:18

Join sea rescue, we are always shorthanded and new members are always welcome.

To get in touch call 99413613 for more info

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 Yeah might just take a few

Thu, 2016-05-26 22:23

 Yeah might just take a few weeks to settle in and then have a look at you blokes.

Posts: 4

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 Yeah might just take a few

Thu, 2016-05-26 22:23

 Yeah might just take a few weeks to settle in and then have a look at you blokes.

bitten's picture

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bunch of wimps, done it

Mon, 2013-02-25 22:01

bunch of wimps, done it plenty of time in a small boat loads of fish over there never ever came home without a bag limit, tim mison used to do it in a tinny admitidly he is mad

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It is not a good

Tue, 2013-02-26 07:57

It is not a good idea!!!


However... in saying that...  Myself and a mate took a 15 foot quinnie over there last july and absolutley cleaned up!!!  BUT... We were extremely confident on what the weather was going to be doing for the next few days!!!


Most dangerous thing that trip was the amount of whales around...  They would come EXTREMELY close!!!


We even managed to get through the gap and fish the outside... however... unless very experienced with the area... I would strongly advice you didnt do this!!!! 

The current through the gap and the cross chop created would probably be too much for a little 25hp!!  We were using a 50hp..

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Thats more of an issue for

Tue, 2013-02-26 08:05

Thats more of an issue for me. For you to be able to carry the amount of fuel and supplies to be totally self sufficient if the weather turns bad would need more  than 25hp to plane properly.

Doable... sure, but I feel that if you have to ask the question then you may not be experienced enough to do it safely.



Or you could be trollin....


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

bodes's picture

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Tue, 2013-02-26 21:59

thawt the same ole dodgy 1

pricey10's picture

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 Another one for don't

Tue, 2013-02-26 08:08

 Another one for don't bother. Go buy a bigger boat. 25hp will take ya hours to get there then if you get a bit of chop it will take ya days to get home


Karratha. WA

Notorious's picture

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 A few fish aint worth it,

Tue, 2013-02-26 19:55

 A few fish aint worth it, you seem undergunned with that tinnie unless you have PERFECT conditions I wouldnt risk it


Posts: 358

Date Joined: 12/05/12

Google Dorree island

Tue, 2013-02-26 20:07

 There's some good articles...had to google it to find...I'm on the same page as the other guys...not the best choice to do...plenty of areas better suited for your boat to catch a some of the sites on line...look at the pictures...I'm sure you will look for a new option

bitten's picture

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 a better idea would be to

Wed, 2013-02-27 11:59

 a better idea would be to aunch at the blowholes (about a 70km drive north) and fish fitzroy reef and the areas around there loads of fish up there

walloped's picture

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 I'm assuming light

Wed, 2013-02-27 15:55

 I'm assuming light easterlies for a few days and carrying 110 litres fuel. I'm competent in a boat and can cope with poor seas. In good conditions the boat will cruise at 30kmh and would make Dorre Island in less than two hours using not even 30l fuel. If they let the Russians attempt rowing to Madagascar from Carnarvon, a quick trip out for a feed of trout should be manageable. Thank-you all for your thoughts and concern. (Thinking cap back on again.)

carnarvonite's picture

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Thu, 2013-02-28 15:09

Hope you have  VHF radio and not a hand held jobbie because 27 meg and 5 watt hand helds don't reach the island and 27 meg isn't monitored by our main home base during working hours on week days.

A gentle reminder, you may go on to the islands BUT get caught camping on them and its going to cost you big dollars.

hornet42's picture

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be picky

Wed, 2013-02-27 16:28

 Pick the right day and all will be good middle day of 3 flat days when its like a mill pond and go. Have fun out there mite see you i will be out there in May


 PB  Dhu  850 mm Pink 820mm 

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 Do not do it...As mentioned

Sun, 2013-03-03 19:45

 Do not do it...

As mentioned above... Put in at the blowholes, and fish fitzroy reef etc... Or head to exmouth and fish around the gulf...

Even if the weather looks good for a few days.... It an change in an instant..... 

It was forecast to be a magic day, a few years back.. We were already at the islands and sailing back on my dads catamaran.... 23 footer.... By 11am... When the cat was in the wave trough.... The crest of the waves was higher than the mast!!!!!

if you are not extremely familiar with how the bay works up here.... I think you are out of your mind to go out in a small tinnie...


Posts: 163

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Fished out at the islands in

Wed, 2016-05-25 07:19

Fished out at the islands in a tinnie, albeit a 6m Trailcraft. Would rather fish there in a 5m glass boat but must admit am not a fan of the Trailcrafts. Didn't help when the skipper hands you the EPIRB and says "hang on to this, I think we are going to need it". I was going to take my Hornet out there towed my mates 40 footer, but couldn't get the stars to line up so never eventuated. That is about the only way I would go to the islands in a dingy.

Posts: 38

Date Joined: 21/06/13

6.5 Metre hard enough

Wed, 2016-05-25 11:12
