Donnelly River
Submitted by deig on Mon, 2015-06-29 15:31
Hi All
Heading down to Pemberton next week and I see there is a small ramp at Donnelly River and wondering if anyone has used it? If so does the river flow into the ocean?
Or any other good fishing spots for the boat there?
Or any other tips on where to fish?
Is it even worth taking the boat at all?
Posts: 282
Date Joined: 16/10/08
Brilliant little river. Lower
Brilliant little river. Lower and upper reaches for bream and upper reaches for trout! River mouth is mostly closed off to the ocean. Totally worth taking the boat! Hard to fish land based and a shit load of snags throughout the system!!
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Not sure how the ramp is these days, been more than a few years since I was down there.
Check in Pemby if the river is barred up because if it breaks when you are down there you may not have much water to get back.
The beach at the mouth is usually pretty deep and only a short walk from the river. The usual silver bream , skippy. herring and salmon with the odd mulloway and shark are the main catches with black bream in the lower reaches and rainbow trout in the upper
Posts: 8673
Date Joined: 24/07/07
Forgot, its 11 miles by boat from the ramp down to the mouth
Posts: 159
Date Joined: 03/12/13
Was down there last month,
Was down there last month, the ramp has been upgraded since I was last there and is excellent. River was quite full but hadnt broken through the bar and there hasnt been much rain since i was there so its probably pretty similar now. Unfortunately a large tree has fallen across the river just upstream of the ramp so you cant go up to where the Carey Brook flows in which used to be a good spot for trout. There were guys netting in the estuary in the lower reaches when I was there, not sure if thats legal or not.