Deep Drop Mandurah 1st attempt-fail.
G'day all,
Well after lots of planning, searching deep drop on here, making rigs (thanks Oceanside) the stars finally alligned yesterday with the outlook looking good and the brother in law and I having the day off.
The plan was to leave Mandurah Marina at 6:30 make our way out to the 40m mark and if it looked good enough continue on wider. So apart from a bit of swell the ENE wind was fine out there, so we decided to give it a crack. With no marks to go on this was an exploration and have a go trip. Took some GPS co ords off the navionics app in an area that I thought looked reasonable the app said the contour lines would be in the 260/280m range but was a bit out, more like 320m. So we slowed right down (4 knots for my set up, 587 & tm260) which produced a pretty good picture. I had the same problem as another guy on here regards using high TVG cluttering up the screen, so left it on medium. Any way long story short we done a lot of sounding but didn't come across any real good looking drop offs in the area we were searching. a couple of times we thought we came across what looked to be fish, set a drift up (which is pretty tricky in those depths) for the total of one Nannygai, which is dinner tonight.
So all in all I'm glad to finally get out there and have a go. It's a bloody long way out there and doing it without electrics is hard but do able. We fished from 280m-320m. Might have to beg, borrow or steal some spots haha. Not likely I know. We stopped at a few closer spots on the way home but could only manage an undersize Dhu & Pinky.
Cheers for reading.
Posts: 3912
Date Joined: 14/10/12
I worked yesterday. You had a
I worked yesterday. You had a far better day than me
Posts: 50
Date Joined: 17/12/12
mate if you pulled a nanny
mate if you pulled a nanny out of 280-300 you were in the right country
where there is one there are plenty more
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 07/12/06
not a fail mate your one
not a fail mate your one trip closer to finding them.. keep at it!
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Too true Swompa! Thanks
Too true Swompa! Thanks Treefrog thats good to know. Yeah not going to give up on it maggot will try again.
Posts: 161
Date Joined: 08/12/12
I was out yesterday
I was out yesterday afternoon as well, we got our bag in the 40s, what a magnificent afternoon, it just glassed off for the run back, probably the calmest I've seen it this year
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 10/07/08
Took me about 10-15 trips to
Took me about 10-15 trips to get my first good fish mate! And like treefrog sed if your getting nannys that deep there's normally a cod close by
Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow?
Posts: 3758
Date Joined: 05/11/07
Hi Kirky mate, Don't worry,
Hi Kirky mate,
Don't worry, we gave our first real crack in my boat out off Two rocks a couple weeks ago, in similar depths 280-350. Struggled on ground as well, but finally found a ledge but it was late in the day and couldn't really sound around it.
We caught about a dozen green eyed sharks and that was about it!
But like other said, one day closer!@
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Thanks guys, yeah I read
Thanks guys,
yeah I read your report Bodie. Seemed the ground we were on was just a gently slopping, didn't find any major drop offs.
Hey Reece always read your reports over thoroughly. My transducer is on an adjustable mount, it reads really well as is but do you reckon it would help to drop it down a bit further when out there to be able to sound around a little quicker?
Hey Pitty, yeah the day just got better. On the way in it got glassy. Love surfing down glassy swells. Nice work catching a bag.
Posts: 522
Date Joined: 10/07/08
Hay mate. Yeh it may help!
Any one free to help me pull my drum lines tomorrow?
Ol Tom
Posts: 331
Date Joined: 17/12/13
I feel your pain Chris. I am
I feel your pain Chris. I am out regularly for naff all. Some days are great and some are ZIP. I dont know that you have to go that far off Mandurah to catch a good fish, unless you are maybe sick of catching all that has to offer in 30m ???
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Similar to Reece, we did 5
Similar to Reece, we did 5 trips, over 800km travelled, $1300 of fuel, $2500 worth of specific deep drop gear and a lot of heartache before we cracked the deep drop code.
It does not come easily!
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 1356
Date Joined: 13/01/12
Cheers guysyeah I've read
Cheers guys
yeah I've read your reports too John. While we were out there I was telling the brother in law about the Amberjack you got out in the deep. This was while we were winding up with nothing on our lines, thinking how hard it would be with an amberjack on the end!! Haha