Day out off Bunbury
Submitted by Fuzz on Tue, 2015-01-20 07:07
Decent weather yesterdy but wasnt willing to head all the way to busso as it was blowing westerly and we all know how inaccurate the weather man likes to to be. So i put in much closer at bunbury and hit a few marks that i havnt fished for a while. Ended up being quite a productive day with this catch in total and another 3 size dhus released.
"you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"
Patto 1
Posts: 371
Date Joined: 02/12/10
Nice one Matt .did well of
Nice one Matt .did well of bunno .i haven't been out for a while as thee been to much going on at the moment.
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 23/10/12
good catch
Well done! always good to have a reward like that for a day out.
I have yet to catch a decent sized flattie off Bunno, usually get the 25cm specimens - I think they may be a different subspecies of flathead?
Pic 2 looks liek a tripple header of Dhus?
Top effort, top reward!
Posts: 265
Date Joined: 06/11/13
Almost unhurry
Was a double header and a single on the other rod but both boated at same time, could almost claim it as a triple tho haha
"you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"
Posts: 3145
Date Joined: 04/08/09
Top notch feed there
Top notch feed there
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 09/01/08
Conditions looked good off
Conditions looked good off Bunbury, I should've taken a sicky and gone out as well! Glad you got onto a few Dhu-Bangers!
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 265
Date Joined: 06/11/13
Weather ended up being great all day
Light westerly just enough for a good drift, fish were on the chew most of the time to which helps. Suprised that we only come across one other boat all day, everyone was busy working??
"you can catch all sorts in bed, BUT you can't catch FISH !"
Posts: 45
Date Joined: 30/04/13
Good work Matt! Was a little
Good work Matt! Was a little choppy in busso at5 when I left. Just got better and better. Nice day on the water!