Cruise craft 500

 I thnk ive found the uprgrade to the tinny and i would like to ask for some feedback, ive found a Cruise craft 500 2000 hull paired with a 2010 yam 115 outboard with 104 hrs on the clock. The boat is in good condition on a new trailer with Lowrance hdi 5 wide beam plotter/sounder combo and another Lowrance plotter/sounder combo (one does the wide beam scan) comes with gold maps, the outboard has new hydrolic stearing, just serviced with all recipts and log book. UHF and 27mghz radios and all the rest of equiptment you can think of.

The asking price is 28k, this is my first full size boat so im not very well clued up on them. Ive done plenty of reading and the boat sounds ideal but im yet to find a fellow fisher that has one.

i want to head out 5 miles plus to do some bottom bashing a bit of shark fishing then trailer her up the coast to exmouth etcfor holidays.

does this sound like the ideal boat for me and my requirements, ive looked at the aluminium hulls alsoa nd found the trailcraft a bit of a banger in the chop andmy friends5m plate hull chivers rolles plenty in the swell.

ive had a back problem in the past so a smooth as poss ride is importamt and obviously a bit of comfort for the wife and kids when they come out on her.





Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

Not much not to like about

Sun, 2014-05-18 07:41

Not much not to like about it. Cruisecraft make a great boat, power is fine. As long as it all checks out ok just barter him down as much as you can.


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Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

Date Joined: 18/01/07

Cruisecraft are a good boat -

Sun, 2014-05-18 07:50

Cruisecraft are a good boat - well regarded and have better resale than most other boats (along with Haines). If it is all good then you probably can't go too wrong (all things considered)


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wangler's picture

Posts: 607

Date Joined: 26/04/08

Is it the

Sun, 2014-05-18 08:40

bow rider or cuddy cab 5m ?


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Olliej's picture

Posts: 155

Date Joined: 27/08/12

 I loved my 4.7m cc runabout

Sun, 2014-05-18 09:08

 I loved my 4.7m cc runabout but was just too small for offshore work. Can you stretch to a 6m hull?

Josh's picture

Posts: 283

Date Joined: 14/09/10

 when you are 99% convinced

Sun, 2014-05-18 09:31

 when you are 99% convinced on getting it, spend a couple hundred dollars on an inspection report, will give you peace of mind, or save you thousands. A lot of stuff can happen in 15 years, and was it repowered because the last engine had 1500 hours? Plus they will point out things that you can barter down with. 

Posts: 31

Date Joined: 09/08/12

 Wangler, its a cuddy cab.

Sun, 2014-05-18 09:56

 Wangler, its a cuddy cab. Olliej this has come under budget so we could go a little but more but TBH its hard finding the boat that ticks all the boxes for around 30k mark. 

Josh, i didnt think about an inspection TBH but your right it does make sense. 

Im waiting to take it on a sea trail today so i will let you know how it goes. 



Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

is it 2 or 4s? if 2 it may be

Sun, 2014-05-18 13:39

is it 2 or 4s? if 2 it may be a bit much.

the 500 is quite an old hull but as said they are well made.

get the hin and contact CC for original sale info, thery are pretty helpful


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 128

Date Joined: 29/07/12

Great boat

Sun, 2014-05-18 15:21

 My old man had one, great boat when paired with 115hp 4 stroke. Used it to fish for snapper in the east 15 to 20km out constantly with no drama. He sold it for 28 k with very similar specs to what you have mentioned if that helps. 

Posts: 31

Date Joined: 09/08/12

 4 stroke Rob, i think the

Sun, 2014-05-18 19:17

 4 stroke Rob, i think the price is right and not hheard anything bad about the hull, being a 2010 yam outboard is what apeals to me most of all. Didnt get out for a trail today bloody phone turned itself off so will have to finalize next weekend



Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

The F115 is probably one of

Sun, 2014-05-18 19:44

The F115 is probably one of the longest manufactured 4 strokes without a major change and is still a competitive motor even though a completely new model is about to be released.

They are super reliable and probably the only drama Ive heard (happened to mine also) is the TP sensor playing up, stalling sometimes when it comes out of gear. Easy fix.


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.