Crays from shore :)

Took advantage with the <1m swell, low tide and calm winds for a dive from shore at a usually nasty sort of a spot.

Anyway, a few tarantula's about, only 3 males kept with females with berries out numbering the males 5:1.

Didn't get more than 4 meters down, vis at around 6-8m, was awesome :)

Wine bottle and dive tank for comparison (bragging rights)!

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mako magic's picture

Posts: 5785

Date Joined: 03/08/05


Sat, 2011-12-17 12:40

nice !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

quindieselbrad's picture

Posts: 329

Date Joined: 01/09/10


Sat, 2011-12-17 12:44

that jumbo u would have been fighting for your life tacklng it! hoota sensational effort


Catchn dhuies off the smell of an oily rag :)

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Hells yeah!

Sat, 2011-12-17 12:49

Hells yeah!


flangies's picture

Posts: 2550

Date Joined: 11/05/08

How scary is that one

Sat, 2011-12-17 13:13

How scary is that one

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 01/05/11

The middle one was the most

Sat, 2011-12-17 13:47

The middle one was the most challenging physically - he really didn't want to come out of his ledge.

The large one was a bit more docile, but needed more finesse. Bugger nearly drowned me ripping my regs out of my mouth then giving me a bear hug. Then came the time to put him in my catch bag, he did't really fit and wasn't happy about going in there either. I was only about 15m from shore where i plucked him out from so swam in and called it a day after that :)

Christmas lunch and probably dinner sorted, it's also my first dive of the season so i'm over the moon. WOOT

mtre9209's picture

Posts: 56

Date Joined: 08/12/11

 Good effort!! I went out

Sat, 2011-12-17 17:53

 Good effort!! I went out today off yanchep both shallow and deep but only saw small ones in close and nothing at all out deep.

MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Awesome crays

Sat, 2011-12-17 22:40

Jdog, makes all the hard work worth while. Top stuff mate

Lucky Tim's picture

Posts: 2536

Date Joined: 28/11/07

great work from the shore

Sun, 2011-12-18 10:20

great work from the shore mate, you NOR or SOR?

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 01/05/11

South West

Sun, 2011-12-18 13:13

Near Margs Tim ^^

dkonig82's picture

Posts: 2091

Date Joined: 06/07/10

Thats a beast of a cray

Mon, 2011-12-19 11:16

Thats a beast of a cray


When asked by a non-fisherman 'how many fishing rods do you really need?' the correct answer is either:

n+1 (where n is the number of fishing rods you currently own); or

n-1 (where n is the number of fishing rods which would cause your significant other to dump you. 

Posts: 95

Date Joined: 27/12/11

Good cray

Thu, 2011-12-29 15:27

 Nice cray how long were you out there for

Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 658

Date Joined: 21/09/09


Sat, 2012-02-18 16:15

one or 2 of those legs would do me! haha

Posts: 198

Date Joined: 25/05/10

Good one mate, nice when you

Sat, 2012-02-18 19:57

Good one mate, nice when you can catch them like that without launching the boat.

Posts: 11

Date Joined: 11/11/12

Good spots

Mon, 2012-11-26 22:30

Anyone know any spots of perth to pick crayfish?

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Bloody good effort

Mon, 2012-11-26 22:34

Bloody good effort.. excellent crays


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted..