cray limits halved???

I just heard from 2 mates listening to 882 6pr, that fisheries are halving rec cray limits!

I cant yet find anything on line though. can anyone confirm this??

if it is true, I may hang up the tanks this year. it almost wont be worth going for 4 crays each. I'm also wondering on how they are basing their actions, as history has proven that they cant calculate cray predictions like they think they can.

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not correct

Wed, 2015-09-16 07:41

dont stress Scotto.
There will be some announcements soon but they have not listened to it properly


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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 I heard the same.  Bag and

Wed, 2015-09-16 09:39

 I heard the same.  Bag and boat limits halved.  Two people can use one pot.


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sea-kem's picture

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 I think this is for northern

Wed, 2015-09-16 07:53

 I think this is for northern crays, What I read in the paper today is that two people can now use the same pot.


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and you can take big girls

Wed, 2015-09-16 08:24

in their not in berrys


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 Hmm I could be wrong with

Wed, 2015-09-16 08:31

 Hmm I could be wrong with what I just heard on the radio, where can we officially find out?


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todays west online below

Wed, 2015-09-16 08:34

todays west online below might help explain it until the press release is findable from the ministers office from yesterday


New rules to put more crays in pots

Claire Tyrrell September 16, 2015, 12:45 am

James Florisson and Brody Laroux join forces. Picture: Mogens Johansen/The West Australian

Brody Laroux and James Florisson think the best things in life are even better shared.

And now the avid recreational fishermen can fish with the same rock lobster pots.

State Fisheries Minister Ken Baston announced a raft of changes to the sector yesterday ahead of the season launch on October 15.

“Two people will be able to share a rock lobster pot and take large female rock lobsters, provided they are not in reproductive condition,” Mr Baston said.

“I have also accepted the community’s request for the bag and boat limits for tropical rock lobsters to be halved to share the available catch of this species among more fishers.”

Mr Laroux, who has held a rock lobster licence for more than 15 years, welcomed the changes.

“It makes it less ambiguous,” he said.

“If I wanted to take James out, we could put both our numbers on the pots and we could both pull them. This should benefit the vast majority of recreational crayfishers.”

Recfishwest principal policy officer Leyland Campbell said the new regulations comple-mented changes introduced in recent years.

“A few years ago we had bag and boat limit increases, so this is an ongoing progression,” he said.

“This is something that recreational fishers have asked us to pursue to make their fishing experience better.”

Mr Campbell said the shared pots policy would work well for people who worked away, who could allocate another licence holder to pull their pots.

He said lifting restrictions on catching female rock lobsters brought the recreational sector in line with commercial fishers and simplified the rules.

Mr Campbell said halving the limit for tropical rock lobsters would help address concerns about declining stock numbers in the State’s north.


OFW 11

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 Tropical rock lobsters =

Wed, 2015-09-16 09:41

 Tropical rock lobsters = painted crays???


Fish! HARD!

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Ornate and painted are

Wed, 2015-09-16 09:56

Ornate and painted are "tropical rock lobsters"

uncle's picture

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wow I heard the recfish guy

Wed, 2015-09-16 10:26

this morning say 2 [shared] people can take 16 crays per pot,this will be great when the whites run you could pull half your pots out, less bait to buy, less pots etc to by, the bait and pot suppliers wont be happy but we will,he also reckoned a bumber season,I'm happy


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Wed, 2015-09-16 11:50

Wont that also mean with less pots in the water but the same amount of pot thieves your way more likely to have your crays and/or pots stolen?

grantarctic1's picture

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If im reading

Wed, 2015-09-16 11:58

If im reading it right, then this will eliminate those stupid fines in relation to the guys who bagged out, but only pulled one set of pots. ?

sea-kem's picture

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 Lol stop it Grant, you're

Wed, 2015-09-16 12:15

 Lol stop it Grant, you're creating grey areas already 


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Wed, 2015-09-16 12:47

So if I have 2 pots

And 2 people on board with licenses. Does this mean I can only take 8 crays?


 Or can I take 16 if both pots have both licenses on them? Which you wouldn't do as then you could only have the 2 pots between you I imagine? (not 4 as you would then have 4 pots per license).



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percula if you only wanted

Wed, 2015-09-16 13:47


if you only wanted to shell out for say 2 pots and work them during the whites with these changes yes you could take your 16 crays from those two pots only or just one of them if it caught well
this should be possible either way under the new changes as outlined

as you could with both pots co licenced or you could with both fishers holding licences and fisheries dept assurances they will be looking at bag limit compliance per licence /boat

the pity today is the media release is not available and non of this has been well explained to date imo
without that its alla bit fuzzy


OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


uncle's picture

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still can only

Wed, 2015-09-16 13:26

take 8 per licence


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 Hezzy l read it this morning

Wed, 2015-09-16 14:01

 Hezzy l read it this morning on their media release doesn't seem to bad but not good if the rec west side of things that you're involved in don't get a heads up about these things .Do yourself get to have much input in the changes they might make. 

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stricko the thing is the

Wed, 2015-09-16 14:33

the thing is the recreational rock lobster advisory committee of which im one has made a compilation of reccomendations/changes on the recreational regulations under IFM on rock lobster to the board at recfishwest

these ideas and reccomendations where designed to help rec rock lobster fishers increase their take of rock lobster , this was desired due to the current situation where under IFM rec fishers are allocated 5%of the total allowable catch , however rec fishers have not been actually taking that full 5% at any time in any year since IFM was introduced to manage the catch share betwen recs and commercial fishers

so we make reccomendations to the board at recfishwest , they agree or not and then those they agree on get put to the dept of fisheries for their consideration

the feedback we get advises us & the board at recfishwest of the outcomes from the dept of fisheries and their reasoning behind the decisions usualy for or against

this is then confidential for all of us while we then wait for the minister to make the press statement and media release explaing the changes etc to you guys etc

this the minister did it seems yesterday , then recfishwest can choose when they will further outline their position by a public statement etc etc

for some reason this time it has been quite fuzzy and not well explained so far in the media with no link /info on fisheries or the ministers site i could find earlier today

hopefully it will be in th next few days etc so people can have a look and discuss the changes etc

hope that helps explain the process somewhat for all



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


carnarvonite's picture

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Recs 5% of total

Wed, 2015-09-16 16:02

With the pros now limited by a quota system and the rec fishers not reaching their quota why not allow recs to fish all year round and do away with the end of June till 15 October closure

hezzy's picture

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john a all year season for

Thu, 2015-09-17 07:24

john a all year season for recs was considered as an option to be put forward , this would have been a bonus for the northern guys especially

however the negative potential for whale entaglements along the wa coast as they migrate was considered too high a risk if large amounts of rec pots wherein the water all year round

our committee also strongly rejected the idea of recs being able to take setose crays at any time
this would have simplified the rules between recs and commercials

however we believe we do not want recs to be responsible in any way at any time in the future for the potential collapse of the breeding biomass , so taking setose was ruled out

these measures are proactive for long term sustainability and under the IFM should leave recs with scope for independent management & assessment/changes as they might be needed into the future

anyone interested can find all the info here at the recfishwest link below



OFW 11

evil flourishes when good men do nothing


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 As i am in the market for

Wed, 2015-09-16 14:46

 As i am in the market for new pots....


I am the boat owner and will be on board every time we pull pots.  I will have two others who will rotate on and off depending on their availability...


Should i buy and label two pots of my own, and the two others buy a pot each but label them both with both their id's?


That way, no matter which of them are on board, we pull all four pots?


Ho many crays can we keep?


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Randall, If it's mainly going

Wed, 2015-09-16 14:57

Randall, If it's mainly going to be just one of those deckies out with you most of the time, then what you've just said would be the ideal way to go about it, with the new rules allowing it.

If you had both deckies out a lot of the time, it would then be worth them both having two pots each. And in this instance, let's say you've got two other mates that might want to go out every now and then with you, in this instance, they can then put their numbers on these pots as well and legally pull the pots on the odd occasion that they come out.

Bag and boat limit remains unchanged. ie one licence, 8 crays, 2 licences 16 crays and a maximum of 24 crays per boat if there are three licenced fishers on board.

I think this new rule is about being able to easily involve more fishers, and therefore increase the rec catch (inside of the 5% allocation).

For me, I generally have quite a few different deckies on the boat from time to time so it makes it a lot easier (and now legal) to rotate between these people.

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  Its getting through my

Wed, 2015-09-16 15:24



Its getting through my thick skull, but yes i am starting to understand.




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Two licenses one pot

Wed, 2015-09-16 16:25

After reading the press announcement released by the minister today and them re reading it a number of times I am of the view that the new changes being introduced do not (repeat) allow for the taking of 16 crays from the dual licenced pot/s.

I am of the personal view that if I pay my dosh for a licence, then I want to take my allowable catch i.e. 8 crays.

I can not find any reference to this situation in the ministers announcement.
To me this is a rational interpretation of the new regs, however, rational interpretation to one person is not always seen as such by another.

If anyone can show me where it states that co-licenced pots allows both licenced fishers to take a total of 16 crays between them per day from such co licensed pots I would appreciate it.

uncle's picture

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that is what some dude

Wed, 2015-09-16 16:32

from the rec fishing council said on radio today, last year we were getting 24 from 2 or 3 pots is it any different, once you have your quota you stop pulling


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Wed, 2015-09-16 17:44

 Lower limits . Fisheries can bust more people

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the reduction

Wed, 2015-09-16 18:59

the reduction is for northern (tropical crays) that are realy only good for blue bone bait ,unless you pickle them they taste like shit nothing like a red cray

uncle's picture

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ha ha you need a cook

Wed, 2015-09-16 19:08

korg,M island specials


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tropical crays.

Thu, 2015-09-17 15:38

 So sad what happened in exy when they increased the limmits a few years ago.  The limmited red cray population got flogged plus those poor massive ornates which are pretty terrible to eat.  Seeing a big esky full of massive ornates on a few occasions was really sad.  I was hoping they would put the limmit on reds to 2 or 4  in the exmouth region, and a boat limmit of 8 reds would at least give them a chance of still being here for years to come.

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you probably wont believe this

Thu, 2015-09-17 22:14

I have dived and caught red crays as far north as north west reef of Karratha mind you that was 30 odd years ago
there were plenty around the onslow / exmouth gulf back in those days , bugger all now but

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i have to agree

Thu, 2015-09-17 22:24

stupid I know thinking back now but 30 years but me and a mate did a night dive of karratha inside 1 hour we had 60 live tropical crays on the deck we just went through them and kept the biggest for our limit and chucked the rest back , why we kept them I don't know I used them as blue bone bait but will tell you they taste like shit

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Read article here

Thu, 2015-09-17 22:01


The State Government has further expanded opportunities for licensed recreational fishers to catch rock lobsters in Western Australia, Fisheries Minister Ken Baston announced today.

Subject to gazettal, three new rules will apply from the start of the recreational rock lobster fishing season in mid-October.

"Two people will be able to share a rock lobster pot and take large female western rock lobsters, provided they are not in reproductive condition," Mr Baston said. 

"This will provide greater convenience for fishers and increased capacity for west coast recreational fishers to take their allocated catch share, offering a better fishing experience. 

"I have also accepted the community's request for the bag and boat limits for tropical rock lobsters to be halved to share the available catch of these species among more fishers. 

"The new rules are the latest in a series of management changes, which primarily aim to help the sector achieve its five per cent western rock lobster catch allocation on WA's west coast."

The Minister said a maximum of two people would be able to share a rock lobster pot, with each person required to attach a separate float with their gear identification number on it.

"Each licensed fisher will still only be allowed to use up to two pots to fish for rock lobster, even if they are sharing their pots with someone else and these fishers will not be able to bring back the other person's bag limit," he said. 


Mr Baston said the maximum legal lengths for female western rock lobsters would no longer apply for recreational fishers.

"This will bring the recreational fishery into line with the commercial operators and make additional lobsters available to recreational fishers without impacting on sustainability," he said.   

Mr Baston said the maximum legal lengths for female western rock lobsters would no longer apply for recreational fishers.

"This will bring the recreational fishery into line with the commercial operators and make additional lobsters available to recreational fishers without impacting on sustainability," he said.   

"Setose, tarspot and berried female western rock lobsters will continue to be protected.  In the areas where tropical rock lobsters can also be caught, a maximum daily bag limit of four will apply to these species.  Fishers will still be able to take a total of eight lobsters overall, but no more than four can be the tropical species."