Cracked Transom


Hi Guys,


I have major cracking on the Transom of my boat, it is a 5.8 running an Etec 150. 

Originally I thought it was the paint cracking and peeling but have noticed a lot of water getting in lately.

Close inspection revealed cracks on both corners of the Transon and a split also.

The boat was delivered new in Feb 2011.

Has anyone had these issues and where is a good place to have it repaired? I am in Ballajura.

Thanks guys, look forward to you feedback



Posts: 908

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So its a glass boat mate,

Fri, 2014-10-31 15:33

So its a glass boat mate, what brand ? Hull would be still under warranty I would have thought ?

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Fri, 2014-10-31 15:38

 Sorry trymyluck, should have put that

Unfortunately it is an Ali boat, I have been in touch with the Manufacturer and been told the hull is out of Warranty. Disappointing.



Posts: 361

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Surely it’s reasonably

Fri, 2014-10-31 15:45

Surely it’s reasonably expected the transom lasting more than 3.5 years. Therefore even if the manufacturer says it’s out of warranty, it might still be covered. Almost worth finding out where you stand from the consumer protection agency – Dept of Commerce.

solly's picture

Posts: 375

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I would take back to the manufacturer

Fri, 2014-10-31 15:47

 You may be out of warranty but he will surely try to look after you ,it would be in his interest to know why his boats are failing after just 3 years. I got a ten year warranty on my glass boat so three seems very short. If you dont get any help maybe contact one of the wa builders like chivers as they do repairs on there own boats.


There are two types of people ,do'ers and watchers
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Well there will be many here

Fri, 2014-10-31 15:47

Well there will be many here reading this over the next few days who will be keen to know what brand of boat it is and what support the company is giving you etc...I be pretty upset if my 3 yo boat started to fall apart!

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Out of respect

Fri, 2014-10-31 16:09



At this stage I am not going to name the Boat Maker, still trying to reason with him, he has said that he will fix it for a certain fee or a little less for cash, and also stated that he would strengthen the Transom, annoying comment from him was that the cracks were only cosmetic, pretty sad when you put the hose on the transom and watch through the inspection hatch as the water pours in, not drips in. Also sad that he will strengthen the Transom now that it has failed, perhaps should have been done when built.

Really is quite diasppointing as apparently now he has changed his warranty to 5 years, so just unfortunate for me. (His words)



pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1322

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im not a lawyer, but

Fri, 2014-10-31 16:11

im not a lawyer, but understand that despite the boat being out of warranty (from the manufacturer) there is an implication when the boat is sold that it should last more than 3 years - have a look at the ACCC website- its pretty interesting.
You would think at the least the manufacturer would want to view the cracks to see how they were formed (excess force/impact or design/build flaw)
That aside,and as others have said, it would not hurt the manufacturer to know that there are many interested in the outcome of their actions in response to your issue

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Bang on Pelagic! There is a

Fri, 2014-10-31 19:04

 Bang on Pelagic! There is a reasonable expectation that something of that order will last more than the warranty period. The builder will be in for a shock when he becomes aware of the laws regarding this. I would definitely seek legal advice as I know for certain he will be liable under law. 


Love the West!

glen p's picture

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Hey bud for your info I had

Fri, 2014-10-31 16:26

Hey bud for your info I had an issue with my car a year back and after lots of arguing with a certain car manufacturer,I spoke to consumer protection and they told me to write this at the end of my email to them. "(Car manufacturer name) liability is not limited to the express warranty and the Australian consumer law overrides it and states that if there is a manufacturer's fault you have to fix it.") And after writing that and telling them I was going to take them to consumer protection they soon came to the party and fixed my car. It's worth a try.


Glen passmore

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Fri, 2014-10-31 16:39



Thanks Guys,

Have just read upon the rules regarding warranty, I really did not want to come down to hard on this guy, wanted to do things amicably, but may have no choice.



Posts: 812

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 If he couldnt do it right

Fri, 2014-10-31 16:40

 If he couldnt do it right the first time of manufacturing l wouldnt be trusting him do it any better second time around. 

Take it somewhere else for a second opinion on how to fix.


outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

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Agree 100% with Holth

Fri, 2014-10-31 17:08

Take it to someone else and get a clear picture on how it should be fixed properly first..

Then back to the manufacturer to argue it out.. Because that is sounding how it is going to turn out.. 

Best of luck mate.. Never a nice thing.. 


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

sexton's picture

Posts: 112

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Fully agree with outdoinit's

Fri, 2014-10-31 17:50

Fully agree with outdoinit's comments. I'd be seeing someone else and get a second opinion so you have some info to argue with the manufacture.

Pretty piss poor form saying the cracks were only cosmetic! Leaves a lot to be desired...

woody's picture

Posts: 617

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150Hp on a 5.8 Ali must be

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:30

150Hp on a 5.8 Ali must be right on the Max HP rating for an ally hull?

Posts: 5818

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 plenty of power there, but

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:38

 plenty of power there, but my old 2003 5.8 Trailcraft was rated to 200hp but had a F115.

200hp would have been "white knuckle"


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


james1989's picture

Posts: 219

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 hey mate just come see us at

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:35

 hey mate just come see us at razerline we cant repair that for you. 

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 can or cant?

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:42

 can or cant?

james1989's picture

Posts: 219

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 as a boat builder myself im

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:37

 as a boat builder myself im shocked at how some companies treat there clients and a ali boat that new should never crack like that unless it hasnt been built correctly 

outdoinit's picture

Posts: 1009

Date Joined: 05/10/12

Good on ya mate.. Agree 100%

Fri, 2014-10-31 18:51

Great stuff to put your hand out to help him out.. 

Customer service at its best.. 


 I've spent half my life fishing.. The other half I have wasted.. 

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Good onya James You sound

Fri, 2014-10-31 19:07

 Good onya James You sound like you know what being in business is all about.


Love the West!

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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You'd want to get some advice

Fri, 2014-10-31 19:01

You'd want to get some advice re "Statutory warranty",  essentially a product must be fit for the purpose it was intended to do and do so for a period that would be expected.  The warranty the seller or manufacturer gives you is irrelevant statutory warranty is Aust law and is above and over any manufacturer warranty

I don't think you'd find many boaters/fishers that would only expect a transom to last 3.5 years.

Assuming your not over powered and it's been used as intended I'd expect the person/company you purchased it from would have to repair or replace the item under statutory warranty law.  If the seller tells you that you have to take it up with the builder that it incorrect as the contract of sale was with them not the manufacturer.


Contact WA consumer dept or look for statutory warranty info on their website


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Cracked Transom

Fri, 2014-10-31 19:13

I have a 5.2m half cabin with a 75 evinrude on it and it goes hard. And it's 35 years old... Just sayin.

scotto's picture

Posts: 2472

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building industry

Fri, 2014-10-31 19:30

I reckon you got him fucked mate. I know in the building industry, we have to provide a 12 month defect period (for cosmetic stuff like cornice cracking and shit like that), but have to (by law), provide a minimum 7 year structural guarantee. 12 years if youre an owner/builder. 


Pretty sure similar laws would apply here. 

Posts: 145

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 Any photo's Skull?

Sat, 2014-11-01 20:23

 Any photo's Skull?

Posts: 315

Date Joined: 07/05/11

3 years he is dreaming

Sat, 2014-11-01 20:35

 What's been said here is spot on. If motor is in manufacturers recommendations and it's not been broken by wear n tear the builder is on a very slippery slope

Dont name him as you might mak it complicated but if he doesn't do the righty report him to acc. He is rooted. The cheek of him saying he just extended his warranty

Even trying to hide behind that in this day n age seriously


 Baron Sportsman

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Sat, 2014-11-01 22:29


I have photo's, but as I do not want to publically name the Maker at the moment, as suggested by Turboz, disappointing however that the Maker did not ask for photo's before his comment of cosmetic, to date he hasn't seen it and is not interested unless I take the boat in, I gave him my address and asked that he come to my home and take a look.

Don't think it will end well, I have also been in touch with James1989, and he is prepared to do the repairs for me, which is great, so this is probably the way I will go, and then seek reimbursement through the courts in necessary.

If I get no satisfaction with that, then I will put up pictures of Transom cracks which will also reveal Manufacturer, but at the moment, I don't want to get myself into the shit with the law the way it is.

As for damo221 the boat does move well with the 150 Etec on the back, but is supposed to be rated to take a bigger Engine, so no issue there.

I do appreciate all of the advice given it has been great.



Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

 Its wasnt hard to find out

Sun, 2014-11-02 08:38

 Its wasnt hard to find out what boat you have going of your old posts. I would be giving him every opportunity to make it right . As we have seen over time these things can damage a brand and if he values his customers and his reputation he will fix it under warranty.

As others have said get another repairer to talk you through the repair process and then take it back to the manufacturer armed with knowledge of how it should be repaired correctly.




Posts: 630

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Sun, 2014-11-02 10:51


You are correct holth,

Due to previous posts it was only a matter of time before the make was known,

However I am trying to be careful not to name it in this post, that way trying to remain professional hoping that the Boat Builder comes good.

I really am not up for a shit fight over this, and at the end of the day am just seeking to have repairs done and get back in the water.

However, it is very disappointing to say the least, and would probably advise others to steer clear of this guy in the future.




Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

Yep. As l said before l

Sun, 2014-11-02 11:05

Yep. As l said before l wouldnt trust him to repair. But its the principal of the matter. Its a 3 year old boat not 10 and he should stand by his product. 


Posts: 630

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Sun, 2014-11-02 11:18


I really do agree, and hopefully common sense prevails.

But you never know, perhaps his business is doing so well that his care factor is Zero.



Posts: 6265

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 how did you go bud, any

Fri, 2014-12-05 21:09

 how did you go bud, any result

Posts: 630

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Fri, 2014-12-05 21:18


Yes gillyL, the boat is now being repaired by the manufacturer, it took a bit of doing but he finally came and had had a look, although taking no responsibility for the failure, apparently it is the Outboards fault, (to rigid)

So hopefully I will be back in the water in a couple of weeks, it is taking time to get repaired and painted. Might have it back for the opening hopefully.

I must say that the offer made by James1989 was terrific and he was certainly willing to help.




Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 good stuff, glad to hear.

Fri, 2014-12-05 21:20

 good stuff, glad to hear. hope he fixes it better then he built it

Posts: 630

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Makes 2 of us

Fri, 2014-12-05 21:39


Yep I can only hope, not convinced about the motor being the problem, but just want the boat fixed.



Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

as long as boat is rated for

Fri, 2014-12-05 21:43

as long as boat is rated for the motor you have then it is a non argument

Posts: 812

Date Joined: 09/10/06

 The outboards fault. Ha. Ive

Fri, 2014-12-05 22:06

 The outboards fault. Ha. Ive heard it all now. Its always someone else fault. Hes the one that rates the hp to the hull. 

What a tosser.


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

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 Any reason for no Mea culpa.

Fri, 2014-12-05 22:30

 Any reason for no Mea culpa. Glad you got  it sorted Skull 


Love the West!

Posts: 331

Date Joined: 17/12/13

 Must be a huge relief mate.

Sat, 2014-12-06 07:34

 Must be a huge relief mate. Merry Christmas he said

Posts: 630

Date Joined: 03/01/12

Relief is correct

Sat, 2014-12-06 07:55


Yeah guys it is a relief that it is getting repaired, and it did take time, 

Luckily the boat didn't sink or even worse,

At least this will be an opportunity for them to improve the strength in the transom area,

It is unfortunate for me but the next person will get a better boat which is always a good thing.

And yes sea-kem, the outboard might be Latin as it was apparently it's fault.

Cheers guys for all your advice and thoughts

The 15th is coming fast so hopefully I will have it back and give it a good work out and perhaps catch a fish.

