Coral Bay fishing

Heading up to Coral Bay for a week, looking for advice on fishing from a tinny, had 10 days there last year same time and failed to get onto any decent fish, ended up 10 mile out with a couple of boats but still no good apart from 1 tuna on the way back in.


Should we stay close or get out wide, 4 meter quinny

North or South

Bait or lures

Anchor or drift

burley or not

Day or night

Would be happy with a feed of Spanglies





carnage's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 11/04/10

 Have u got a sounder? Pretty

Sat, 2015-06-27 19:09

 Have u got a sounder? Pretty good bottom out from coral bay shouldnt have s problem finding fish. North or South



fish on...

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Date Joined: 18/01/12

 if you do have a sounder,

Sat, 2015-06-27 20:52

 if you do have a sounder, dont bother looking for lumps more than a couple of miles out from the reef, there really arent any except maybe just north of the passage and flogged.

Look for schools of fish


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Coral bay don't use berley.

Sat, 2015-06-27 22:46

In my experience (which isn't extensive I have to say) you don't need to use any berley any where up there, it will only bring around the sharks.

jayce's picture

Posts: 564

Date Joined: 10/12/11

Head out the north passage

Sun, 2015-06-28 06:34

Head out the north passage and out to the 30m contour line and go south along it. Troll a few deep divers along there while looking for birds working bait schools. Should pick up a few spanish macks and tuna. Run a mix of lures, 8m+ 3m+ and different colors keep a casting rod ready with a big matal or lure to throw into the schools.

 Like others have said if you have a sounder watch that while your going. Look for the fish not the big lumps and structure.

This is what we did for a first couple of days up there and scored some spanglies heaps of cobia macks tuna and trevally.


Good luck

wainy's picture

Posts: 21

Date Joined: 24/07/09

Thanks Fellas

Sun, 2015-06-28 09:13

We didn't try north last time but hope to give it a go, I have a Elite 7 sounder but struggled in the deep water last time, put a deep water trany on this year so will see how it goes, thanks for the tips.
will post if we go well





Posts: 150

Date Joined: 09/12/13

 If your new transducer works

Sun, 2015-06-28 15:58

 If your new transducer works you should have a bit more luck this year. Just troll around keeping a eye on the sounder and if you see anything have a drop or two on it. For safety sake unless there is no swell I I would stick to north passage. Dont just look fo big lumps or structure, look for anything on or just off the bottom and have a drop on anything no matter how small. If you keep at this for a little while you should get onto somthing soon enougth. There are plenty of patches where you will get a feed of sweetlip (red throat) and a few spots with some monster trevally not far at at all if you head out north. The deeper you go the better chance of finding some differnt fish. If you see us down the tables dont hesitate to have a chat when we are done. I would not try at night, too much to hit and not any more productive than the day. And if venturing out a bit further remember to log on with VMR.


 50ft Westcoaster "Valiant" - Coral Bay - Exmouth - Gnaraloo - Botton - Game - Sport - Deep Drop - Swordfish

2017 EGFC Billfish Bonanza - Campion Team Marlin - Campion Team Combined - 8/8/5 - 4 Billfish Species        

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 and after you log on with

Sun, 2015-06-28 16:06

 and after you log on with VMR, dont forget to log off.

Otherwise you may end up with an ass whipping.

Like I did last time up there just once 

Well the missus did, as she was unlucky enough to be standing next to the boat while I had wandered off with a beer

And she hadnt even been out with us 


 Give a man a mask, and he'll show you his true face...



The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


Posts: 5981

Date Joined: 17/06/10

Well done seaforce

Sun, 2015-06-28 17:27

For offering a newbie a bit of good advice on how to get onto some fish.

F/W members remember these people when you want to book a charter.