Cockburn sound advice

 ok guys, looking to take the boys and one of their mate's out next Sat for a Snapper and Squid bash. The trip has two elements as the boat's just been serviced and new steering cable so want to give her a run before Gnaraloo in August. So just looking for some Pinky tips area wise, I've heard a lot of you head to the back of the five fathom bank? So what sort of depth, time of day etc. Even better if someone's heading out for a run on Sat would love to tag along and help you berley up, be good to meet some local crew and this will be a novelty fishing metro for me. We'll probably head to Parmelia bank afterwards for some Squid.




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32.09.946 115.36.381  Harding

Sun, 2015-06-14 21:02

32.09.946 115.36.381

Harding Rock Cockburn Sound. 32 10.050 115 40.851
Herring, Tailor, Snapper, Squid,
King George Whiting, Salmon,
Water depth 6 - 10m.
D9 Snapper. Wreck. Water depth 6m. 32 11 664 115 44 516
D9 Dozer Snapper. Sand bottom. Water 32.11.65 115.44.57
depth 11m.

sea-kem's picture

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 Cheers Nightwolf, I'll pop

Sun, 2015-06-14 21:07

 Cheers Nightwolf, I'll pop em in tomoz and have a look. Too bloody cold in the shed now lol.


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Paul_86's picture

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 Can't help you in Cockburn

Sun, 2015-06-14 21:17

 Can't help you in Cockburn sound. But if your North of river I can point you in the right direction for both species off hillaries

sea-kem's picture

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 Thanks Paul, this is more a

Sun, 2015-06-14 21:24

 Thanks Paul, this is more a test run and let the boys muck about and I drink coffee ;) I normally fish further north but can't launch this time of year. It will be a pleasure launching from a ramp if I can avoid the ramp rage 


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Paul_86's picture

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 Yeah fair enough mate,

Mon, 2015-06-15 11:16

 Yeah fair enough mate, hopefully the boys get stuck into a few then! 


chris raff's picture

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 Heaps of ramps down woodies

Mon, 2015-06-15 12:51

 Heaps of ramps down woodies Andy usually not a lot of congestion.. I dare say you’ll be working harder to find the fishy’s than out of seabird ,  anchored at sparrows at the north end of GI sometimes gets a few snapper coming through , behind Carnac you  can sometimes get lucky with the odd snapper , skippy and KG’s some gnarly ground north of the nav markers in 13 / 14m .

Can always head out to the bank from there , it’s pretty random but you never know if your luck’s in . Maybe stagger your way south along there and get square to the Sth end of GI and start coming in there’s usually some decent sandwhiting around there in 20m .. then cruise in through Point Peron  a bit of white water on the reefs there if your keen on a tailor bash then make your way through the coat hanger sometimes herring around the shade of the bridge or on the inside Mangles bay is good for a squid or two .. a little further along you can checkout the D9  , grain terminal and mussel farms etc and make your way back to Parmelia bank or ramp .. Basically doing a big lap of Garden Island with some sight seeing .  
Hopefully some of the guns chime in and PM you where the snapper are biting at the moment .. good luck  

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that's a good rely and sounds

Mon, 2015-06-15 13:29

that's a good rely and sounds like a good day's fun for shallow fishing.

sea-kem's picture

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 Bloody awesome Chris, thanks

Mon, 2015-06-15 14:12

 Bloody awesome Chris, thanks heaps for that. Weather's looking ugly now  Maybe the weekend of the 27th after the big blow coming in.


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jayce's picture

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Launch at Woodmans

Mon, 2015-06-15 14:00

Launch at Woodmans point. 

Head south and look around the weed beds infront of woodies shacks for squid. Mostly small around there but. 

Head west from the shacks to a area called pinacle rock. Fish 3.0 size jigs in white colors on the weed beds around there. 2-5m depth. Should get the bigger ones around there.

Posts: 1535

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Yep get yourself some fresh squid

Mon, 2015-06-15 19:36

 then if conditions suit [ like high tide ] and weather permiting steam out to the 35 odd metre line and crank up the 585 for a good feed. 

 Good luck Andy and your boys. You are always welcome down Freo way  

sea-kem's picture

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 Ha ha think I'll take the

Mon, 2015-06-15 19:40

 Ha ha think I'll take the bypass road 


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Nah we aren't as nasty as you guys think

Mon, 2015-06-15 19:49

 well most of us aren't haha. Dart chuckers are saying ...stay home Andy...but then again looked great day out there today and once again they got it wrong.

sea-kem's picture

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 Yeah I bloody hope so mate,

Mon, 2015-06-15 19:52

 Yeah I bloody hope so mate, the boys are on my back lol.


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Devo1965's picture

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Mon, 2015-06-15 20:05

Iive chased snapper a fair bit on the FFB, with good success late arvo 4pm to 8pm and average success early mornings. I have various marks just over the peck of the bank (no real science to spots, just try to find clear area near good lumps). I have anchored between 12 to 16 meters of water, anywhere  from coventrys to inline with North end of Garden Is. I've had boats beside me not catching anything due to not using burley. I only use un-weighted baits for snapper and regularly have to reset lines due to current or slack line on sea bed. My boy always bottom bashes at night and always picks up a feed, black ass, skippy, squid and the odd dhue (1 dhue went 8kg).

Last week I tried new spot at 4pm to 8pm just outside the sound at the South end of Garden Island in 11 meters (first bay west side)and picked up 2 pinky 3-1/2kg each last Thursday night and 1 pinkie 4-1/2kg last Saturday night.

My view is that this time of year, snapper run along the length of the FFB late arvo and early morning most days and the same for the back of garden island, including Carnac, stragglers and warnbro outer reefs. So doing the early or late times slots has made me from a shit fisherman to an ok fisherman according to my wife.

Snapper report will start coming in for Cockburn sound soon or later, which will be another option.




beau's picture

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Lots of good info here Andy,

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:16

Lots of good info here Andy, I'll back up the ffb and behind garden island idea, anchor and burley burley burley. Heaps more numbers out there than inside the sound, much better bycatch too. Shoot me a PM closer to the date


sea-kem's picture

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 Thanks again guys and yeah

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:27

 Thanks again guys and yeah some beaut info. Ok as far as burley goes I'm thinking of mulching up heaps of old mulies fish offcuts etc and mixing with oil. Or are you just berleying with mulie cubes? Thanks Beau will PM you for sure, hoping the weather drops for Sat or will be the Sat after. 


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 just give the boat and the

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:34

 just give the boat and the boys to beau, sit back at home and watch the footy enjoy your beers. the fish beau catches will see them satisfied for months  

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

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 lol now ya talkin

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:36

 lol now ya talkin


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beau's picture

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I wish it were that easy

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:54

I wish it were that easy actually, Was out yesterday for no pink..

I like the mashed up stuff, my old boat had a burley masher on the back i used to just shove mulies in there and mash away, it still seeps out as the boat rocks up and down, attracting the fish to the boat without actually feeding them


sea-kem's picture

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Right that's settled then, as

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:58

Right that's settled then, as that's the way I like to make it.


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beau's picture

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Be sure to bring the light

Mon, 2015-06-15 21:28

Be sure to bring the light gear too, heaps of skips around, i think we thought we had found a school of snapper on the sounder but could only get skippy :(


sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15044

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 Good one! That'll be fun for

Mon, 2015-06-15 21:42

 Good one! That'll be fun for em.


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tim-o's picture

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Noisy donk

Mon, 2015-06-15 20:34

You need a noisy engine to catch pinks round there in the mornings, just ask Al Bevan 


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

Markie's picture

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cubed , whole, crushed,

Mon, 2015-06-15 23:19

cubed , whole, crushed, mashed whatever just get those mulies out there. Not crazy crazy but a light flow. Currents can be a pain at times in between the islands/ behind gi there so watch where your burley is traveling. (many times towards your anchor :s )snelled 8/0s light running ball sinker size 2 and scalies as bait, try and find sand patches next to lumps. sambos usually rock up most times aswell and bring the light placcy gear to cast while you wait for those pink breams to bite.