Can you eat mackerel after they've been sharked?

 Hi all, just had an awesome week in Quobba with the best weather I have ever gotten.

i caught a spaniard and unfortunately it was sharked, where the shark bit was all cut off straight away and Filleted.

Any ideas?

ChrisG's picture

Posts: 558

Date Joined: 30/12/11

 Eat it 

Tue, 2015-05-26 17:03

 Eat it 

big john's picture

Posts: 8766

Date Joined: 20/07/06

No worries

Tue, 2015-05-26 17:04

No worries, I've done it with a variety of fish, just cut a bit back from the bite back so its all clean flesh, bit like you should do with any gaff holes.


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 Alright cool :) would've

Tue, 2015-05-26 17:09

 Alright cool :) would've been a big mackie too!

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Date Joined: 17/06/10

If it's good enough

Tue, 2015-05-26 21:37

If it's good enough for a shark to eat, then it's good enough for you to eat. Well that's the way I look at it.

Posts: 5819

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 shit its better than if you

Tue, 2015-05-26 21:40

 shit its better than if you killed it yourself, minimal stress, bled as good as it can be.

Tuna/swords bitten in half still sold well at Tsukiji fish market for us so long as the bite was fairly tidy


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

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 One of the guys at steep

Wed, 2015-05-27 06:49

 One of the guys at steep point last week only got the front half of a decent mack.  still got 4 kgs of fillet off it. :)


Fish! HARD!

ranmar850's picture

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Had a big one sharked last year at Ningaloo

Wed, 2015-05-27 07:07

 Bitten off at the anal fin, big lump out of the back as well, still weighed 20KG We normally release them that big, keep the little 10kg jobs if we need a killer.

Walfootrot's picture

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Just remember that 1/2 a fish

Wed, 2015-05-27 08:30

Just remember that 1/2 a fish still counts as a whole fish for your bag limits


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

tim-o's picture

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Wed, 2015-05-27 10:31

Be well bled lol


I am, as I've said, merely competent. But in an age of incompetence, that makes me extraordinary.

spanishmackeral's picture

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Yep eat it! Leave the bitten

Tue, 2015-06-02 20:05

Yep eat it!
Leave the bitten piece on until just before you fillet the fish
Bare flesh in an esky tends to go mushy and lose taste
So leaving the chewed up flesh on means only that will be ruined by the esky water

sandbar's picture

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Date Joined: 25/10/09

I have

Tue, 2015-06-02 21:54

eaten other things that look like they have been sharked.

Posts: 408

Date Joined: 12/03/10

Taste like shark Mackeral

Wed, 2015-06-03 10:04

 Yep it will taste just like shark Mackeral