Bundegi sanctuary zone
Submitted by fab on Tue, 2015-04-21 12:27
Heading up to Exmouth soon, and am keen to fish the gulf, weather permitting. I wouldn'tlove to chase some queenies and trevs at the flats. I've just had a look on one of the maps that I've got of the area, and it shows that its a sanctuary zone. Is it a sanctuary zone and not fishable, or are my map reading skills rubbish?
Cheers Fab
He who fails to prepare, prepares to fail.
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
The sanctuary zone is clearly
The sanctuary zone is clearly marked where you park your vehicle, It is out of bounds for fishing. Tackle shops will have maps etc, just walk the flats on a lowish tide or fish from the beach on higher tides,....there's always plenty of queeenies of all sizes. If the hardyheads are in, the fishing will be better, if not, just wade out on the flats and cast. Most simply jag a hardy head from the school and cast just beyond them where the fish will be lurking. Early morning and late arvos the best, but it doesn't matter too much. They aren't fussy and will chase most things, if you want the extra excitement use a rattling popper to bring the big sharks in as well. A bit scary when your hundreds of metres offshore... haha. Just poke your rod at them , they usually move away.