Hi gang,
I'm a keen new angler who has been hitting up his local WA beach for a few fish. I'm pulling in a few bream and I just want to be able to identify them properly. I'm fishing on a tiny little rig with very light line. The bream are a lot of fun to pull in on such a small rig.
My only problem is distinguishing between black bream and yellowfin. Because there is a 5cm difference between the limits of the two, with Yellowfin needing to be 30cm and Black being 25cm. I was looking earlier at the fish board and I'm perhaps getting tarwhine, but after gutting and prepping, the fins of my fish took on a yellowish tinge. I've got the 12 to 13 anal fins like tarwhine description says. But I just don't know for sure.
I'm going to attempt to attach a small phone video clip of the little sucker I released yesterday, these are the ones I'm hooking. I'd love the input, thanks a lot
Good Fishing to you all
Posts: 184
Date Joined: 30/03/06
Hate to say it, but it's
Hate to say it, but it's neither. They are called tarwhine. Can't remember the size limit off the top of my head.
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 17/03/09
is it just me
is it just me or is that 'bream' ment to be 50cm size limit?
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
50cm! wow thats bit high,
wow thats bit high, thought it was 30cm.
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 236
Date Joined: 17/03/09
haha tought it looked abit
haha thought it looked abit like a juvy pinkie with my bad eyes
Posts: 4293
Date Joined: 04/04/08
He's saying it's a juvie
He's saying it's a juvie snapper ;)
Posts: 1823
Date Joined: 06/10/08
ahhh :D
ahhh :D
DieHard – The Official “Ray & Shark” Chaser!
Posts: 24
Date Joined: 26/12/07
thats a tarwhine mate. size
thats a tarwhine mate. size limit of 25cm
Posts: 426
Date Joined: 29/05/10
Its a tarwhine
and there limit is 25cm
winner winner chicken dinner
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
Yellowfin are 35cm legal
Yellowfin are 35cm legal limit aren't they? thats deff a tarwhine. quite easy to distinguish between the two. look at Duffmans profile pic and thats a black.
bludgin' since 94'
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Date Joined: 16/08/10
30cm yellowfin
and 25cm limit to blackbream.
Good Fishing to you all
Posts: 361
Date Joined: 09/08/09
Is Tarwhine a good eating
Is Tarwhine a good eating fish? For some reason I catch them a lot, but I always put them back. Even the big ones.
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 16/08/10
Got one at size
I'll let ya know this afternoon. I got a 26cm little fella and I'm gonna wrap him in foil with sea salt, lime and tequila, then chuck him in the oven for 10 minutes on about 140 degrees and flip him for 5 minutes more.
Then we'll know.
Good Fishing to you all
Posts: 4
Date Joined: 16/08/10
Thanks all!
Well a tarwhine it is. I pull in a few but all pretty small. Just wanted to make sure I wasn't taking home an undersized yellowfin bream.
Good Fishing to you all
Posts: 137
Date Joined: 28/07/09
Be careful though, juvenile
Be careful though, juvenile snapper can look identical to bream but have small blue spots and a pink tinge.
Also, not worth keeping unless you bleed and put on ice straight away, cause tarwhine flesh turns to tasteless mush after 20mins in a bucket of water...
Gone Fishing...
Posts: 3712
Date Joined: 22/02/07
tarwhine is one of my
tarwhine is one of my favourite eating fish, as long as it is bled and put on ice asap. agree with what john said ^. the bigger ones (30cm and up) are great as you get a lot of meat of them. never kept one under 30cm though.
bludgin' since 94'
Posts: 521
Date Joined: 03/04/10
i thought 28cm for blackies
i thought 28cm for blackies and tarwhine?? coz i've seen plenty of the newer fishing rulers and they say 28?
Subway cookie is the best burley
Posts: 1549
Date Joined: 10/05/08
QLD, N.S.W and Victoria are
QLD, N.S.W and Victoria are the only states with Yellow fin bream,,
Posts: 250
Date Joined: 03/01/08
No theres a western yellow fin bream
& I think I caught one the other night off the beach at Capel while fishing for herring. It was more silvery than a black & definately had yellow fins.The eyes seemed normal for bream. It was only about 25cms & I was going to throw it back, but even though only hooked in the mouth it bled profusely from the gills.
Posts: 255
Date Joined: 22/09/10
As everyone has pointed out, this is a Tarwhine (Rhabdosargus sarba). Smaller fish can have yellow fins.
To clarify - The ONLY silver-coloured 'bream' in the southwest is a tarwhine (assuming you can tell it apart from a juvie snapper). The only other 'bream' we get in the southwest is the black. There is a Western Yellowfin Bream (Acanthopagrus latus), but it only occurs NORTH of about Shark Bay.
Also, just for interest, the Southern (Acanthopagrus butcheri) and Northern Black Bream (A. palmaris) are different species.