Boat Rego Stickers


Hey brains trust,

As part of my current refurb project have stripped all decals/striping etc off the boat to polish so need to replce the Rego numbers. 

DoT info states the Nubers need to be 150mm, black plain font with a 7mm white surround and vertical with no slant. 

Now I reckon 2 in every 3 boats I see don't meet this, so my question is, does anyone know if this is something your likely to get pinged for not meeting standard? 

I'd rather match my rego number to the name font.  

Cheers Mac

Posts: 151

Date Joined: 09/01/12

 Highly unlikley to be pinged

Mon, 2024-03-18 17:32

 Highly unlikley to be pinged as long as it's clear, legiable, visable.  This advice will not get you out of an infrigement. 

Posts: 138

Date Joined: 23/11/14


Tue, 2024-03-19 08:43

 I would stick with the requirement, with the number of fisheries and marine and haabor inspectors out and about and a greedy government looking for revenue i would not take a chance at the most popular launching areas. For the cost of compliant rego stickers its not worth it. We live in a age of laws for every thing you can do. Dont give these weasels the oppertunity to add to to state coffers. Jolly Roger marine has the right stuff at a good price.

Captain Grumpy's picture

Posts: 74

Date Joined: 06/01/11

I had a shot put over my head a few years ago at Woodies

Tue, 2024-03-19 09:28

 I had a shot put over my head a few years ago at Woodies ramp for a "non compliant Rego Sticker" during an inspection.

It was a custom made circular sticker you can order online - 200mm diameter and had all the correct rego details and placed in the right spot on the hull - BUT was considered "non compliant with DoT requirements". I was told to remove the circluar sticker and install 150mm, black plain font with a 7mm white surrounds.

They took my details and; the boat details and told me that im now on their system and if they see me again with the circle sticker I would be fined for non compliant rego sticker.

I have since sold the boat so nothing come of it.



Think Before You Say Something Stupid....

Swompa's picture

Posts: 3915

Date Joined: 14/10/12

 9 times out of 10 i am sure

Tue, 2024-03-19 12:11

 9 times out of 10 i am sure you would be fine but that one asshole who woke up on the wrong side of the bed will ping you and try to ruin your day. 

Bradmac73's picture

Posts: 205

Date Joined: 22/03/17

good advice

Tue, 2024-03-19 13:23


Thanks legends, good advice all round.  Standard it is.