Barrow island

 Gday all just chasing some info on barrow island i will be launching from fortescue river mouth and pretty much heading straight over . I cant help but noticing the amount of rocks / obstructions etc out the eastern side of pascoe and middle islands which is where will more up overnight just chasing some tips that may help. I have been there before a few times on charters from onslow but have always came in from the west . 


Cheers carry


We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand 

Posts: 4586

Date Joined: 01/02/10

 Nah. Nothing decent. All the

Sat, 2014-10-18 19:52

 Nah. Nothing decent. All the fish are at the montes that's why everybody goes there.


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Barrow? Isn't there an

Sat, 2014-10-18 20:27

 Barrow? Isn't there an exclusion zone? Enlighten me please.


Love the West!

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i think its only one side of

Sat, 2014-10-18 20:34

i think its only one side of the island, i think the north west side were the turtles hatch possibly

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 From what I know Gilly the

Sat, 2014-10-18 20:51

 From what I know Gilly the whole island's an A class reserve, and Chevron have complete access to to the whole thing with strict conditions. I was told when out there that if we ever saw rec fishers in boats near the island to report straight away. You're only allowed to walk on the high tide line on one particular beach there. I flow over it a few times in a chopper and have seen the magnificent reefs just to the north of the island. I could only imagine the fishing around there.


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 that is what we were told as

Sat, 2014-10-18 21:07

 that is what we were told as workers on the island, spent 16 months out there. but i since found out the east side may be the only side fishable along with varanus island. but iam happy to be proven wrong

telferfish's picture

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No issues camping on the boat

Sat, 2014-10-18 21:04

No issues camping on the boat there off boodie island inside pasco, protected from the westerly winds but not so much from east. their is patches of reef between pasco and boodie but their is heaps of flat sand and beach to ankor up on. the area out fishes monties hands down, barrow shoals is also worth a look on the way out.

sea-kem's picture

Posts: 15043

Date Joined: 30/11/09

 Damn! I knew it. Thanks for

Sat, 2014-10-18 21:17

 Damn! I knew it. Thanks for the info telfer. I need as bigger boat :P 


Love the West!

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i know

Sun, 2014-10-19 08:46

i know you are allowed there i just want to know the best way to get inbetween pascoe and middle islands without smashing into any rocks etc i would also like to know which beach you are allowed to walk on above the high tide mark i didnt think you were allowed to set foot on any of the beaches .


cheers carry


We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand 

Walfootrot's picture

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You cant walk above the high

Tue, 2014-10-21 07:22

You cant walk above the high tide marks, Chevron are running 2 Opps on the island, WA Oil and Gorgon.

There are now 2 cops on the island, due to the amount of workers.

If you try and land on Barrow you will be asked to leave.

Barrow is a class A reserve and restrictions apply, ie permits required, as well as Chevron having Opps covering most of the island.

IMO its not worth the hassle.

I am a supervisor on Barrow with UGL.


More drum lines, kill the bloody sharks!

Carry's picture

Posts: 657

Date Joined: 22/04/09

not interested

Tue, 2014-10-21 13:34

gday Wal not interested in setting foot on any of the islands just want to know the best way in to pascoe and middle islands from the east  and also where we can  anchor up overnight will probably fish 10nm west of middle island .


We feel nothing but a certain difficulty in continuing to stand