barri croakers

 had bradybunch dave come up couple days ago for a fish. Ended up going down to a pinky spit off cliffs around 11am and always good fun watching a bloke get smoked on a big pink! We didnt land any but getting smoked was good enough! 

That arvo with the weather looking very fishy! We went for a mulla fish. I managed a small soapy then dave hooked onto a decent mulla! When it was landed it ended up being a donkey!! Always stoked to get guys into good fish and this was a worthy mulla.

Ended up with another smaller one n dave lost another decent mulla. We were all done by 8.30. Good session and some good laughs!

Gota love the croakers. Thanks for the laughs dave.

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Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

Bloody beauties that rough

Thu, 2014-05-08 11:05

Bloody beauties that rough weather stirred them up hey


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opsrey's picture

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Very nice.

Thu, 2014-05-08 13:31

 That's a good days fishing. What bait got the Mulloway?

My turn will come one day :)

tangles's picture

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Thu, 2014-05-08 14:12

 yeah callum this was on monday. No swell but overcast and very fishy! 

Mulet was the candy bait osprey. I swear by it for em up here mate.I

Callum24's picture

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Date Joined: 24/06/12

 his a really long fish that

Thu, 2014-05-08 14:44

 his a really long fish that big one when we were in lucky bay 2 weeksback my mate got a 12kg mulla wich i also thought looked very long for its weight,his fish was nearly 15cm longer than mine but the same weight? do you recon you get theresident mullas that grow a bit fatter less swimmin and the travelers that swim more and are more slender any ideas?   


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tangles's picture

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Thu, 2014-05-08 14:49

 yep mate I rekon yr onto it. I call em stretch limos! Same with the pinkies. 

This one was a female full of eggs. They travel from the shallows up north all the way down but the fat ones are the resident mullas that mull around the area.


Callum24's picture

Posts: 1015

Date Joined: 24/06/12

 yeah good one mate there a

Thu, 2014-05-08 15:18

 yeah good one mate there a mad fish i've had session in 250-300ft  on mullas up to bout 80cm well behind rotto and hot sessions in the murchison on soapies  and the odd smoking then catching em off the beach  it would be good if they could track a few it'd be bloody interesting to see what they get up to


 Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small 

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 sum nice mull there tangles

Thu, 2014-05-08 17:06

 sum nice mull there tangles good work

Lamby's picture

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Nice work Tang, I remember

Thu, 2014-05-08 18:48

Nice work Tang, I remember bradybunch's snapper hauls he used to post & good on you for getting him into the bigguns!

tangles's picture

Posts: 1367

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good sesh

Fri, 2014-05-09 11:20

 yeh was good sesh. Love it when someone's keen to climb dwn some cliffs n get into it! Nice bloke n loves his LBF which is even better. 

dan1's picture

Posts: 379

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awesome fish tang

Fri, 2014-05-09 11:37

nice fish like always cant wait to get back up there again gr8 spot to fish


TheBradyBunch's picture

Posts: 216

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thanks heaps for having me

Sun, 2014-05-11 13:29

thanks heaps for having me over tangles an showing us how to catch some good fish was such a wonderful part of the coast you have there but unfortunatly i have beaten that fish i caught up there with you just last night but it was the first big mullie i got on the beach with you an i would never forget that fish but now i have to top the horse i got last night which was 33kg gutted an gilled


Adam Gallash's picture

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Sun, 2014-05-11 14:38

Looks like the mullas are on fire, well done gents!


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