Approximately what percentage of the load does a rod take?

Let's say a reel has a max drag of 5kg, would a 10-15kg fish be needed to reach that limit because the rod is taking most the load?





Auslobster's picture

Posts: 1901

Date Joined: 03/05/08

Your first consideration....

Wed, 2015-07-15 10:14

 ...should be breaking strength of your line AND the line class of the rod. Obviously you don't want the reel's drag capability exceeding either of those. .


Yes, the rod goes a long way towards soaking up shock/head shakes/long runs/etc, but you can't ask it to do more than it can handle.

Posts: 1522

Date Joined: 09/03/13

not quite sure what you are

Wed, 2015-07-15 10:31

not quite sure what you are asking but if you have your drag set correctly then the rod will be taking exactly that much load.
IE set your drag to 5kg and the rod will have 5kg load.

johno's picture

Posts: 468

Date Joined: 20/07/08

 Agreed.. to the post above..

Wed, 2015-07-15 15:06

 Agreed.. to the post above.. drag set = the same load on rod.. the rod takes the exactly the same load been seen on the line being loaded


Cockburn Power Boat Member (CPBA)


Stevo81's picture

Posts: 1278

Date Joined: 16/04/12

 I reckon the angle your

Wed, 2015-07-15 17:54

 I reckon the angle your holding your rod at will make a difference. If you have 5kg of load on and your high sticking the rod, a lot more of that 5kg pressure is on your rod than if you lower your rod tip down. 

Pretty sure jigging master have 2 different ratings for there rods depending on the angle 


                                   ••••••••  Electrical Contractor NOR  ••••••••

Posts: 1522

Date Joined: 09/03/13

Moral of the story

Wed, 2015-07-15 19:19

don't high stick !

Posts: 578

Date Joined: 23/04/14

Also not sure what you are asking

Wed, 2015-07-15 21:51

As mentioned above, the tension on the line can only ever be as much as the drag setting on the reel.  The rod doesn't "take" a percentage of the load.

And the tension at the reel can be quite different to the tension at the terminal end due to water friction, roller/guide condition etc.

Also there isn't any real correlation between fish weight and line tension.  
