Anyone know what type of lure
Submitted by setho on Sat, 2015-02-14 06:17
Any one know who makes or what these lures are called?
i used to have a black and gold one but lost it years ago. They are bout 18-20cm long and hard resin
body. Used to use them commercial mackie fishing up nt but for the life of me can't remember what they were called.
Let me know your thoughts guys
Posts: 1027
Date Joined: 03/04/08
Not an Elliot's mack
Not an Elliot's mack mauler, but looks very similar
Posts: 908
Date Joined: 06/05/12
Not sure about that one, but
Not sure about that one, but its very similar to one of my favourites made by Lively lures called a Mack Bait. They are a great lure that will going on catching fish forever unlike a bibbed minnow that sometimes want to pop out of the water and not track correctly after one fish. These resin lures can be trolled at high speeds, which is also good when your sounding for new ground. When working bait schools and bringing up nothing, I would stop the boat and let the lure drop down and then take off quickly, this would often bring the Mackies up.
Posts: 362
Date Joined: 23/06/09
Looks like an Interceptor by Scoobs lures
Posts: 1147
Date Joined: 09/01/08
x 2, Looks like a Mack Bait
x 2, Looks like a Mack Bait from Lively Lures in QLD but I've not seen that colour before.
Blue Sky, Blue Water, Bluetonic!
Posts: 1146
Date Joined: 28/09/10
Wheres scooby?
,My moneys on M.J , deff a scoobs interceptor, mack bait always had a lumpy bit up front , and
mack maulers have large , raised name molded into side.
See at rear attachment point , you can see the clear resin, thats a scooby doo.
Scoobs Lures - Western Australia;
Made by Chris Scobles. Models include the 'Seaducer Rooster', 'Interceptor'. These lures are moulded and could be purchased from Mo's Tackle in 1997. Unsure if they are still available today. Lure shown is the 'Interceptor'. Heavy moulded offshore bibless.
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 20/03/10
Yeah they are great lures,
Yeah they are great lures, hold in water an great life span. That pink one has caught hundreds of kilos of macks commercially.
Just googled those tips boys. It's a scoobs interceptor, cheers mj, spot on.
now the big question, anybody got any in there box they want to sell!! Can't seem to find them anywhere in the net. Think they not made anymore.
the Mack baits bluetonic suggest look pretty similar, might have give one a go if can't find any scoobs.
cheers guys iv been trying to find the name for months now!!
Posts: 11
Date Joined: 20/03/10
Will buy anyone's unwanted.
Just gonna say again - if anyone's got s couple of these sitting around that they'd like to get rid of 2nd hand or new, let me know an ill
buy them when i fly back in. The black an gold one used to put out a silloette they fish can see for miles. Loved that lure till something big loved it more near grooyte nt
Posts: 2497
Date Joined: 26/09/06
The Halco Max looks like another version of that lure.
They work well on macs as well
Posts: 791
Date Joined: 05/12/09
Mate, River2Sea killer vib
River2Sea killer vib 200 bloody unreal lures!! Check them out
Posts: 2702
Date Joined: 12/08/12
Looks a spitting image of an
Looks a spitting image of an Elliots' leadhead, lure from the nineties. Used to catch well, could pull all kinds of tricks like slowing and letting it sink deep, then accelerating to lift it, would catch mackerel in the middle of the day when they went quiet.
It's funny this should come up now, I was thinking of dragging out all my old bibless, like those and the Masta Blasta- a Pilbara-ite was telling me about this great new Halco lure called the Giant Trembler :-):-)and how well it was catching--I just fell about laughing, I was towing them off the Exmouth coast through the nineties as well, they were never as good as the other two. I'm sure they'll all be there in a bucket somewhere.
We used to tow the Masta Blasta at 16knots between stops, only lure I've every had that would stick at those speeds--actually hooked a sail like that once, didn't that drag wail before he jumped a couple of times and threw it :-)