another day close in amonst the reefs

we got out a bit earlier today,put 2 skippy rigs down and had 2 bust offs,net minute the pinkie floater goes off and its a salmon,then caught a snook on one of Big Johns small banana jigs,then Nev gets a nice pinkie,he's never fished in a small boat but lately he's been having a ball,we then had 3 massive bite offs and it went quiet so shifted in the the skippy hole,kept 8 for the neihbours let a heap go and then home,was a good day


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

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Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Nice work Unc, were the bite

Thu, 2017-05-11 15:58

 Nice work Unc, were the bite offs sharks you reckon?

uncle's picture

Posts: 9512

Date Joined: 10/02/07

funny thing was

Thu, 2017-05-11 16:44

my 10 kg braid broke


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Hutch's picture

Posts: 2221

Date Joined: 21/04/13

 Tail might've hit he braid

Thu, 2017-05-11 18:31

 Tail might've hit he braid and broken it or something like that?

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

That ship was sitting there

Thu, 2017-05-11 16:40

That ship was sitting there on Monday. That's where I got my tuna.

Is this the sort of ground you're hitting Unc? Was out there last week at 6:15am and didn't get a bloody thing apart from wrasse and a cat shark. Something loaded up my floating whiting while I was rigging up my other rod but it didn't hook itself.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

uncle's picture

Posts: 9512

Date Joined: 10/02/07

skippy spot in in 6 m.

Thu, 2017-05-11 16:46

we have got pinkies there and a KG,
where the pinkie and salmon were is in 10 m.inbetween the inside and outside reefs


all aggressive fish love bigjohnsjigs

Jackfrost80's picture

Posts: 8156

Date Joined: 07/05/12

Cheers Unc. Looks like I'll

Thu, 2017-05-11 17:23

Cheers Unc. Looks like I'll be doing my 1st dusk/night fish solo tomorrow as all my usual crew are going to the Eagles so keen to hang around the marina rather than head down to Hale Reef. Marked a nice drop off just outside the gap on Monday.


Officially off the Pies bandwagon

Ashen's picture

Posts: 1042

Date Joined: 22/03/13

Good report

Thu, 2017-05-11 16:54

 Nice report as usual Uncle.

That fish your mate is holding in the pic is worth half a lamb! Dylan will know what I'm talking about! Lol



A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!

dw72's picture

Posts: 139

Date Joined: 19/02/15


Thu, 2017-05-11 19:27

bird gets the worm. good fish