Abrolhos Islands Fishing Trip

 Hey Guys!!

Just letting you know our first (Non Group booking) trip to the Abrolhos Islands is on the 20th - 23rd of Febuary 2016.

This is a specialist fishing trip where you don't have to book as a group, instead we put the group together. Its 4 days at the Islands to enjoy pure adventure and enjoy all the Abrolhos has to offer! Plenty of rod bending action aboard one of the best suited vessels on our coast!

Head to our website to the pricing page for all the info and contact us on there!

Look forward to having a great time!




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beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

Will you be using the tenders

Tue, 2015-08-25 08:58

Will you be using the tenders on the Abrolhos trips?


Posts: 790

Date Joined: 25/05/12

 That's a sweet looking set

Tue, 2015-08-25 18:34

 That's a sweet looking set up, I've seen this boat in hillaries harbour.. Now I know I  might have too book in a trip one day, and like above says will tenders be used 

BlueWaterAdventureCharters's picture

Posts: 19

Date Joined: 09/08/15

 Hey Guys! Yeah of coarse the

Wed, 2015-08-26 18:39

 Hey Guys! Yeah of coarse the tenders will be used, they are perfect for accessing all the inner reef spots for flicking lures and stick baits etc at the coral bombies for Baldies and Coral Trout. So much fun!! They are kitted out with good sounders too, makes for good fun with 2 and can encourage a bit of competition between the crew on each haha.

Yeah the vessel is in hillarys at the moment getting some work done so she's all good to go for next year.
