Abrohlos charters

fellow fishers...

Looking at doing a live on board charter next April in Abrolhos.
Enquired with one which was booked out for the times we wanted and another hasn't bothered responding.
Looking at going with Blue Juice charters.
Anyone been on or heard good reviews about them?
2 girls that love fishing, counting down the days!


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05

Blue water adventure charters

Thu, 2016-10-06 18:57

 Have you enquired with these guys? Used to be sponsors on here.


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phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

no I haven't. Might check

Thu, 2016-10-06 20:26

no I haven't. Might check them out. Recommended ?


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Thu, 2016-10-06 20:29

 Tell him Adam from FW gave details, have heard only good things and the posts on here were of solid catches.




Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance

phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

cheers, will do.

Thu, 2016-10-06 20:36

cheers, will do.


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


Posts: 212

Date Joined: 30/12/08

Do yourself a favour

Thu, 2016-10-06 20:29

 Steer clear of bluejuice  absolute COWBOYS 


phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

really? They seemed ok when I

Thu, 2016-10-06 20:35

really? They seemed ok when I contacted them..Its a fair chunk of cash we're handing over so I obviously want a good experience...so any feedback is appreciated.


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


abrohlosorbust's picture

Posts: 99

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Pelican Charters

Thu, 2016-10-06 20:34

Try Brandon and Pete at Pelican charters



 Getting wet is part of the Fun

Boston Whaler 235 Conquest

m.jamo's picture

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Thu, 2016-10-06 20:47

whitey from Seasport charters out of Kalbarri will be doing trips out there with his new boat later in the year is by far one of the best fishing charters that I've been on. Will be taking up to 4 people for up to 3 or 4 nights. Will defiantly put you on the fish.  


 Take a fish boating.

phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

4 people on a charter sounds

Thu, 2016-10-06 21:01

4 people on a charter sounds gold. Will look into it. Thanks :)


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


snapper_seeker's picture

Posts: 172

Date Joined: 24/04/12


Fri, 2016-10-07 06:26

 check out Saltwater Charters, great crew and couldn't rate it any higher after going this year! http://www.saltwatercharterswa.com.au 

beau's picture

Posts: 4109

Date Joined: 24/01/10

I'd imagine hes the one thats

Fri, 2016-10-07 08:08

I'd imagine hes the one thats probably booked out!


phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

nah, was Apache charters..

Fri, 2016-10-07 15:15

nah, was Apache charters..


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


Pitty's picture

Posts: 161

Date Joined: 08/12/12

 Apache are very good

Fri, 2016-10-07 17:43

 Apache are very good operators though



Posts: 200

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 Second Saltwater  charters,

Fri, 2016-10-07 10:42

 Second Saltwater  charters, craig's tops.

Poppy's picture

Posts: 98

Date Joined: 19/01/13

Abrolhos Charters

Fri, 2016-10-07 13:07

PM sent Phatfisher1 


A pessimist is never disapointed

Posts: 65

Date Joined: 02/02/16

 went on a charter to the

Fri, 2016-10-07 13:48

 went on a charter to the abrolhos with blue juice this year and found them to be a good bunch of blokes. Fishing was tough but still caught plenty and had a ball.

phatfisher1's picture

Posts: 40

Date Joined: 05/12/15

 Cheers for all the feedback

Sun, 2016-10-09 19:45

 Cheers for all the feedback fellow fishos, was very helpful. Hopefully be posting some pics next year of some prize catches and some big cheesey grins !


 Partner wanted, must have boat...please send picture of boat.


Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 659

Date Joined: 21/09/09

 All depends on the crew you

Mon, 2016-10-10 21:14

 All depends on the crew you end up with. Deckie with a possitive attitude and good work ethics. Personally couldnt give a rats ass what attitude the skipper has as long as he knows how to find fish lol but it does suck when you have a shit skipper. I know because i used to work for them. Some good, some bad. If gary still owns bluejuice make sure you get on with him or aaron. Both experienced fisherman that know there stuff. But at the end of the day its just another charter company thats poorly managed from time to time. +1 for craig at saltwater. Only fished with him once but was a much more enjoyable experience allround for me.

Posts: 169

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Bluejuice Charters

Tue, 2016-10-11 07:58

Took my son 14 yr son in July just gone.

Skipper - Really good bloke & knew what was going on.

Deckies x2 - Good blokes but one spent more time fishing than some of the customers.

Boat - Average, Old & tired.

          Food - Really good & Deckies did a good job preparing.

          Sleeping quarters hard work. Vey confined & not much room below deck.

          Only 1 toilet. As you could imagine with 12 blokes onboard got a work out & wasn't too inviting.

Overall - We both had a ball & caught plenty of fish.. (Nothing huge all trip but lots of different species)

Would I go again - Yes but I'd pay a little more and go on a better boat & a different time of year.

Send us a PM if you'd like more info!

Hope this helps.




birky's picture

Posts: 34

Date Joined: 27/03/11

Saltwater Charters

Tue, 2016-10-11 08:38

Been up there with Craig a few times. He is a gun, knows all the spots, doesn't waist any fishing time and will put you onto anything you want to catch. He is a very chilled out skipper which makes it a more enjoyable experience.

GrahamM's picture

Posts: 648

Date Joined: 19/01/09

 Hey there i havent been with

Thu, 2016-10-13 18:41

 Hey there i havent been with blue juice for a couple of years but i would hope that they changed the skipper and crew as i have done many trips and live aboards and this would sadly have to be one of the worst i have ever experianced the first time i went with them they were great and used them often and the more i used them the worse it got crew back then got complacent and slack