30 Fishing Videos

We now have 30 fishing video's online, which cover an amazing variety of species and techniques.

Make sure you check them out:



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Posts: 485

Date Joined: 04/02/06

Sorry Adam

Mon, 2006-02-13 11:51

I'm on dialup - would take me all day to download em and space is tight at the moment...

Lookin at the stills is enough for me - maybe when i upgrade puters again sometime. Do you all use your mobile phone camera's to get these vids?

Just curious - sounds like a lot of fun to0 do and share - where will all this technology stop? Tough enough keeping up with it all for kids - let alone us old Pharts!

Specially those of us with Phat Phingers syndrome...who get a occasional telstra phone message like this "Your Phingers are too phat to dial the selected numbers, please use a pencil - or mash the keypad with your FIST now for issue of custom dialing wand!". :rollseyes:

I dunno, If I'd known what technology would eventually do to us 30 years ago, we coulda killed the dude who invented the calculator and put a stop to all this!

Stop the world, I wanna get off!


Posts: 8

Date Joined: 12/02/06

That is a good collection of

Mon, 2006-02-13 13:56

That is a good collection of video. Keep up the good work. Well done and three cheers for all contributors...:)

Posts: 8

Date Joined: 12/02/06

That is just the most

Mon, 2006-02-13 13:54

That is just the most wonderful collection of video you got there. Keep up the good work. Three cheers for all the contributors...:)

Adam Gallash's picture

Posts: 15655

Date Joined: 29/11/05


Mon, 2006-02-13 17:43

Thanks for that, keep sending the video's in and I'll host them for you.

Bit of bad luck about the dialup Flywest. When you get broadband, download some of the videos.. Worth the watch :)))


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SHizz's picture

Posts: 1556

Date Joined: 07/08/05

definatly some good footage

Tue, 2006-02-14 12:34

definatly some good footage in there ;)

honsu chin's picture

Posts: 2086

Date Joined: 20/09/05

awesome vids

Tue, 2006-02-14 13:12

awesome vids there...particularly the sambo "whipping" one hehe
