25 meters, hillarys
Hit the ramp today at about 10am, had the normal queue at hillarys with cars darting in and around the reversing trailers causing much frustration, still managed to to get in and away quick enough. We pulled out of the marina only to be greeted by stiff easterlies chopping up the water so we decided we'd hang in close until it died down. We manged a couple of squid drifting over the weed beds and went for a troll with no success. By about twelve the wind had died considerably so it was time to hit our target for the day. Todays dive would be a lonely little reef out in 25m sort of towards rotto, we pointed west(ish) and with finally flat seas and travelling almost seven miles we arrive to find SOMEONE ELSE IN OUR SPOT!
Well pretty much anyway, The tanker was about 150m away but coming from two miles away i was pretty pissed as it seemed he'd dropped his anchor on my mark thus making the trip fruitless, i wasn't game diving under a cargo ship.
Well anyway we dropped our anchor trying to figure out what direction the non exisistant wind was coming from, Its unsettling for me anchoring this deep with no wind coz if it changes direction the boat swings on a lenght of 90m of rope meaning we have to ascend not knowing where the boat is and a long surface swim. Anywho we logged on with 6LQ and down we went to 22m ontop of the reef
We settled on 22m straightened our gear, tightened up and off we went right into the biggest school of bullseyes i've yet to expirience with jacqui taking the happy snaps i managed to loop my first flathead for the dive
Last time we dived here we didn't get very far and this time i wanted to get onto new ground so we powered through the usual sights and hit the ledges at 25m. This is wen i saw some absolute monster crays i couldn't believe the size of some of these things i managed some good size crays and my new pb, a male with a 121mm carapace. some of the real beauties down there would see me coming from meters away and back right up out of reach.
... 130 bar left.... then i got the cray fever.We heard a boat go over head and after about another twenty minutes i'd filled my bag with five crays and also managed to loop another flattie another pb at 55cm, jacqui had almost filled up the memory card.
Then i looked at my SPG sh#t 60bar and still at 25m and about 70m from the descent line... if its still there, i motioned to jac .... air ..... 60 ..... boat that way..... ascend ... got the ok and off we went.... ooo more feelers one more wont hurt, yep got it .... 50 bar... turn around dam woman! stop taking more photos! motion to her ..HURRY UP ... 40bar... and i ascended to 15m to try use less air ... 30bar... powering through the blue for the line wasn't the best idea i should've took it easy as i just used more air but managed to make a straight line for it, ascended to 5m turned around to see jac still 15m behind me, i still dont think she took my air situation seriously till i ran my fingers across my neck three times and her eyes bulged, i was having to literally suck the last breathes out of my tank anywho i spent the next three minutes of safety stop sharing her air having to undergoe 3 long minutes of head shaking, evil eyes and her your a f#&kin retard look.
Now its not something i was proud of and after over 400+ dives many of them 20m+ i've never emptied my tank and i always take every precaution wen diving. We keep a very high standard of safety we always plan the dive and dive the plan. But it just shows no matter how big the crays are how enjoyable the dive is dive with a buddy,watch your SPG and BE WARY OF THE CRAY FEVER!
Anywho i had enough air to half inflate my BCD and i pretty much copped it wen our heads came above water, luckily(sort of) her attention was diverted wen we noticed a runabout had pulled up within 15m of our boat! and started fishing!, it didn't bother me much as the engine wasn't running and we had no way of hitting our heads at 25m. but still the nerve wen we surface, me not caring i gave a cheery "hello" got a "hows it goin?" back and a "Sorry mate but your ontop of my mark" i always just figured it was all our ocean and it was a big reef too, he didn mean anything by it but he also didn't have to be right inside the 50m, after a polite conversation he hadn't had any luck so I started showing him the crays and flatties i caught on "his" mark :) but he was a good bloke and no harm was meant
Not the best pic but here they are my two new PB's. Managed 6 crays, returned 1 as it was tar spotted, and the 2 flatties.
Avert your eyes from the man boobs:) they're new and i'm still sensitive haha
Dave J.
Ryan Thipthorp (not verified)
Posts: 16
Date Joined: 01/01/70
Cray & report!
A good read RM, funny as. The other guy/boat whilst not doing any harm shouldnt be anywhere near you regardless, the rule is there for our safety.
Good to see you got your bag with a PB thrown in, a good-en. I do agree about safety 100%, we're curently diving to 45m and no cray is worth issues, push the boudaries and pay the price....bugger that!
* Oceanside- Advice, Knowledge, Experience....that's our difference *
Owner of "Oceanside Tackle & Marine"
364 South St, O'Connor, Perth Ph 9337 5682
Posts: 1901
Date Joined: 03/05/08
Always the way...
...seems like 90% of the crays show up during the last 10% of your air! Good argument for hookah, except for the guy coming up on you with the boat; wouldn't want my hose lying around on the surface with him driving through!
Posts: 9358
Date Joined: 21/02/08
Dunno, if you're on a hookah
Dunno, if you're on a hookah and have unlimited air, doesn't that mean you would't find any crays?
I managed 4 crays out where I was diving with Ozlobster last week but they seemed a lot harder to find after a weekend of fishing pressure, or the moon, or ????
I did find a crack in the sea floor that lead to a ledge, put my head in and it was lousy with crays bit it was so short and narrow they were all safe. Deep enough that I couldn't get them by hand, and the bend so steep that I couldn't get the bloody snare in there!
Posts: 184
Date Joined: 25/01/08
what a great day, the water
what a great day, the water looks great and clear.
Posts: 711
Date Joined: 22/09/08
Yea the water was awesome
Yea the water was awesome after about 1pm, just spewin for we just planned a weekend at rotto this week. i've hell been looking forward to it... now i'm just waiting till we get back so we can shoot back out there and chase some more of those crays but alas that'll have to be weeks away
Dave J.
Adam Gallash
Posts: 15655
Date Joined: 29/11/05
Great read
Great read reefmonkey. Cheers for sharing.
Site Admin - Just ask if you need assistance
Posts: 29
Date Joined: 15/11/08
Top story mate. Had a
Top story mate. Had a similar nast experience in Rotto on sunday. After spending 72 min at 11 metres, we had a 45 min break and hit a second spot 100m away.
Although we descended at 12m, the chase for crays took us into unplanned territory. I filled the catch bag and ffter a distracting battle with a dhui, I noticed I was at 35 bar, 22m with a 3min deco required. F$#K!!!!!
I couldn't get my dive buddies attention and there was no time to go get him. I made the split decision to head up alone and although I made a very controlled ascent, i simply did not have enough air for the deco. I've never watch a guage so much in my life!
Like you mate, I've done hundreds of dives and the simple fact is, I got complacent and sloppy. I even left my pony pottle on the boat thinking I wouldn't need it on a 12m dive.
It was a great wake up call and hard slap on the face to make me remember how seriously dangerous diving is when you get comfortable. I lost respect for the sport in a moment and it almost bit me very hard.