100 Fathom Fishing Club - 2014 Deep Drop Tournament

Since moving to Louisiana I've experienced some mind blowing fishing and got involved with the 100 Fathom Fishing Club. Our annual tournament kicks off next week in Alabama and I will be throwing reports and pics up on the site (piscatus.net). Thought I'd share with you the updates / reports as we get underway.... if the pics dont give me too much hassles I'll post them here too. Enjoi!


100 Fathom Fishing Club’s Deep Drop Fishing Tournament Almost Underway

2014 Sees the 100 Fathom Fishing Club (100FFC) take the annual deep drop tournament to the deep blue yonder off Gulf Shores, Alabama. The tourney runs from June 11 > 14 and is shaping up to be bigger and badder than the 2013 event (held in Venice) with more boats, more anglers and more sponsors on board than ever before.

The tournament is a great place to meet others with the dreaded deep water addiction and is open to all 100FFC club members. The tournament entry fee is $25 per angler which is a small price to pay considering the work behind it and prizes on offer. Even better, the tournament also pairs up offshore boat challenged folk with skippers ensuring that even folks like me can get in on the deep drop action.

All entrants receive impressive captains bags with boat owners getting a little something extra for their support. Major prizes will be awarded for the biggest fish in each of the 8 following categories

  • Snapper - Mangrove and Red
  • Grouper - Snowie, Yelleredge, Scamp, Other *Warsaw & Jewfish ineligible 
  • Tilefish - Golden, Blueline, Sand
  • Freakfish - Bearded Brotula, Barrelfish, Wreckfish, Wahoo, Dolphin, Tuna, etc *Reef Donkeys ineligible 
  • Swordfish - Heaviest Sword wins it
  • Warsaw - Heaviest Warsaw wins it
  • 1st Place Boat - heaviest crew aggregate from among the combined Tile, Grouper, Snapper, Freak divisions
  • 1st Place Angler - heaviest angler aggregate from among the combined Tile, Grouper, Snapper, Freak divisions

While plenty of fun will be had, there is a serious side to the event with both monetary and protein donations being pledged to charity. The club has selected the Salvation Army Homeless Shelters and the Recreational Fishing Alliance as beneficiaries for this years tournament.

The sponsor list (see below) is truly staggering this year! Kudos to all the companies who have shown their support, many for a second year in a row. I don’t need to tell you how important the sponsors are to these events and competing or not we need to return the favor whenever possible. I will post updates and pics as the tournament gets underway, stay tuned!

2014 Deep Drop Tournament Sponsor Hall of Fame

Stay tuned for updates! Captains meeting is Tuesday night with fishing starting next Wednesday...





Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09


Wed, 2014-06-04 15:55

That is an impressive list of sponsors Chris. Unfortunately not all the links seem to work. Sounds like a great tournament and look forward to seeing some pics.



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

Crikey, thanks Alan! I'll get

Thu, 2014-06-05 07:03

All fixed now.. Thanks for the heads up

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09

Interesting sponsors products

Thu, 2014-06-05 12:31

If you have a few hours to kill and you like looking at fishing stuff I suggest you have a look at some of the sponsors products listed above. There are some interesting products there that I have never seen before either in Australia or elsewhere.
For example, check this out:



crasny1's picture

Posts: 7006

Date Joined: 16/10/08

Yes Im impressed

Thu, 2014-06-05 13:14

Could save your chewed up favourite lure.


"I would like to die on Mars. Just not on impact!!" _ Elon Musk

Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

 Glad you enjoyed the list

Fri, 2014-06-06 05:20

 Glad you enjoyed the list Alan, we have been very lucky with the diverse tackle industry connections one of the club members has.. I will be getting some pics of a lot of this stuff in action so will post it here FYI.

Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

Deep Drop Rigs – Last minute

Mon, 2014-06-09 02:25

Deep Drop Rigs – Last minute prep

With days left before the tournament I took the opportunity to invite el Presidente over for a crawfish boil, a few brews and a deep drop rig tying session. Photos of the results below.

Anatomy of the basic deep drop rig – left to right:

  • Sinker connection loop. Just a plain loop with 10mm length sleeve. Sinkers will be connected with a zip-tie which will fail if sinker gets snagged.
  • Main line is 400lb mono approx 12″ between droppers
  • Droppers made with swivel sleeves.
  • Dropper is 200lb mono approx 12″ long terminating in B2 squid and mustad 12/0 offset circle. Sleeves at either end are shot 10mm versions.
  • Luuo do-dad above first dropper is a lumo case enclosing a tight pore sponge. You soak the sponge in fish scent before dropping down. Cant remember where I came across these but I’m convinced they are worthwhile. They also do some lumo rattles which im yet to try.
  • Main line connection loop is a 20mm sleeve and a lumo thimble (not visible).

deepdrop rig tilefish


Below are a few different deep drop dropper styles. First up is the B2 lumo squid.

deepdrop dropper tilefish


Kailin glow grubs on circle hook with lumo bead

deepdrop dropper tile fish grouper cod


Kailin glow grub threaded directly on the dropper line. I used a rigging needle to make the initial hole

deepdrop dropper grouper tilefish


I also tied up a bunch of spare droppers so I can quickly replace any that get abraded or lost

deepdrop droppers


I thread the sleeve for the mainline connection onto the dropper and embed it in the top of the squid dressing. Saves having to search for sleeves each time you change out a dropper.

deep drop spare droppers


4 Deep drop rigs and some spare droppers ready to go.
tile fish rigs



sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Those swivel sleeves are really neat

Mon, 2014-06-09 06:30

Like a three way but far better given only one knot / sleeved join.  I bet the deep droppers here in the west are all taking note of the rig systems particularly the use of lumo soft plastics to act as attractants - what bait do you tip the hooks off with ?? 



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

DD bait

Mon, 2014-06-09 11:44

 Any resilient fish will work well cut into nice neat strips. The important thing is to cut neat strips and take the time to hook them up correctly, its a long way up and down and stramlined baits that do not spin make a world of difference.. For this reason im not a fan of adding squid although a carefully baited squid will ride well up and down.

Hands down best bait however is giant squid wings. Actually humboldt squid wings. The wings are a fat 1 inch thick. The stuff is white and tough but always easy to get off if you wanty to change.. You can cut the neatest tapered baits ever with this stuff. If I cant find any in Oz when I get back Im gonna have to look at importing somehow, this stuff is the bomb!

Geoff78's picture

Posts: 324

Date Joined: 05/03/13

 sounds like you could also

Mon, 2014-06-09 13:38

 sounds like you could also use cuttlefish flesh. I like the look of those sleeve swivels too.

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09

Spare droppers

Mon, 2014-06-09 09:57

Chris an alternative for the spare droppers is to crimp a loop (say 2" long) at the top. To change out a dropper you simply thread the loop through the eye of the swivel and then draw the hook back through the loop. No on board crimping required, quick and easy.



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

I have done that for

Mon, 2014-06-09 11:50

I have done that for shallower bottom bashing rigs and while it would work for the deep stuff I prefer to go the extra mile and crimp it.. The 200# loop to swivel connection is a bulky connection and the loop itself is adding bulk. Wherever possible I try to cut down on bulk to reduce resistance on the way up, down and also to assist holding bottom. Of course a heavier weight would solve that as well but Im alwways trying to minimize the size of weight im using to get down.

One other option ive used is crimping on heavy hawaian snap to the end.. But I find I can crimp straight on to the swivel just as quick as I can open up the heavy duty hawaian snaps.  I guess a good crimp too helps a lot with this.

sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Where do you get the sleeve swivels

Mon, 2014-06-09 14:25

Would like some to try here in the West but have never seen anything like it ? 

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09

Most tackle shops have them in Perth

Mon, 2014-06-09 14:41

look harder or ask. :-)



sunshine's picture

Posts: 2629

Date Joined: 03/03/09

Spend hours in them and haven't seen them

Mon, 2014-06-09 14:45

Seen similar and use similar but not with a swivel just a clip used for attaching running sinkers or I wouldn't have asked !

Alan James's picture

Posts: 2243

Date Joined: 30/06/09

Sleeve swivels

Mon, 2014-06-09 14:53

I have purchased them from both Campbells Protackle in Leederville and also Bluewater stores. If you can't find them they are also available on ebay from Escapin tackle and Motackle also stock them.



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

Giant squid wings

Tue, 2014-06-10 06:10

 While cuttlefish is awesome bait, there is no comparisson to giant squid wings (actually humboldt squid). When you see it for the first time you will realise why.. Each wing is perfectly flat and consistent thickness of about 1 inch. THey are triangular in shape and about 1.5' x 2' x 2'. So clean and so easy to work with, cut strips off the long edge and then section that down into 4 solid baits... Really awesome stuff.



Posts: 27

Date Joined: 31/08/06

Deep Drop Tournament Pics

Wed, 2014-06-18 11:57

Deep drop tourney has been and gone for another year. Here are some pics from the event. Will add more text and further pics when I find a minute.


El Presidente gets things rolling on Day 1 of fishing… We had stopped twice already looking for new ground… Joe’s third spot worked a charm….

marks tilefish


Nice little tile for yours truly to open the Tilefish account… Another box ticked.
golden tile


Tommy comes up tight on the new outfit

tommy hooked up


Tommy nailed the biggest Golden Tile for the first foray offshore. Well deserved!
deep drop alabama tilefish


tilefish deep drop


El Presidente posing for the camera
mr 100ffc


And coming up tight right on cue

el Presidente deep drop
Four on the rail with no issue. We fished a fifth on starboard.

Deep Dropping


Mark pulls the first fish from Tiley Town early morning  on day 2

MArks Golden Tile


Joe with a nice double header, not uncommon for the day

Joes double Glden Tile


Micro Tile on a whole hardtail

Golden Tile on Hard Tail


Australia gets a few runs on the board

Golden Tile Deepdrop


And then knocks it out of the park with this 28# modelGolden Tile Deep Drop



Golden Tile Deep Drop
Tommy doing it tough after his brand new leccy gave up the ghost early on day 2….. gear failure is a b%tch in the deep.
Manual Deep Drop


Someone got awfully excited when they thought they broke their own world record for the third time in one lifetime.. Alas, it came up short…. Marko with some evil spiny scorpion cod.

MArks near 3rd World Record


Tommy and his sponsors really came through this year with some great stuff. In return the shelter will be dining on Tilefish a la Tommy in the very near future.
Deep Drop Prizes


Tommy took out the Grouper award for his yellow edge and  scamp, both caught on jig.. The scamp was last fish of the day after we stopped on some likely structure on the way home.

Deep Drop Grouper


Yours truly accepting the coveted freakfish award from Mark ‘n’ Joe.. Deep Drop Freakfish


With Reds off the menu and mango’s nowhere to be seen. A  beeliner somehow earnt me the snapper title….. Deep Drop Snapper

Mr Tilefish 2014 :-p

Deep Drop  Tilefish


Thanks to Joe and Tammy for the venue and food… Best smoked tuna dip ever!

Deep Drop Joe Alabama


And Tommy for his amazing work behind the scenes, legend!Deep Drop Tom Florida


Major prize was a custom Crowder Deep Drop rod.. Ripper!!!
Deep Drop Champion Angler


Plan B / Joe with his Anteater jigs.. Tammy was also looking forward to the new marine bean bag.Deep Drop Champion Boat

Nom nom nom

Deep Drop Catch Alabama