Pilbara Glass

Pilbara Glass

Goodz's picture

Posts: 2332

Date Joined: 20/07/09

so shinnneeyyyyyy

Thu, 2010-09-30 21:28

so shinnneeyyyyyy




Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 21/09/09

awwwwww perfection

Thu, 2010-09-30 21:29

awwwwww perfection

dagree's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 08/12/07

Loverlee conditions

Thu, 2010-09-30 21:36

With water like that who cares if you get a fish or two... Would be great just getting out there with a fish being a bonus!!



David (AKA Grumps)

Location: Heathridge.  Toys:  120 Series Prado ... 5.3 Stacer Seamaster/Merc 90HP.

PilbaraBrad's picture

Posts: 3628

Date Joined: 16/05/07

yep, shes not bad ay

Thu, 2010-09-30 21:40

yep, shes not bad ay

scottland's picture

Posts: 3040

Date Joined: 10/05/10

did u get many fish brad

Thu, 2010-09-30 21:41



i support two teams eagles and whoever is playing the dockers

Faulkner Family's picture

Posts: 18094

Date Joined: 11/03/08

its not odten you can drop a

Thu, 2010-09-30 22:05

its not odten you can drop a line and watch the ripples disappear . would have been a magic day


RUSS and SANDY. A family that fishes together stays together

Ben Derecki's picture

Posts: 1926

Date Joined: 10/10/07

Yeah baby.  What a

Thu, 2010-09-30 23:21

Yeah baby.  What a day.


Nice shot mate.  They islands or ships off in the distance?

Dreamtime's picture

Posts: 660

Date Joined: 21/09/09

the life.

Thu, 2010-09-30 23:27

pic is now my background hahaha everytime i turn my computer on it will make me wanna go fishin even more lol

Gully's picture

Posts: 963

Date Joined: 04/10/05

Unreal - what else can you

Fri, 2010-10-01 06:59

Unreal - what else can you say.

Normally days like that only come up when you have to work

Brooky's picture

Posts: 74

Date Joined: 25/04/10

pure torment

Fri, 2010-10-01 07:49

Thats not a nice thing to put up to show everyone especially when your looking at it from work (now looking out the window with glassy eyes waiting for the day to finish)


Just get me back on the water

Webby's picture

Posts: 835

Date Joined: 24/09/08

awsome mate, its getting to

Fri, 2010-10-01 07:57

awsome mate, its getting to that time of year, hope we get some good weather in the next couple of weeks.


I live with fear every day... sometimes she lets me go fishing.

Brucesta's picture

Posts: 1721

Date Joined: 29/05/09

ahh looks like last weekend

Fri, 2010-10-01 08:05

ahh looks like last weekend of here, love it when it's like that and it's not too hot, nice pic Brad and i hope there was some fish to go with it


Las Vegas - Rolling the dice and trying your luck. 1M+ Barra summer target. 100kg Black Marlin winter target

GusG's picture

Posts: 547

Date Joined: 07/04/08

Wow, that is awesome!

Fri, 2010-10-01 11:43

Wow, that is awesome!

Posts: 501

Date Joined: 09/07/10


Fri, 2010-10-01 13:05


Fozz's picture

Posts: 224

Date Joined: 01/08/08

Fingers Crossed

Fri, 2010-10-01 16:57

That sort of weather hangs for a few more days, heading to K-town Sunday & out to a mate shack for 4 days of R n R n F.


MattMiller's picture

Posts: 4171

Date Joined: 15/06/09

Nice water

Fri, 2010-10-01 17:47

my mrs would still get seasickWink

STEVE231's picture

Posts: 1443

Date Joined: 05/01/10

But that's a good thing

Fri, 2010-10-01 17:49

But that's a good thing isn't it Matt??

Posts: 9358

Date Joined: 21/02/08

Not enough lumps, I wouldn't

Fri, 2010-10-01 18:49

Not enough lumps, I wouldn't know what to do ;)
