Massive rig

Massive rig

 Saw this massive rig 9.5 mt razorline come into ocean reef today .  Then put it on a trailer big rig with twin 350 motors the land cruisor 200 series struggled but looked like a Suzuki towing a 6 mt rig, wouldn't want to be towing this rig to Exy for a weeks fishing but  what a rig ,  power ball I want one Stewart 

Posts: 6265

Date Joined: 26/04/14

 thats the one new sponsors

Sun, 2015-08-16 20:43

 thats the one new sponsors of site made razorline, richmond tigers emblem?



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 nah this is the one i was

Sun, 2015-08-16 20:55

 nah this is the one i was thinking off

Adam Gallash's picture

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Sun, 2015-08-16 20:47

 Monster of a boat, epic


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solly's picture

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wonder what the weight is

Sun, 2015-08-16 20:53

 look more than 3,5 tons ?????


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 What I was thinking solly.

Sun, 2015-08-16 21:06

 What I was thinking solly. Must be 2mm plate to get that rig under 3.5t


Does anyone know where the love of god goes, when the waves turn the minutes to hours?

Vinesh87's picture

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 Yeh i looked at the 8.5m

Sun, 2015-08-16 21:15

 Yeh i looked at the 8.5m version and it was well over 4t! Hence didnt buy it!

epic restos and marine's picture

Posts: 226

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like the curved transom on

Sun, 2015-08-16 21:52

like the curved transom on ya stewy


Bryce Day's picture

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 As long as heavies don't get

Mon, 2015-08-17 03:51

 As long as heavies don't get him he will be ok

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 Yer that boat was on the

Mon, 2015-08-17 06:32

 Yer that boat wa

s on the market a few months ago for about 160k if I remember correctly 

nice rig 

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 its on the market now for

Mon, 2015-08-17 13:11

 its on the market now for $295k 

Posts: 790

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 Cheers I was way off 

Mon, 2015-08-17 19:21

 Cheers I was way off 

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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The 8m version was for sale

Mon, 2015-08-17 19:36

The 8m version was for sale at allboats for 160 a few month ago! same same

Bodie's picture

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 looking at the back of that

Mon, 2015-08-17 08:35

 looking at the back of that cruiser there is a fair amount of weight on the tow ball as well!


Heavies are not the only issue, have an accident and hurt someone your liable, have an accident and smash up your pride and joy no insurance!


Not a fan of that tub, where is the deck space?

MattMiller's picture

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That weapon

Mon, 2015-08-17 09:03

was at the Mandurah Boat Show last year from memory.

Certainly looks like it 'bending' the towing rules a little....

pelagicyachts's picture

Posts: 1326

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you can GVM upgrade the 200

Mon, 2015-08-17 09:41

you can GVM upgrade the 200 series - need a 70mm ball and suspension changes - its not cheap but then neither is that car or boat :-)

Vinesh87's picture

Posts: 2751

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 Still not legal you cant get

Mon, 2015-08-17 09:43

 Still not legal you cant get a GCM upgrade. I had GVM and suspension upgrade on my 200 series !

Posts: 5832

Date Joined: 18/01/12

 thats right, in WA there is

Mon, 2015-08-17 13:46

 thats right, in WA there is no way to upgrade the tow rating of a vehicle that has one designated by the manufacturer.
Some states seem to be able to do it but the DOT told me as above.


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The older you get the more you realize that no one has a f++king clue what they're doing.

Everyone's just winging it.


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Mon, 2015-08-17 13:22

Sweet rig. I guess if you could afford the boat then something suitable to tow shouldn't be a problem.

devhay's picture

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Just saw thing thing on

Mon, 2015-08-17 13:53

Just saw thing thing on facebook up for sale..

"9.5 razerline RSV with a 2.8meter beam 2012 with twin 350 supercharged verados (mercs)
11kva generator
2 shower 
Sleeps 6 
TV with foxtel (still watch the footy while fishing)


Definitely a monster!


JohnF's picture

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Friggen big dingy!!! Saw it

Mon, 2015-08-17 19:26

Friggen big dingy!!! Saw it on the side of the road, rediculous towing it with that toy. Gonna kill someone.


Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.

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Oh lordy

Mon, 2015-08-17 20:31

What a great piece of ali jealous as.

Posts: 167

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Get someting to tow it

Mon, 2015-08-17 20:33

Get someting to tow it properly FFS

Josh's picture

Posts: 283

Date Joined: 14/09/10

 pretty sure it's on Gumtree 

Mon, 2015-08-17 21:02

 pretty sure it's on Gumtree 

Posts: 6265

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 just a little info, this bad

Sun, 2015-08-23 19:39

 just a little info, this bad boy went 4.5 tonne plus the over width, built by and towed by razorline with a truck, was towed this particular morning from less then 5km from marina with the 200 after delivered by truck to residence. still for sale by razor and 1 of my dream rigs