SYDNEY Fishing
Submitted by captain salty on Wed, 2014-07-23 06:41
G'Day Lads,
I am making the move to Sydney for work in the next couple of weeks, off to the big smoke. I currently live down in Hopetoun, WA and have always fished down here.
No doubt the fishing isnt going to be as good as Hopey but can anyone give me a general run down on what it is like over there, i.e., what species are about that are worth chasing, how far out you need to go to get in good water, any spots and/or any other tips?
Much appreciated,
Captain Salty.
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
shame you're not over there
shame you're not over there now, judging by my facebook plenty of trailer boats getting amongst Bluefin up to 100KG straight out the front (~25nm out). If you're on FB there is a page called "Band of Brothers" these guys seem to have the local game fishing worked out
Paul H
Posts: 2104
Date Joined: 18/01/07
plenty of tailor/salmon and
plenty of tailor/salmon and rat to mid sized kings to be had in the harbour itself and mid to bigger kings on the headlands out side the harbour, throw in Bluefin/Yellowfin and billfish offshore so the change might not be that bad. (apart from the difference in traffic)....
Youtube Channel - FishOnLine Productions
captain salty
Posts: 2
Date Joined: 07/01/14
cheers boys
Cheers boys, dont think il bother chasing the salmon and taylor but keen to get the lures out and also plan on sniffing around a few reefs for snappers. I am guessing getting out wide away from all the weekend warriors will be the way to go.
Posts: 442
Date Joined: 20/11/11
Yep I'd imagine sydney would
Yep I'd imagine sydney would be packed to the rafters with them. Look into a reef or canyon called browns, it seems to be where all the game fishing takes place. Similar to the trench off perth.