squid of!!!
alright so perfect out on the water today so few of us decided on a little squid comp . myself and pat on trusty old joeleen vs a couple mates on brianna who only recently hot the water for the first time in 2 years
so it started of with a little drag race from ocean reef to burns rocks and brianna just won due to her brand spanking 130 evinrude but the win was short lived
we both started a drift infront of burns rpcks and atraight away pat lands a nice squid... then went quiet for half hour or so then bam myaelf and pat are on with one each leaving the score at joeleen 3 brianna 0
next minute we hear the boys on brianna yelling and they landed an absolute horse (25-30cm tube) which we gave em twp points fpr
pat then decided we would throw some twistys for some herring to give the guys a chance and was stunned by the resilts... our lures barely had 2 seconds in the water before being smashed, all up got 10 in 10 minutes and decided that was enough to snack on later .
then we all decided to hit pinnaroo point and there were another 2 squid for joeleen and one more for brianna on the forst drift but pnce again died of so we called it quits
all up and awesome arvo on the water!!
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