Shark fishing on swimming beaches
Hello, I just thought I'd ask for people's opinions and if anyone on FW saw old mate who pulled in the two Tigers at Floreat beach the other day and if so what you thought of the situation? It's hard to get a picture of what actually happened after the media gets hold of it, that's why I'm asking.
Obviously I'm on this page because I love fishing and nothing against shark fishing at all but I mean I think it's one of those things where there's a time and place. When you're wearing an equalizer harness, using a game outfit at a popular swimming beach maybe you're pushing it a bit hard? Not good for the image of the sport if little timmy gets eaten because someone's attracting Bruce with a slab of meat.
Have a merry Christmas anyway, hopefully the weather is half ok!
Posts: 1086
Date Joined: 10/05/14
Chicken or the egg
Was the shark attracted to eat Timmy because of the bait or did the bait prevent the shark from eating Timmy?
What do you think attracts sharks more - 100 people splashing like a school of fleeing fish or a slab of meat on a hook?
The sharks are always there, even if the shark fisherman isn't.
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
I can all but guarantee the
I can all but guarantee the Town of Cambridge will ban shark fishing along its' beaches now.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
floreat drain
I am new to the area and am enjoying fishing at Floreat drain and I see the shark guys paddling their baits out.It seems that south of or in the vicinity of the drain people dont swim and kite surfers go from Scarborough to Trigg Island and City beach south to Cottesloe.I went to fish South Trigg one afternoon and there was 1000 people in the sea.The dog walkers are allowed north of the drain to just south of Scarborough.I lived in Beaconsfield and used to go to South beach a lot but you will still get swimmers right up till it is fully dark.I doubt there will be any banning of anything.I can cast out a whole tailor for Mulloway and bycatch a small shark.
just do it.
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
that stretch constantly
that stretch constantly produces tiger I've got several there when chasing maks
when I chase sharks it's at night no swimmer and baits deployed 300-500m out so idon't see how that would attract sharks any more than old mate burlin up for tailor and herring during the day
But agreed that any Muppet chasing sharks at a busy beach is just gonna stuff it for the rest of us real sharkers wouldn't do that anyhow
How can they ban it they'd have to ban all fishing I've had people have a dig at me when ballooning for mack's not sharks with a gar fish 90 lb single strand and 80lb wind on which is a hell of a lot lighter than my shark gear
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
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Date Joined: 17/06/10
Lets wait and see
With the new "smart" buoys coming on line soon it will be interesting to see just how many times they ark up with detecting sharks nearby. I think all the guy catching the tigers did is make all those blissfully blind people see that there are big-ish bitties around all the time over the coming months closer to swimmers than they would like to believe, and I dodn't believe you need to use any burly to find them.
It is a very sad state of things when people can go about there law abiding business and have too worry about what joe blow or marry will think about what they are doing and raise hell over it.
The guy caught the shark and released it in very good condition. The same good citizens will probably go home lace the lawn with the latest and greatest poison to kill the one or two bugs in the lawn then the next day wonder why they don't see any willy wag tails or other small insect eating birds in the area.
Give me the strength god to live amongst these half wits, for just a few more years.
Rant over
Posts: 376
Date Joined: 21/11/14
cottesloe groyne
I used to fish of Cottesloe groyne as my go to place as a teenager in the late 70s.I called in recently just for a look and a french dude was lobbing live herring under a glitter bug float back towards the beach which had half a million people on it.There is a time and a place for this sort of stuff
just do it.
Posts: 714
Date Joined: 27/11/15
It is also sign posted that
It is also sign posted that there is NO FISHING on the North side of the groyne.! (beach side)
Some people![](
My fishing spots are so secret........... even the fish don't know where they are !!