Port Kennedy Boat Ramp- Big que this morning.
Submitted by Moking on Sat, 2017-12-02 08:24
From what I'm hearing the que was down the main road this morning,that's before you get anywhere near the boatramp.
Glad I wasn't anywhere near that Ramp this morning!
My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)
Shane O
Posts: 926
Date Joined: 22/01/10
Probably a jetski ride day with fridays jetskis, they only use one ramp and help each other take ski's off etc. Does start a few arguments with those waiting with boats though..
Posts: 1252
Date Joined: 30/05/12
Yep- I heard there were a
Yep- I heard there were a few grumpy fisherman/cray pot pullers waiting in the line.
My Dad taught me how to Fish-Thanks Dad.(RIP)
Posts: 400
Date Joined: 16/06/15
Jetski ride
yep it’s a one day a month ride with Friday’s jetski . We help each other to move the group through quickly , average about 20 skis . I missed it as I’m stuck in Bali
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Jetskies should be banned
Like cray pot winches.:):):). Joke ha ha
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
Wasn't pdiddy trying to
Wasn't pdiddy trying to launch the new rig at his new fave ramp holding up proceedings was it?
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
little johnny
Posts: 5362
Date Joined: 04/12/11
Posts: 914
Date Joined: 23/02/12
I was there that day - never
I was there that day - never again, going to safety bay this weekend instead
Posts: 8156
Date Joined: 07/05/12
I'm not looking forward to
I'm not looking forward to Hillarys on Sunday morning... prob stay out at least an hour after the seabreeze kicks in.
Officially off the Pies bandwagon
Posts: 15048
Date Joined: 30/11/09
No one at my boat launch
No one at my boat launch site this morning lol, beach for miles, and a huge box of crays to boot
Love the West!