Maylands bream
Submitted by Ashen on Sun, 2014-12-07 10:11
Caught this morning at Maylands. It's the biggest bream I've ever caught. Measured 42cm.
I caught it, my friend scooped it out and held it for the photo. Caught using squid tentacle. Haha
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!
Posts: 2221
Date Joined: 21/04/13
Nice bream mate
Nice bream mateCallum24
Posts: 1015
Date Joined: 24/06/12
nice fish mate bait or lure
nice fish mate bait or lure
Qualified carpet layer available for jobs big and small
Posts: 1042
Date Joined: 22/03/13
Thanks guys. Callum, I used
Thanks guys. Callum, I used squid tentacles
A fish in the hand is worth 10 in the water!