Lowrance HDS8 sounder malfunctioning

Hi all,

I have a lowrance HDS8 with the standard 50/200kHz HST-DFSBL transducer and have been happy enough with the results we have been getting in depths <100m.  Lately however, the sounder has been malfunctioning soon after I engage the boat into reverse - it stops reading bottom and the depth jumps to <1.0m (see picture for example).  It's not like it's a brief turbulence issue, as the sounder stays like this for 30 minutes to 1 hour.  It doesn't happen when we're driving - even if the conditions are pretty bad.  Each time it happens I try turning the unit off, resetting functions, clearing the transducer and pretty much everything in between; all to avail.  It just sorts itself out after a long while and acts like nothing happened.  I like to try and hold the boat on a spot whilst looking at the sounder readings, so as you can imagine, this is extremely frustrating and makes it very difficult to fish!  I can't even go into reverse to line up a drift with the sea anchor for fear of the sounder dropping out.

Does anyone more electronically minded than me have any ideas as to what may be causing the problem?  In the long run i want to replace the transducer with a 1kW TM260, but don't want to jump into this if the problem is with the unit itself.

Thanks for any help!



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scubafish's picture

Posts: 964

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Done a resent update?

Tue, 2014-02-25 08:59

Done a resent update?



ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 09/01/11

Yep, software is all up to

Tue, 2014-02-25 09:14

Yep, software is all up to date

big blue's picture

Posts: 57

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 What type of power do you

Tue, 2014-02-25 09:12

 What type of power do you have inboard, O/B?

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Sorry, should have mentioned

Tue, 2014-02-25 09:18

Sorry, should have mentioned that we have an outboard and transducer is transom mounted.  2010 200hp yamaha 4 stroke.

Strange as it only started doing it fairly recently - had over 18 months of no problems at all

scubafish's picture

Posts: 964

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If it was me, I would start

Tue, 2014-02-25 09:41

If it was me,

I would start with the checking all connections to trany (not improved)
then remove trany and put on a pole (duct tape) over the side of the boat get clean water and check readings
Without sounding like a nitwit,the unit is set up with the right trany logged into the main software YES?
Screens like that generally mean lost of bottom or dirty water (I.E bubbles etc)
ID sticker should be on the cable of the Trany.



ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 09/01/11

Not sounding like a nitwit -

Tue, 2014-02-25 10:24

Not sounding like a nitwit - I appreciate your troubleshooting help.  But yep, all connections are fine and the correct transducer is selected on the unit.

As I mentioned above, it had been fine for 18 months and has only started doing it recently, and just when reversing.  As soon as I reverse and it happens, it persists - even in clear water, at rest, at trolling speed, at high speed.  It just randomly comes back to life after a long and frustrating wait.   If i don't reverse, it is fine in clear water, at speed, and in poor condition where you'd think any turbulence would similarly effect it.  The transducer location, settings, etc. have all been exactly the same the whole time we've had it.

I find it strange that it persists for up to an hour too - would think any turbulence or other effects would right themselves after that amount of time.  Especially after turning it off and leaving it off for extended periods and checking everything else possible.  Can't really figure it out!  I think i might just buy a new cheapish transducer (P66) to see if the problem continues with that so I can at least eliminate one component.


Cheers mate

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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From my experience this

Tue, 2014-02-25 10:17

From my experience this generally seems to be a turbulence issue (in that the reversing is the cause). Mine does it now and then and a power reboot sorts it out.

That being said was on a mates boat a week ago with HDS7 and same thing happened but power reboot did not sort it this time. Tranny was not reachable from inside the boat and I wasn't going over the side to have a look where we were.

Had structure scan so we just used downscan to get depth (trolling for tuna - so not a huge issue at the time but a pain nether the less), don't know if its sorted since. I know the unit his unit is set up properly - I did it myself.
Unsure why the reboot did not sort it.


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


Bout time's picture

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might be a random thought

Tue, 2014-02-25 10:35

might be a random thought here guys mabe when loading boat on trailer could of been some oil in water from a 2 strke motor coated the transducer and when you reverse it is holding bubbles on transducer which is taking awhile to clear just a thought clean the trasducer and see what happens ??


streaker boy's picture

Posts: 527

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 Ive had the same problem on

Tue, 2014-02-25 10:45

 Ive had the same problem on my hds 10 im running a b164 1 kw and a tranny mount 83/200

when it happened to me at the time i was running the b164 i changed over to the 83/200 changed the settings for it and still couldnt get it to work for the whole day changed back and forward on the trannys  so its def not tranny problems its in the unit and from what i hear its very common 

i ended up buying a furuno 587 afew months back and using the b164 and never had a problem with it 

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Each time it happens I give

Tue, 2014-02-25 10:48

Each time it happens I give the transducer a good check over and thorough clean - doesn't make a difference unfortunately.  I feel as though i've tried almost everything under the sun to get it back online, but time is the only proven solution!

Interesting your mate had a similar issue Paul, albeit just the once?  I wonder if transducers just start to give up over time?  Perhaps taking longer and longer to sort themselves back out after an issue such as turbulence?

Paul H's picture

Posts: 2104

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only happened once but was

Tue, 2014-02-25 11:42

only happened once but was only a week ago so not been out since. Transducer it relatively new (about 16 months old) so age/deterioration "shouldn't" be an issue. Just realised he also still has the 83/200 hooked up on the transom (in addition to the 50/200) should have swapped over to see if it was still doing it. Will do this next time we're out..

PS runs twin 150 Honda 4 strokes not two strokes but not to say there's no oil on the water surface at the ramp from other users.

also wired up to a fuse panel running off the house battery and separate from the ignition system/motor batteries


Youtube Channel  -  FishOnLine Productions


scubafish's picture

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Tue, 2014-02-25 11:34

Note knowing how it's wired up,try wiring it direct to a power source and not through the ignition system.(Clean power supply not connected to boat)
I would see if I could borrow a trany from a loc boat dealer before forking out for new one.



big blue's picture

Posts: 57

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 Is that O/B cable shift or

Tue, 2014-02-25 12:31

 Is that O/B cable shift or electric ?

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Not too sure about

Tue, 2014-02-25 14:08

Not too sure about cable/electric shift sorry.  Assuming it would be cable, but that is just a guess. I will have a look at the setup and try wiring independently to see if it could be caused by some sort of electrical interference perhaps.

Streaker - your experience is what I was a bit worried about, that it would be the unit itself rather than just the transducer or some other cheaper fix.  Will hopefully be able to test out different transducer like you could and see what happens.  If no luck, will be an excuse to get a new Furuno with 1kW transducer...


Posts: 341

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paul h is onto it

Tue, 2014-02-25 15:22

exhaust bubbles getting thrown backwards with reverse gear along with prop wash breaking tranny beam i reckon

Posts: 136

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I've just had a software upgrade

Tue, 2014-02-25 16:32

and after that I found that the selected transducer had gone to "generic". Guess you've checked since doing the software upgrade?

streaker boy's picture

Posts: 527

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 When i had this problem i

Tue, 2014-02-25 16:51

 When i had this problem i googled about it and from what came up seems like its a common problem

try googling it 

now i just run the hds 10 for mapping and my engine data and use the furuno 587 for sounding 

big blue's picture

Posts: 57

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 Maybe check your alternator

Tue, 2014-02-25 18:09

 Maybe check your alternator output @ idle

most of the gadgets nowadays are happy to function on multivoltages,but they don't tolerate spikes in voltage

if your shifting from F thru N toR maybe Yamaha may cut the ignition for a millisecond to assist smooth shift?

this may effect the output voltage to the unit & may be enough to throw the sounder into Bit of disarray & give you this issue

 Best to have dedicated power supply independant of start battery to alleviate this issue

scubafish's picture

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Wed, 2014-02-26 09:27

Will be standing by for the final prognosis .



ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Thanks to everyone for their

Thu, 2014-02-27 08:38

Thanks to everyone for their suggestions and troubleshooting help.  I'll be sure to update this thread if/when i get a solution.

I checked all the wiring last night - it was a bit messy, but the unit is in fact wired directly to the power source, independent of start battery and other accessories.  The negative lead from the unit had several very low gauge wires 'joined' (with electrical tape) before attaching to the power source, so I cleaned this up and joined it properly.  Not sure if this would make any difference, but worth fixing up.

I'd also previously talked to Lowrance over the phone - neither of the technicians had heard of this particular issue before and didn't have too many ideas on how to rectify it.  One assumed that the transducer was to blame.  He suggested attaching a different HDS head unit to our boat to see if it does the same thing with our transducer, or attaching my HDS head unit to a different boat to see if it does the same thing with their transducer.  Could then rule one of the components out.  


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Thu, 2014-02-27 09:29

I had a similar issue with an older LCX unit.
The transducer signal would get lost (not when reversing, just randomly) and would then return anywhere from 1 minute to multiple hours later.
I was about to replace the transducer when the GPS signal from the LGC2000 also failed.
I made the assumption that the head unit was faulty and replaced it with a new HDS.
As it turns out both the transducer and GPS failed within about 3 months of each other, and the head until was "probably" OK (I didn't reinstall it just replaced the transducer).
I would suspect it is the transducer.
IF you can borrow another one would be worth a test I reckon.
The idea of swapping head units is a good idea.

Posts: 12

Date Joined: 07/05/12

Lowrance common problem

Mon, 2014-04-14 06:28

 Mate looks like it's fairly common and an issue with the HDS series. I have an HDS 7 Gen 2 Touch which will all of a sudden lose bottom. It has happened mainly whilst at rest with motor shut down! After some time you look at the screen and boom she's back again?? It's very dissappointing as I upgraded from an old black and white unit which never lost depth just didn't show any detail to begin with!

However when it works I have been very happy with the unit, I also have the structure scan transducer which becomes confused due to the head unto not knowing which depth you're in. After some digging on the web please see below, when I get home will be trying the software upgrade, failing that will be on the blower to Navico.


Let us know how you go,


Posts: 256

Date Joined: 13/08/11

I am guessing your depth is

Mon, 2014-04-14 09:12

I am guessing your depth is on auto.


Try running your sounder on manual depth settings instead. If you prefer to run in auto maybe consider turning on the noise rejection and surface clarity. Fine tune these to find your prefferred setting until you find a happy medium.. If the sounder does jump up shallow while on auto and not re-find the bottom, you should be able to hit the range button set on manual and punch in a depth deeper than what you think is the actual depth, this should allow the sounder to find bottom and track it properly.

I hope that this sorts out you issues.


Ian Macca's picture

Posts: 133

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 I have the same problem with

Fri, 2014-05-02 18:25

 I have the same problem with my HDS5........


Mine only spazzes out when travelling at speed in sloppy conditions. I thought it was due to the tranducer not keeping underwater? I have a 5m boat and its not that hard when travelling at speed for the arse end to rise out of the water and expose the tranducer.


I only turn it on now when at my spots or when travelling around slow looking for ground and its been fine............





Posts: 128

Date Joined: 29/07/12

Check settings

Fri, 2014-05-02 18:58

 I had the same issue, need to select the right transducer. Makes a big difference 

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 09/01/11

OK, so the cleaned up wiring

Sat, 2014-05-10 08:43

OK, so the cleaned up wiring didn't solve the problem unfortunately.

Sulo, I tried the manual depth setting but that didn't help either.  Ian, mine has been fine in sloppy conditions and the problem just started up randomly so it's not an issue with the transducer coming out of the water.  Spitfire, the correct transducer is selected, and as above, the problem just started randomly with no settings or physical setup of the unit changing.  Thanks for the suggestions though!

I have now bought a P66 which is ready to be tested, so as soon as i get a chance, i'll update this thread with the results.  Fingers crossed!

ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

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Sun, 2014-06-15 21:21

So, good news -  it seems as though replacing the transducer has solved the problem!  Only taken the boat out once, but the sounder has not malfunctioned like it did previously.  It drops out with the initial turbulence (as to be expected), but now comes back straight away reading the correct depth.  Hopefully others may find this solution helpful if they have similar issues.

The only annoying thing now is that the P66 transducer cable is ~21ft long compared to the old 25ft Lowrance transducer cable, meaning it doesn't reach the head unit all tucked away neatly under the gunnels to the console.  I spoke to the supplier and they said that Lowrance request this length cable from Airmar.... but they do happen to sell a 3m extension cable.  Furuno and others all request a 25ft cable.  What cheeky f*ers Lowrance are.

bennym_82's picture

Posts: 86

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Problem solved long term?

Thu, 2016-07-14 08:01

Hey mate,

Just started having the same issue with my 5yr old HDS 8, losing depth indication after reversing and only starts reading depth again after prolonged power off. It looks like it's been a couple of years since you replaced the transducer, I was just wondering if the new transducer has held up long term or if the issue has reared up again at all? New P66 seems like path of least resistance if that works.


ALEXANG3's picture

Posts: 71

Date Joined: 09/01/11

Hey Benny,Apart from

Thu, 2016-07-14 08:53

Hey Benny,

Apart from this: fishwrecked.com/forum/transducer-vandalism, the P66 has held up and I have not had the issue again.


I haven't actually chased the transducer and cable back through the boat since having it repaired, so have them loose at the moment.  If you wanted, you could borrow it to see if connecting the different transducer to your head unit solves your problem?  At least then you're not spending $300 on a new transducer only to find that isn't actually the problem.  It might not be so easy without the P66 mounting bracket, but I'm sure you could just attach it to a pole and hold it over the side while reversing or something?




bennym_82's picture

Posts: 86

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No worries

Thu, 2016-07-14 17:06

Appreciate the offer of being able to trial the transducer but I'm down in bunbury so I won't worry about that, thanks anyway. It's only just started doing it and takes 5-10minutes to clear so I'll persist for now but handy to know what the fix is if it starts failing flat out.

By the way, that's pretty messed up whoever cut your transducer cable like that, can't understand why anyone would bother apart from being a complete idiot. Hope you catch 'em eventually.

Cheers again, ben