Top fish Matt, PB that may have been beaten a few hours later had it not been for a dodgy FG knot........may have mistaken an FG for a double granny........
We find the GB best eating in 5-15kg bracket. They have a firm texture on the chew, pure white flesh, mild taste. I'd rate them equal/better to a pinkie. At least one of the FW members prefer GB to Blueeye Trevalla if that's any guide but then I haven't caught a BET myself.
They usually blow their guts/bladder on way up so stomach empty but we've had them cough up various small fish on deck. Often get yellow eye red snapper as a bycatch when fishing GB ground so would not be surprised if they hoover a few of them.
I've caught and eaten quite a few Blue Eye Trevella and Greyband now. BET up to 22kg and GB up to 37kg. The smaller the better.
What I have found though is if you cut the fillets down (like a cutlet) instead of across, they are more tender. Must have something to do with the grain of the flesh.
I still have Rubys, Hapuka and Bass Groper on my bucket list
I had some of this 28.5 kg GB on the weekend and it was very nice, I did cutlets as the fillet was very thick, cut across the grain as you suggested, it makes all the difference to the bigger fish. Very firm flesh, more like a white steak than fish, once you get used to this different texture, it is great.
Posts: 672
Date Joined: 24/01/15
Great Cod
Monster fish mate. Hows the arms feel on Sat.
Sometimes when the water is quiet, you can hear the fish laughing at you !
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Chunky. Top fish Matt, PB
Top fish Matt, PB that may have been beaten a few hours later had it not been for a dodgy FG knot........may have mistaken an FG for a double granny........
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 55
Date Joined: 28/07/12
Great fish
Awesome fish great to watch it come to the surface had a great day.
paul d
Posts: 255
Date Joined: 16/03/13
Great Fish ! 2 Questions 1)
Great Fish ! 2 Questions 1) How good are they to eat? 2) Did you have a look in the stomach and what was he eating ? Just curious.
Cheers Paul
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 20/08/10
Paul We find the GB best
We find the GB best eating in 5-15kg bracket. They have a firm texture on the chew, pure white flesh, mild taste. I'd rate them equal/better to a pinkie. At least one of the FW members prefer GB to Blueeye Trevalla if that's any guide but then I haven't caught a BET myself.
They usually blow their guts/bladder on way up so stomach empty but we've had them cough up various small fish on deck. Often get yellow eye red snapper as a bycatch when fishing GB ground so would not be surprised if they hoover a few of them.
Belly Fish
Posts: 499
Date Joined: 09/03/12
Agree with Langa
I've caught and eaten quite a few Blue Eye Trevella and Greyband now. BET up to 22kg and GB up to 37kg. The smaller the better.
What I have found though is if you cut the fillets down (like a cutlet) instead of across, they are more tender. Must have something to do with the grain of the flesh.
I still have Rubys, Hapuka and Bass Groper on my bucket list
Posts: 2839
Date Joined: 07/07/10
Yep Belly, spot on. I had
Yep Belly, spot on.
I had some of this 28.5 kg GB on the weekend and it was very nice, I did cutlets as the fillet was very thick, cut across the grain as you suggested, it makes all the difference to the bigger fish. Very firm flesh, more like a white steak than fish, once you get used to this different texture, it is great.
Boston Whaler 235 Conquest......getting the flogging it was built for.
Posts: 47
Date Joined: 09/06/14
Wats a good depth for these
Posts: 15
Date Joined: 20/08/10
200m to 300m