FUNDRAISER - please help

Hey guys i know this is probably not the right place for this but it gets the most traffic so here goes.
on november 24th we are holding a fundraiser to help raise money to buy a wheel chair modified van to get my nephew around 
my nephew zak has a shitty disease called freidrichs ataxia which is a disease that basicly wastes away your muscles untill they become useless it affects almost every party of his body apart from his mind 
hes a keen fisho as you can see from the pictures but even this is becoming increasingly difficult for him
(for some reason fishwrecked wont let me post picture at the moment but all the photos are on the fundraising websitebelow
here is a link to the event on facebook
and this is a link to the fundraising website that we have set up there are a few paragraphs here about zak and the disease that he has even if you just read it to raise some awareness would be fantastic.
at the fundraising evening we are holding an auction of donated items so if any buisiness owners or such could donate any goods or services for us to auction it would really be appreciated
there will also be a couple of well known perth singers for entertainment as well as plenty of games and prizes on the night 
thanks very much in advance for any help you guys can give us we appreciate anything you can manage.